Report PW 2007-35Page 1 of 2
DEPARTMENT: Public WorksDATE PREPARED:November 6, 2007
COUNCIL MEETING DATE: November 13, 2007 / PAGE 1 of 2
REPORT NO. PW 2007-35
SUBJECT: Activity Progress for the Month of October 2007
[ ] Approved
[ ] Approved with Amendments
[ ] Other
Resolution #
- On November 1, 2007, I had attended the monthly County of Oxford Waste Management Steering Committee meeting and two of the items that were on the agenda were draft by-laws for Curbside Collection and Landfill By-law, these copies are attached for your information.
Also there is a new person that the County has hired in the Waste Department to replace Clayton Sampson, her name is Pamela Antonio, I believe that this new person will be much more user friendly towards the public and address the Municipalities concerns much quicker than have been in the pass.
- Please find attached the Annual Meeting of the Oxford County Regulated Townships Association to be held at the Oxford Fish and Game Clubhouse on Pattullo Ave.
- You will find attached an invitation to the 3rd joint Municipal Supervisors Association Meeting to be held at the Woodstock Community Complex on Nov. 15th 2007.
- If anyone is interested in attending this session please let me know.
- Winter weather will soon be on us so over the next 3 to 4 weeks we will be erecting snow fence in the fields as the crops come off, the sand and salt is now in the dome at Burgessville and the plows will be soon placed on the trucks and graders.
- If we have missed anything that was to be completed in 2007 for some reason or other please don’t hesitate to contact me so that we may discuss the issue.
That Report No. PW 2007-35 Activity Progress for the Month of October 2007 be received as information.
OxfordCounty Regulated Townships Association Annual Meeting Notice
Municipal Supervisors 3rd Annual Joint Association Meeting Notice
County of Oxford Draft By-law – Curbside Collection
County of Oxford Draft By-law – Establish, maintain and operate facilities for the disposal of waste
Prepared by:Approved by:
Ron Smith C.R.S.I.Betteanne M. Cadman CMC, CMO
Public Works SuperintendentClerk-Administrator
/Township of East Zorra-Tavistock
Box 100 / 90 Loveys Street
Hickson, Ontario N0J 1L0Phone519.462.2697
October 24, 2007
Mrs. Betteanne M. Cadman
Township of Norwich
210 Main Street East
Otterville, ON N0J 1R0
Dear Mrs. Cadman:
Pheasant Committee members, persons who assisted in releasing the birds, Council members and other interested persons are invited to attend the Annual Meeting for the Association to be held on Thursday, NOVEMBER 22, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. at the Oxford Fish and Game Clubhouse located on 545324 Pattullo Avenue East of Highway 59.
Following the meeting, there will be a social evening and roast beef smorgasbord.
The admission fee of $15.00 per person will help defray the costs.
It would be appreciated if you could contact the East Zorra-Tavistock Township Office, at
(519) 462-2697 prior to November 16, 2007 if you are planning to attend.
Yours truly,
Robert Hilderley
(519) 469-3926
Municipal Supervisors
3rdAnnual (Fall) - Joint Association Meeting
Hosted by
Oxford Country Road Supervisors Association
Together with the
MiddlesexCounty Public Works Association
ElginCounty Municipal Supervisors Association
Who should attend–
-Municipal Supervisor Members & Associate Supplier Members
-Local Municipal Council members
-Municipal Staff - Office & Departmental Staff are encouraged to come to be part of this informative Association Meeting
When? --- Thursday, November - 15th / 2007
Where? --- Woodstock Community Complex (Arena)- Goff Hall - 381 Finkle St.
Time? --- 8:00 a.m. (sharp) to 2:00p.m.
8:00 to 8:30 -- Registration Fee $10.00 per delegate (to offset noon meal costs)
8:30 to 9:00 -- Introductions of Delegates & Guests
-- Welcome to Delegates -Committee / Mayors / Wardens
9:00 to 9:15 -- 1st Graham Zeisner - AORS Training Coordinator update on Training & Education
9:15 to 10:15 -- 2nd Rick Bull - CAMI Automotive - plant site selection & expectations from Public works
10:15 to 10:30 -- Coffee Break – coffee / donuts
-- Door Prize Draws (Door Prizes are donated by Association Member Suppliers)
10:30 to 11:30 -- 3rd Jennifer Graham-Harkness & Ken Teasdale - from MTO - 401/403 planning & design
11:30 to 12:15 -- 4th Derek Wilbee - from MTO Enforcement - Pre Trip Inspections / Hours of Work
12:15to 12:30 -- Social Time
12:30 to 1:30 -- Lunch - Hot Buffet
1:30 to 2:00 -- Door Prizes are donated by Association Member Suppliers
To confirm the number of delegates attending so lunch arrangements can be made -
Please forward the attached Registration Form by Friday Nov 2nd 2007
Registration Form
Municipal Supervisors
3rdAnnual (Fall) - Joint Association Meeting
Woodstock Community Complex (Arena) @ 381 Finkle Street
Exit 401 @ Woodstock / Delhiexit 232 - Hwy #59 / Norwich Ave. turn (north)
-0.2km to Juliana Drive(1st lights) turn left (west) & follow road 1.5km to Finkle Street
-turn right - 0.5km to Complex parking lot on the right
Associate Supplier Members - are requested to donate a Door Prize
Registration $10.00fee per delegate (for noon meal costs)
Delegate Name / Municipality / Position1 / - / - / -
2 / - / - / -
3 / - / - / -
4 / - / - / -
5 / - / - / -
6 / - / - / -
Please confirm the number of delegates attending to finalize lunch arrangements
Fax / E-mail this Registration Form by Friday, November 2nd 2007
to Your Local Association Representative listed below
MiddlesexCounty- fax - (519)-235-2168 - Ken Oke
ElginCounty- fax - (519)-631-4297 - Meredith
OxfordCounty- fax - (519)-485-2932 - Bill Freeman
Make Cheque payable to your Local Association for this event - Elgin / Middlesex / Oxford
Receipts will be available at the Registration Table
S:\DAVE H\3rd Joint Fall Meeting - Elgin Middlesex Oxford Cty- FlierForm.doc
BY-LAW NO. 2007 -
A by-law to authorize the Corporation of the County of Oxford (“County”) to establish, maintain and operate a system to provide for the curbside collection of household and commercial waste and recyclable material.
WHEREAS Council deems it in the public interest to establish a system for the collection of waste and recyclable material;
1.1This By-law may be cited as the "Curbside Collection of Waste and Recyclables By-law”.
2.1All terms used in this By-law which have not been defined in this By-law shall be given the meanings provided for such terms in the Ontario Environmental Protection Act and the regulations there under, as amended.
2.2The necessary grammatical changes required to make the provisions in this By-law apply to corporations, partnerships, trusts, and individuals, male or female, and to include the singular or plural meaning where the context so requires, shall in all cases be assumed as though fully expressed.
2.3The insertion of headings is for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the interpretation of the sections of this By-law to which they relate.
2.4Where a provision of this By-law conflicts with a provision of another County of Oxford By-law, the provisions that establish the higher standards to protect the environment, and the health, safety and welfare of the general public shall prevail.
2.5The schedules to this By-law form an integral part of this By-law.
2.6If any provision of this By-law is declared invalid or inoperative in any respect by a Court of competent jurisdiction, it is intended that such provision shall be severed from the By-law and the remainder of the By-law continues in full force and effect.
3.1This By-Law shall be administered and enforced by the Director, Public Works or his designate.
3.2The Director has power subject to any limitations contained in this By-law to:
3.2.1determine collection schedules, to specify the time, day and frequency of collection services and give notice to the public of such collection schedules and of changes to the collection schedules;
3.2.2determine the classification or designation of specific items as waste to be collected or as Non-Collectable Wastes;
3.2.3determine the collection locations for waste and recycling containers, bulky items, household hazardous products or any other items that are designated for receiving collection services and give notice to the public of same;
3.2.4determine whether a building, collection location, or property is safe for entry by an employee or agent of the County having regard to the physical conditions and layout, loading facilities, method of handling collectible waste at the building, or collection location of the property, the presence of a troublesome or nuisance animal or any other factor;
3.2.5impose limits to the level of collection services including the quantities and classes of waste to be collected;
3.2.6determine whether any container or storage unit is suitable and safe for collection;
3.2.7determine the method, manner or other requirements for the collection and disposal of waste for which there are collection services;
3.2.8establish and enforce guidelines and policies governing the restriction, suspension or termination of collection services to any person or business for failure to comply with the provisions of this By-law;
3.2.9establish and enforce the terms and conditions on which collection services which have been restricted, suspended or terminated under this By-law may be re-installed in whole or in part;
3.2.10establish guidelines for the handling and disposal of special wastes and non-collectable wastes and provide information to the public regarding such handling and disposal;
3.2.11suspend collection services in all or part of the County for a specified time in the event of inclement weather or other conditions (i.e.: construction) which renders the provision of collection services unsafe; and
3.2.12deal with any other matter assigned by this By-law or necessary for the administration of this By-law;
4.1All single unit dwellings, multi-unit dwellings, and industrial / commercial / institutional premises are eligible to receive curbside collection services.
4.2The owner of any non-serviced unit shall provide a system for the collection, removal, and disposal of all waste and recyclables from such property at the owner’s expense.
4.3Every owner of a multi-unit dwelling or apartment building receiving collection by the County shall ensure that specific waste disposal and recycling instructions are posted for residents in sufficient and suitable locations on the premises.
4.4Failure by any serviced unit to comply with the requirements of this By-law may result in the refusal or suspension of collection services by the County.
4.5An owner of a multi-unit dwelling or an industrial/commercial/institutional property, who finds the collections established by the County pursuant to this By-law inadequate to keep such premises free of accumulated waste and other refuse, may make other arrangements, at their own expense, for the collection and removal thereof as may be required.
4.6Owners of un-serviced areas, including private areas and private roadways, may apply for collection services, and will be considered by the County for inclusion providing that such services can be safely and efficiently provided by the County as per the County’s operations guidelines and policies.
5.1Curbside waste collection services shall be provided by the County once per week to all serviced units between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
5.2Curbside recyclable collection services shall be provided by the County, at a minimum, on alternating weeks to all serviced units between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.
5.3Residents shall ensure that all residential waste collection receptacles and recyclable collection receptacles containing residential and recyclable waste for removal by the collector, shall be placed to the edge of the roadway on the day of collection before 7:00 a.m. local time on the date fixed for collection but in no case shall residential waste collection receptacles containing residential waste be placed before 6:00 p.m. local time on the day prior to the date fixed for collection.
5.4The County is not responsible for the collection of residential waste and recyclable material placed at the edge of the roadway after 7:00 a.m. local time on the day fixed for day collection.
5.5Curbside recyclable collection services may be increased at the designation of the Director.
5.6Curbside waste and recyclable collections shall be provided on the same day of the week.
5.7For the purposes of carrying out waste and recyclable collections in the County, the Director or his/her designate may divide the County into collection areas as may be deemed necessary and fix a day or days on which waste and/or recyclable materials shall be collected in the areas.
5.8The Director will designate the days of collection, which may be altered from time to time. Public notification of any change in the days of collection will be advertised by the County prior to the effective date of any such change.
5.9The Director may make such temporary or permanent exceptions to collection hours, frequency rate, and schedules as deemed appropriate from time to time.
5.10No curbside collection shall be made on the following statutory and County- recognized holidays, or any other holiday as recognized by the County in the future:
New Year's DayLabour Day
Good FridayThanksgiving Day
Victoria DayChristmas Day
Canada DayBoxing Day
Civic Holiday
5.11In the event a County recognized or statutory holiday falls on a regularly scheduled collection day, collection will take place on the preceding or following Saturday, unless an alternate collection schedule is devised by the Director to accommodate such changes.
5.12The Director may delay, suspend or cancel curbside collection services due to weather conditions, construction projects, or other health and safety related issues, and will attempt to notify affected property owners of such changes.
6.1No person shall place waste or recyclables out for curbside collection by the County except in accordance with this By-law.
6.2All waste placed out for collection requires a County of Oxford Garbage Bag Tag otherwise it shall not be collected. (Bag Tag By-Law No. 4257-2002)
6.3Any recyclables not placed out according to County instructions, shall not be collected.
6.4No person shall set out for collection by the County any wastes defined as non-collectable in Schedule “B”.
6.5No person shall set out for collection by the County any recyclable materials other than those included in the County programme defined in Schedule “C” and as amended from time to time.
6.6No person shall place ashes out for collection sooner than one (1) week after removal from a fireplace.
6.7No person shall place flammable material in a bag or container for collection by the County.
6.8All waste or recyclable materials not collected by the County for any reason, including materials from non-serviced units, shall be the responsibility of the owner.
7.1Garbage Bags or Containers found by Waste Collection Staff to contain more than 5% (by volume) of Acceptable Recyclable Material, Recyclable Electronics, Corrugated Cardboard, or any amount of Household Hazardous Waste or other Prohibited Waste Material will be tagged as un-collectable and left behind at the curb.
7.2Garbage Bags or Containers found by Waste Collection Staff to contain more than 5% (by volume) of Acceptable Recyclable Material, Recyclable Electronics, Corrugated Cardboard, or any amount of Household Hazardous Waste or other Prohibited Waste Material will be tagged as un-collectable and inspected by By-Law Enforcement staff and fees applied as under Section 7.3 below.
7.3By-Law Enforcement staff may inspect Garbage Bags and Containers placed at the curb for collection by the County. Any Garbage Bags or Containers found to contain more than 5% (by volume) of Acceptable Recyclable Material, Recyclable Electronics, Corrugated Cardboard, or any amount of Household Hazardous Waste may be collected separately and further inspected to identify the person responsible for placing the garbage at the curb. The person who directly or by means of an agent discarded the waste shall be liable for the total expense incurred for the removal of the waste.
7.4Payment shall be made within 30 days after receipt of an invoice indicating the total expensed incurred. Requiring this payment shall not preclude any prosecution for violation of this By-Law.
7.5Any invoices or expenses that remain unpaid for the removal of waste shall be added to the tax roll of the owner of the property where the garbage originated, to pay and be collected in like manner as municipal taxes. Requiring this payment shall not preclude any prosecution for violation of this By-Law.
8.1The Director may designate days and times for the regular or special collection of special wastes defined in Schedule “D” from time to time in the County.
8.2Special waste pick-ups will only be made when such waste meets all requirements concerning weight, size, and non-collectable restrictions established by the County from time to time.
9.1Every person putting out waste and recyclable materials for curbside collection by the County, shall comply with the following requirements as a condition of the provision of such collection service:
9.1.1All bags, recycling containers, and approved waste containers, shall be placed in a fully visible location within one (1) metre from the edge of the street or road along which collection service is provided at the premise the material is generated;
9.1.2Bags and waste/recycling containers shall be placed either on the property from which they are to be collected, or on the road allowance nearest to the curb at the front of the property in the place of easiest access to the collector and at ground level;
9.1.3Where compliance with paragraphs 8.1.1 or 8.1.2 cannot reasonably be effected, the Director may designate in writing the location at which bags and containers shall be placed for collection;
9.1.4In all cases, every bag and waste/recycling container shall be placed so as not to obstruct the traveled portion of a street, public sidewalk, or any other public way;
9.1.5In all cases, no bags or waste/recycling containers shall be placed in the gutter or ditches, or on the traveled portion of the roadway;
9.1.6During times of snow accumulation, every bag and waste/recycling container shall be left for pick-up on the driveway of the property, adjacent to the ploughed portion of the roadway, in an area in the snow bank cleared to ground level at the curb, or at such other location as may be designated in writing or by public advertisement by the County;
9.1.7No collector, in order to collect waste or recyclables, is obliged to enter into any building, ascend any stairway, enter into any elevator, hoist or lift or access a privately owned driveway or other private property beyond the vicinity of the curb where bags and waste/recycling containers are to be placed unless specifically authorized in writing by the Director;