APRIL 24, 2015

Do you want to be in the talent show?

Sign up today! Show Trinity your talent! Is it Dancing, Singing, Comedy, Magic, Music, Martial Arts, Acting or something else? Let’s see what you’ve got!

PleasereviewcarefullytheTalentShowrulesand commit to the dates listed above. Please completeandreturntheregistrationform to the office by Friday, February 27, 2015. Any questions, please contact .

Trinity Lutheran’s Talent Show Eligibility Criteria:

Must be a student ingradesK-8 or staff member.

Solo acts or group acts with a maximum ofsix members.

Acts must be limited to 2 minutes.

Any one student may onlyperforminoneact.

MUST attend preview date (3/11/15) and dress rehearsal date (4/22/15).

Must commit to practicing on your own time.

Rated G please! Performances must be compliant with school policy. Music and performances will be screened for appropriateness.

All music and props for act must be provided by the student and present at both the preview and dress rehearsal dates.

Music must be edited to 2 minutes. A CD must be presented at the preview date with the music labeled with student’s name, song and artist. Must be recorded as an MP3.

Singingactsmustusekaraokeversionofsong; piano and sound system will be provided.

Trinity Lutheran's Talent Show

Registration Form (Return to PTFA)

General Information:

StudentName: / Grade: Age:
OthersinAct(maximum6studentsperact): / Teacher:

Act Details:

Parent Authorization:

Ihave readand agreeto ALLoftheTrinityLutheran'sTalentShowRules andIgivepermission formychild toparticipateintheTrinity Lutheran'sTalent Show.Iunderstandthatmychildmustattend the preview date and dress rehearsal dateor my child willbe eliminatedfromthe program.Iunderstandthatbecause oftime,a desire tohaveavarietyoftalents andgroupings (individual,partners,small groups),and grade levels representedduring the showcase, noteveryonewhopreviews their talent willbe chosentoparticipate in the talent show.

Print Name: ______

Sign Name: ______

Would like to volunteer to help out at Talent Show: Yes _____No _____

Phone Number: ______

Email: ______