Nevada Department of Taxation

Large Conference Room

1550 College Parkway

Carson City, Nevada

Nevada Department of Taxation

Training Room

2550 Paseo Verde Parkway, Suite 180

Henderson, Nevada

March 21, 2017

3:30 p.m.

Members Present:

James Wright, Chair

Nelson Araujo, Co-Chair

Jill Tolles, Assemblywoman

Brian Sooudi

Chuck Callaway

Mike Allen

Josh Cheney

Todd Raybuck

Tina Talim

Adam Page

Demetri Kouretas

Pamela Del Porto

John Piro

Maggie McLetchie

Kenny Furlong

Bruce Hahn

Josh Cheney, taking the place of Darrin Sloan

Members Absent:

Mark Jackson

Terry Johnson

I.  Public Comment.

Grace Crowley, of Nevadans for Informed Marijuana Regulations, shared that Colorado has had a lot of issues with vaping. Please consider prohibiting airborne methods of marijuana, or please consider making vaping liquid colored or with a distinctive smell to identify it is marijuana.

II.  Introductions.

The members introduced themselves to the working group.

III.  Background.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the background information for the working group.

IV.  Review of Guiding Principles.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the Guiding Principles of the Task Force and the working groups.

V.  Review of Task Force and Working Group Timeline and Future Meeting Dates.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the Task Force and Working Group calendar.

VI.  Review of Ground Rules.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the Ground Rules.

VII.  Review of Working Group Recommendation Process.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the Recommendation Process.

VIII.  Review of Form for Working Group Presentations to the Task Force.

Kelly Jessee reviewed the Form for Working Group Presentations.

IX.  Review of Law Enforcement Working Group Topics.

A.  State and Local
B.  DUID –
Josh Cheney, Adam Page, John Piro and Maggie McLetchie will work
on a draft recommendation for DUID and testing. Assemblywoman Tolles suggested
looking at the legislation on testing.
C.  ARIDE training
D.  Preventing distribution to minors –
Assemblywoman Tolles, Pam Del Porto, Mike Allen and Riana Durrett will work on a draft
recommendation for the prevention of distribution to minors.
E.  Consequences 18-20 years old
F.  Consequences for Juvenile Possession
G.  Personal Transport of MJ
H.  Open and Public Consumption
I.  Local Civil Offenses
J.  Preventing the diversion to other States
K.  Preventing violence and the use of firearms in the cultivation and distribution
of marijuana
L.  Amend current laws regarding possession of drug paraphernalia, marijuana
and cultivation
M.  Need for new statutes for time, place and manner restrictions for consumption,
including conforming to existing non-smoking laws
N.  Possession of marijuana in correctional facilities
O.  Regulation of safety
P.  Crime and Public Safety

Mike Allen recommended adding the manufacturing of bi-products to the list of topics. This includes the butane hash oil method, which is highly flammable and dangerous.

Kelly Jessee suggested that the manufacturing and production group will be looking at this.

Chuck Callaway stated SB 447 (2015) made it a felony to extract concentrated cannabis. It may need to be changed. Mr. Callaway stated no licenses have been revoked in the medical marijuana industry. There should be an avenue to pull licenses. It is critical that we have data collection in place. The ballot initiative does not address revenue directed toward public safety.

Kelly Jessee will add revocation of licenses and due process to the working group topics. Adam Page and Todd Raybuck will work on a draft recommendation.

Kelly Jessee will add a topic regarding data collection. Chuck Callaway, Adam Page and Pam Del Porto will work on a draft recommendation for data collection.

Kelly Jessee will add a topic regarding revenue for law enforcement toward public safety. Chuck Callaway volunteered to draft a recommendation.

X.  Review and Consideration for Approval of Agenda Items for Next Meeting.

Adam Page, Todd Raybuck, John Piro and Tina Talim will work on a draft recommendation for statutory changes.

Assemblywoman Tolles, Pam Del Porto, Mike Allen and Riana Durrett will work on a draft recommendation for preventing distribution to minors.

Josh Cheney, Adam Page, John Piro and Maggie McLetchie will work on a draft recommendation for DUID and testing.

A motion and a second were made to approve the items to be presented at the next meeting. All in favor. Motion carries.

XI.  Public Comment

Mona Lisa Samuelson, Patient and Community Advocate, stated the medical marijuana community is behind the revocation of licenses. Please make license revocations public record.

Grace Crowley, of Nevadans for Informed Marijuana Regulations, stated a lot of people in Colorado and Oregon have complained of non-users being affected by marijuana smells.

Joseph Saul stated non-marijuana states are now suing Colorado. Idaho and Utah have marijuana bans. Mr. Saul requested that a group look into diversion of marijuana into other states.

XII.  Adjourn. 4:43 p.m.