ScSEED Board Meeting Minutes

Public Lands Office, Saguache CO


Present: Liza Marron, Cam Benton, Hew Hollock, Tess Beneduce, Julie Mach and Lynne Thompson

Absent: Mark Swart

Approved Minutes of 8/11/14 meeting, unanimous.

Development: Anschutz grant Pending, SC Sales Tax Revenue Grant for Fall 2014 still pending.

Roundup Riders grant for VISTA Project: the sign has been ordered, but as of this date no trail work has been done. An extension has been asked and approved for grant money.

Outreach Letter: 3,297 mailing went out with costs of $576.98 for postage and $468.00 for printing. Over 15 direct contacts with Julie, some contacts with questions as to availability for help with grants. Some individual questions came from a teacher at Mountain Valley School and an individual from Center wanting help to start a substance abuse center. $250 was received from three donors. Julie will report web traffic at a later time.

Cam suggested a sponsorship for future mailings to fray mailing/printing expenses.

Went over marketing/E-newsletter analytics, website/FB analytics

New Membership Program Structure: Changed “Individual” membership category to “Households”

Also added wordage “other organizations” to the sentence

Considering 10% discount for Saguache Chamber of Commerce members but only if the discount is reciprocal for ScSEED members.

All approved remainder of program submitted.


Crestone Energy Fair: Sales tax grant application submitted for $5,000.

Little Learners: Mountain Valley School agreed to keep lights/utilities on. Community Bank may be making large donation to keep doors open temporarily. Lacy is working to assemble a board.

NSLVCR: GMO Forum with speaker will be 10/22/14 from 4-6p.m.

Liza will have the SLV Local Food Coalition provide non-gmo and organic food for event.

Cam suggested we video the forum and put it on our website!

County Historic Map: Tess provided all with a map. All felt it looked great with just a few small changes.

Wild and Scenic Film Fest: Time line provided to board. Liza, Lynne and Hew will be doing the presentation.

Alfred Packer Fest: Lynne and Liza will be helping.

Scenic Byway: Byway commission wants to take another tour. Packet is due in December. Tess would like to set up a local byway steering committee to help manage the project long-term.

Annual Meeting: Set for December, with no specific date at this time.