Newsletter 20 2016/2017

13th March 2017

Dear Parents

Family Assembly

Family assembly will now return to Friday Morning at 8.50am.

Red Nose day

We have a supply of red noses for sale in school during the run up to Red Nose Day on Friday 24th March. We will be celebrating Red Nose Day with a non-uniform day and Cake Bake Sale, if all children can please bring something they have baked at home into school we will hold a cake sale during break time. Any money raised will be split between Red Nose Day and Heart Link (East Midlands Children's Heart Care Association) in support of a family in school.

F.O.S Quiz Night 24/3/17

F.O.S are holding a Quiz Night at the Nags Head in Middle Rasen on Friday 24th March, 7pm for a 7.30pm start. Tickets are £5 this includes supper. Please complete the slip below for tickets.

FOS End of Term Disco 31/3/17

To say thank you for supporting the fundraising efforts of our F.O.S, we will be holding a free disco on the last day of term from 3.05pm to 4.30pm, children may bring their party clothes in at the start of school, please add your child’s name to the list in the office.

New Menus

Please find attached the new hot meal menus for after the Easter break. Please complete your choices and return to the office by Monday 20th March. If we do not receive menu choices for children on Universal Free School Meals and Free School Meals, we will order the main meal and pudding option for them.

Yours sincerely

Mrs R Moreton

Head Teacher

Important dates for your diary

24/3/17 Red Nose Day

24/3/17 F.O.S Quiz Night

31/3/17 F.O.S Disco

31/3/17 Term Ends

18/04/17 Term Begins

F.O.S Quiz Night 24/3/17

Name ______

Number of tickets required ____

FOS End of Term Disco 31/3/17

Name(s) ______

Middle Rasen Primary School

North Street

Middle Rasen



Telephone (01673) 843250 Fax (01673) 844599