Using the Certificate Request Tool

  • Sign In
  • Submitting a New Certificate Request
  • Verifying the Status of a Certificate Request
  • Downloading a Certificate
  • Support

Signing in to the Certificate Request Tool:

  • Click “Sign In” at the WMLA Licensing Operations Tool Home Page displayed in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Home Page

  • To enter the site, you need to sign in using a Microsoft account, shown in Figure 2. The Microsoft account is the same ID used by Windows Live, MSN®, and Microsoft® Passport sites. If you do not currently have a Microsoft account, you can sign up for a free account at Please note that we do not manage passwords for Microsoft accounts. If you are having trouble with your account or have forgotten your password then please visit the Microsoft AccountHelp page.

Figure 2: Sign In Page

  • After a successful sign in, click on the Certificate Request Tool to submit your certificate request.

Figure 3: Sign In Success

  • If this is your first use of the Certificate Request Tool, provide information to associate your Microsoft account with your company’s license agreement. Follow the instructions displayed on the page, shown in Figure 3. You will only need to associate your Microsoft accountwith your License Agreement once.

Figure 4: Microsoft AccountAssociation

  • After opening the Certificate Request Tool a list of your Company’s license agreements and related certificates will display, shown in Figure 5. Begin the certificate request process by selecting the “Request New Cert” link next to the applicable certificate type.

Figure 5: Certificate Display


  • You do not need to be a technical contact to request a certificate butcertificates will only be delivered to the technical contact listed on your agreement.
  • The License Agreement Technical Contact(also known as the “SHIP TO”) is the only contact granted access to the deliverables associated with the agreement. To update this contact you will need to visit our Contact Change Website and complete a request form to officially change the contacts on your agreement. (
  • The email address for this contact must be a personal email address with your company domain name (as opposed to a ‘generic’ or ‘alias’ email address), for example, .

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Submitting a New Certificate Request:

  1. Select “Request New Cert” under the appropriate license agreement.
  2. Based on the request type please complete all fields. These fields referenced below are not applicable to every certificate type.
  3. Public Key - xml file that is generated using the process described in the Certificate Request Kit and PlayReady Document Pack. Your certificate may require more than one key which will be located in xml files you generate. Please note that private keys are highly confidential to your company and must not be shared outside of your company, including with Microsoft.
  4. Company URL - The desired URL for the metering aggregation server.
  5. Brand Name – Indicate the brand name under which this product will be shipped.
  6. Model Name – The model name or number which identifies your product internally or externally.
  7. Version Name – Provide version number to distinguish between model names.
  8. Once you have completed the requested information submit your request. You will then be directed to a confirmation page.
  9. Click “OK” to return to the certificate home page to make further certificate requests.
  10. Once a certificate has been generated you will receive an email from informing you that your certificate is available for download.

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Verifying the Status of a Certificate Request

  • The standard turnaround for certificate requests is ten (10) business days. Please be sure to plan accordingly based on this standard SLA. You can check the progress of your request by expanding the history under the certificate type.
  • Expired = This previously released certificate is now expired.
  • Pending = We have received your certificate request.
  • Approved = We have reviewed your request and have submitted it to our Certificate Generation Team for processing.
  • Posted = Your certificate has been generated and is available to download via SpecServer.
  • Re-releasing Deliverables - The Deliverables provided to you are considered Confidential Information under the terms of your license agreement with Microsoft. They must be treated with the utmost degree of care and safeguarding.

Company shall employ procedures for safeguarding certificates at least as rigorous as the Company employs for its own most highly confidential information. Company shall limit access to those employees, independent contractors and/or Authorized Contractors working on PlayReady Final Products and Intermediate Products.

Further, Company shall handle and treat Device Keys for all PlayReady Final and Intermediate Products in a manner that meets the requirements specified in the Compliance Rules. Additionally Company shall secure the Device Keys on PlayReady Final Products in a manner that meets the requirements specified in the Robustness Rules.

WMLA will not re-release previously delivered assets to your company. We recommend Deliverables be downloaded to a secure central location that is accessible by several authorized individuals who possess proper knowledge and documentation on handling (with respect to both License Agreements and all Compliance and Robustness Rules).

  • Deployment Certificate Expiration Information - As defined in your license agreement, PlayReady Deployment Certificates will expire each year on the anniversary of your License Agreement Effective Date. Certificates are released specific to each agreement and should only be used per the terms of that agreement.

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Downloading a Certificate

  • SpecServer Download Instructions
  • If you have not previously downloaded from SpecServer you will receive two emails from . The subject line begins with “Microsoft Confidential.” Please make sure your exchange server is set up to receive mail sent “on behalf of SSL” so the (2) messages will bypass your spam blocker.
  • The 1st email from ill contain your ACCOUNT NAME which is [ fill in your full email address ].
  • The 2nd email from ill contain your SPEC/FILE Password.
  • The password is 8 characters long and includes untraditional characters such as n\T{#< >@.
  • Enter your account name and password here: to access your certificates.
  • SpecServerTips
  • The download will remain available to you for 60 days. If you need to download after this time you will need to contact to regain access to your file. Your Account Name and Password are unique to you as an individual and should be kept on file for future downloads. WMLA does not know or store your password, but can generate a new password if you were to lose your Key. Please be aware that this may take up to 7 business days.
  • For SpecServer password reset requests, please send an email to with a subject line “Password Reset Needed” and include the following information:
  • Your full email address
  • Technology needed
  • License Title and License Number
  • To avoid being locked out, please exit SpecServer after (2) two failed log on attempts. You may re-open SpecServer and try logging on again. This will circumvent being locked out after three incorrect attempts.
  • Current SpecServer Users
  • You will only receive one email containing the SpecServer URL and your account name. Once you receive this email your certificate will be available using your existing passowrd


  • Please contact with questions.
  • Certain certificates cannot be requested or processed through our online tool at this time. If you do not see the certificate you require please contact for assistance.
  • Requests submitted in the tool must be in English only. We apologize for the inconvenience.

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V11.20.12WMLA Licensing Operations