
1.Life at Dongguk

1)Student ID Card


3)Opening a Bank Account

4)Mobile Phone Services


6)Food & Drink

7)Health Insurance & Medical Services

8)Postal Services

9)Convenient Facilities

2.Class Registration & Grades



3)Evaluation Policy

3.Enjoy Campus Life

1)DUBUD Program

2)Social Activities

3)Sightseeing around Dongguk

4.Immigration Guide



3)Foreigner Registration


Campus Map

Seoul Subway Map

  1. Life at Dongguk

With a huge range of facilities and services, our Seoul campus offers everything that you will need during your time with us. Beyond the campus, the city of Seoul is a safe, diverse and multi-cultural environment.

1)Student ID Card

Your Student ID Card is a multi-functionalsmart card. It can be used at the Central Library (to enter and check-out books), as a transportation card (bus, subway) and as a prepaid check card (cafeterias, campus stores).

You will be issued an ID by theStudent Service Center (Located on the 3rd floor of the Main Hall; Administration Building,  02 2260 8661) when you arrive at the campus.The required documents include:

  • Completed application form for Student ID Card
  • A copy of your passport
  • 1 photo (3 X 4)


We do have a dormitory(a Guest House) just a 10 minute walk from the campus. Usually 2~3persons use one roomin a traditional corridor style with shared bathrooms and a kitchen.

It has shared refrigerators and kitchen utensils, lounge areas and laundry facilities (washing machines and dryers). Laundry facilities are free of charge for unlimited laundry use. The guest house has central heating and an air conditioner in each room.

Rooms are western-style, with 2~3 beds. Every room is equipped with free wireless Internet access. In addition, each person is provided a closet, a desk, and a small bookcase. Each room has a window shade and an overhead light and individual desk lamps are provided. One set of sheets, one blanket, a pillow, and a pillowcase are provided, but students are responsible for washing their own sheets and pillowcase. Students should bring their own towels and slippers.

Furniture must remain in the rooms. There is no space for additional furniture in the room. Stereos, clocks, and hair dryers are permitted. Hot plates, irons, toasters, rice cookers, space heaters and other such appliances are not permitted. Neither smoking nor drinking is allowed in the building.

Dorm residents are responsible for their own meals.

Occupancy / Single / Double / Triple
Per Month / \ 700,000 / \ 300,000 / \ 200,000

We recommend that students complete the applications as soon as possible because space is limited. If you do not want to stay in a dormitory, you can apply for home-stay or rent a one-room near campus which costs approximately 4~500,000 Won per month.

For more information,  02 22603463

(Department of International Relations)

3)Opening a Bank Account

You can open an account in any bank in Korea. However there is easy access to SC First Bank( 02 2260 8990)and Shin-Han Bank( 02 2260 8989)which arelocated on campus.

Those wanting to open a bank account are required to visit the bank in person. You will be given a bankbook in which all of your account activities are printed and a cash card with which you can withdraw money from ATM machines. The required documents include:

  • A Passport or a foreign registration card



4)Mobile Phone Services

There are three big mobile phone companies in Korea listed below. You can choose any of them. You need to visit a branch of the mobile phone company with the following documents in order to get your own mobile phone number.

  • Alien registration card
  • Passport
  • Credit Card
  • SK Telecom [


  • KTF [


  • LG Telecom [



Seoul City has an integrated fare system designed to reduce passenger’s financial burdens when switching between forms of mass transportation.

Basic fares are 1,000 Won when paid in cash or 900 Won when using a transportation card for a given distance no matter how many times a change is made between buses (including Maul buses) and subways. An additional 100 won is charged for every additional 5 km over the basic distance.

A valid T-Money card or transportation card is required for the discount fare. A passenger needs to press the transportation card to the fare terminal when getting on and off the bus (or subway line), and this procedure must be repeated when transferring to another form of transportation to record the distance covered. To be eligible for the discount, a passenger must transfer to the next bus or subway train within half an hour of alighting from the last mode of transportation (or within an hour between 09:00 p.m. and 07:00 a.m. ).

Passengers who pay their fare in cash will pay 100 won more than travelers using a transportation card.

T-Money can be purchased and refilled at vendor kiosks selling bus tickets near most city bus stops, or any Woori Bank branch. Passengers can also use the automated refilling machines located at each subway station. Existing transportation cards will continue to be used, along with T-Money cards.

6)Food & Drink

Studentsare responsible for purchasing their own meals.Students may buy their meals in one of the college cafeterias(Sanglokwon; see page 23),or the many other restaurants around the university. Nearby bakeries have coffee and rolls for breakfast, and both pizza and Chinese food can be delivered to the campus or dormitory. Many meals cost as little as the equivalent of US$5. Most students can eat adequately with a food budget of US$400 per month.

7)Health Insurance & Medical Services

It is advisable for foreign students to take out health insurance before coming to Korea. When you visit a hospital in Korea, you have to pay the total fees up front, and youshould keep receipts for reimbursement by your health insurance company at home.

If you have an injury or illness, you should go to a local clinic or theon-campus clinic first(Located on the 2ndfloor of the Main Hall; Administration Building02 2260 3443).

If you have a medical emergency, you can call 119 for an ambulance to get to the hospital quickly.

8)Postal Services

You can send mail and packages at the post office located on campus( 02 2260 8988). If you are living in the dormitory, incoming letters will be sent to your dormitory, but you will have to pick upbig packages at the security office. Priority mail service, money transfers and express mail services such as EMS, DHL, UPS and other servicesare also available.

9)Convenient Facilities

We are currently operating various stores and student cafeterias for campus life convenience.

There are bookstores, stationery shops, a photo studio, photocopy shops, an optical shop, stationery stores, convenience stores, coffee shops, a Burger King, a hair salon and a terrace café, etc.

See the Campus Map of page 23, Sanglokwon & Dahyang Hall

  1. Class Registration & Grades


Most courses are two or three credits each and meet for one or two hours, two or three times a week. Undergraduate students should register from 12 to 18 credits per semester.


Grade / A+ / A0 / B+ / B0 / C+ / C0 / D+ / D0 / F / P
Mark / 4.5 / 4.0 / 3.5 / 3.0 / 2.5 / 2.0 / 1.5 / 1.0 / 0

*Credits are given for grades above DO.

3)Evaluation Policy

Generally evaluationsare based upon a midterm exam, final exam, attendance, reports, and presentations etc.

  • Basically, all subjects are graded on arelative evaluation.
  • In evaluating courses in General Education, A+, A0 aregiven only to the top 30% of students in the class. B+, B0 are to the top 75% (minus the percentage of A+ and A) of students in the class.
  • Major subjects give A+, A0 to the top 40% of the students attending the class.
  • Language classes,Lab classes and small classes (nine or fewer students) are graded on an absolute scale.
  1. Enjoy Campus Life

1)Dongguk BUD Program(Buddy Program)

The Dongguk BUD Program is designed to assist your life on campus and in Korea. Upon your request, we match you with aDUBUD student who will be your helper and friend throughout the semester.

During your stay at Dongguk University, the DUBUD will meet you regularly or irregularly to build a good relationship. At the beginning of the semester, Dongguk BUD’s main jobs are to help you to settle in your new environment, which may include:

  • Airport pick-up services
  • Help you to find accommodations or guide you inyour dormitory life
  • Help you to register for or change classes & may give you information related to classes
  • Show you around the campus and Seoul
  • Help you with other necessary administrative procedures such as registering at the SeoulImmigration Office and opening a bank account
  • Help you to gain cultural experiences as well as to participate in many events for international students

2)Social Activities

There is a multitude of student groups dedicated to a wide range of student activities from music and theater to mountain climbing, sailing, intramural sports, and social services. The purposes of their establishment are to strengthen interpersonal relationships and to develop students’ abilities to adapt themselves to social organizations. These clubs play very creative roles in the University's pursuit of its educational purposes. The student groups are divided into 7 areas:

  • The social science field covers the viewpoints of history, Marx's philosophy, labor problems, female problems, the press and culture, and the general public.
  • The academic field includes economy, statistical research, cultural properties, cable communication. English, computer, natural science, and Zen studies.
  • The art and creative writing field includes literature, photography, calligraphy, painting, printing, cartoons, film, and advertising.
  • The performance section includes Buddhist choirs, play performance, traditional dance, classic guitar, and music.
  • The social service field includes Association of Buddhist Students, Korean University Students' Association, UN Students' Association, service in farming and fishing villages, Red Cross Youth, sign language.
  • The research field includes economics, politics, trade, management, and accounting.
  • The sports field includes physical and mental training, mountain climbing, underwater investigation, fencing, cave investigation, tennis, amateur baseball, traveling, Paduk, paragliding, hang gliding, basketball, soccer, and military arts.

3)Sightseeing around Dongguk

  • Namsan

Namsan is located in the center of Seoul and considered a symbol of Seoul. Its peak is 265m above sea level. There is the Seoul Tower (2326.7m) from which people can observe the whole city and the recently restored signal-fire post that had been used as a means of communication in the Choseon Dynasty, has been restored recently.

You can walk from Dongguk University to Namsan within 20 minutes

  • Insa-dong

Insa-dong is the art district of Seoul. Traditional tea shops, art galleries, antique shops, restaurants and ceramic dealers line the main street of this district. Every Sunday the street is closed to vehiculartraffic and opened up to street performers, artists and food vendors.

Anguk Station Exit 6 [Subway Line 3]

  • Changdeokgung Palace

In the Choseon Dynasty [1392-1910], King Taejong began construction of Changdeokgung. This magnificent example of ancient architecture was formally recognized as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1997, [Historic Site NO.122]

Admission Fee: 3,000 won, Closed Mondays, Four language guides.

Anguk Station Exit 3 [Subway Line 3]

  1. Immigration Guide


In order to study in Korea for more than 90 days, you need to apply for a D-2 student visa. A student visa can be obtained at Korean consulates, usually overnight. It can be extended here in Seoul without having to leave Korea.

To apply for a student visa (D-2), you will need the following items:

  1. Completed visa application form

(available at )

  1. Valid passport
  2. Certificate of Admission (Acceptance Letter from Dongguk University)
  3. Two passport-size photographs (3.5cm X 4.5cm)
  4. Visa Processing Fee

-Single Entry : 30 USD / Multiple Entry : 50 USD

  1. Bank Statement (or Scholarship Certificate)

If you are a non-exchange student you needto have

-a minimum of 8,000 USD for staying one semester one month prior to application, or

-a minimum of 17,000 USD for staying two semestersone month prior to application.

If you are an exchange student you needto have

-a minimum of 3,600 USD for staying one semester one month prior to application, or

-a minimum of 8,500 USD for staying two semestersone month prior to application.

  • Note 1 : If you already received a C-3 visa (short-term permission for general purpose) instead of a D-2 visa, you must change your visa status within 30 days after arrival.
  • Note 2 : There are two types of Visas; one is single entry, the other is multiple entry. If you want to travel abroad during your exchange program at Dongguk University, we recommend a multiple entry type of D-2 visa. The embassy or consulate will issue you a single entry visa if you do not specifically request a multiple entry visa.
  • Note 3 : If you want to study the Korean language ( you should apply for the D-4 visa.


An application for extension of a D-2 visa should be made at least 30 days in advance of the visa expiring date. The following documents must be submitted to the Immigration Office in person:

  • Passport
  • Foreign residence card
  • Visa extension application form
  • Certificate of enrollment
  • Reference (bank statement in the applicant's name, substantiation of the statement involved with school fee payment / living expenses etc.)
  • Service fee (30,000 won)

3)Foreigner Registration

Within 90 days from the day of your arrival in Korea, you must apply for a certificate of foreign registration at the Immigration Office.

Students holding a D-2 visa should obtain a foreign registration card after their arrival in Korea. The required documents include :

  • Passport
  • Certificate of enrollment for students
  • Foreign registration form (download the form)
  • 1 color photograph (3cm x 4cm)
  • Service fee (10,000 won)

Foreigner Registration Procedure

Immigration Office

-Mokdong Office

-Address: #319-2, Shinjeong 6-dong, Yangcheon-gu, Seoul

-Tel: +82-2-2650-6223

-Directions: Take subway line #5, get off at Omokkyo station. Then go out exit # 7 and walk straight ahead for approximately 10 minutes.

Need More Help?

For more information, please contact or visit thebelow officesat Dongguk University.

  • Department of International Relations

-3rd floor of Main Hall

-02 2260 3462~6

  • Center for Foreign Service

-1st floor of Hyehwa Hall

-02 2260 3438~9

Campus Map

Seoul Subway Map