Lecture - Improving Bottom Line Results
Via Leveraging your Constraints
"Based on the popular internationally recognized management approach called Theory of Constraints (ToC)"
Lewis Trigger is an international lecture who is often invited to address senior management on the benefits of the advanced management doctrine ToC. In the course of an hour and a half, is able to convey the central themes of ToC through a personal story during his officer training for the Israeli Air Force. The story revolves around a desert training exercise in which the "Constraint" is the slowest trooper by the name "Herbie". All of ToC's fundamentals are employed in the story so as to "leverage" Herbie and to achieve a desired outcome. Herbie's story is the story of every management system where ultimately the outcomes of all organizations are dictated by how we manage our Constraints, our "Herbies"…..
Theory of Constraints
The central insight of Theory of Constraints (TOC) is that at any time a single constraint or pace-maker determines the capacity of any system which seeks to maximize performance.
The constraint may be inside or outside the enterprise. Lost time at the constraint cannot be recovered. The constraint must be identified. Non-constraints must supply the constraint with quality, on-time inputs, protect it from interruptions and unnecessary tasks, and protect the throughput of the constraint from damage. Enterprises can improve their bottom line only by better managing the constraint. Cost cutting and improvement activities which do not protect the constraint may reduce performance.
This very innovative management methodology been adopted globally by literally 1000's of successful organizations around the world, including such names as General Motors, Westinghouse, the United States Air Force, Navy and Marines, Lucent Technology, Nike; and more recently in Australia by BHP.
The Lecturer
Lewis Trigger is a recognized international expert in TOC. Australian born, Israel resident, and trained as an industrial engineer (MBA MSc), Lewis has over 20 years experience in applying Theory of Constraints (TOC) within the Israeli military’s technology and logistics systems and within government and industry. His experience in the Israeli Air Force, followed by holding senior management positions in the Israeli Hi-tech market, has provided Lewis with a wealth of knowledge and experience. In addition he teaches Management courses in the prestigious M.B.A program at the University of Tel Aviv. For the last 10 years he has been exporting his expertise to Australia, presenting his workshops to a wide variety of leading Australian companies and organizations.
"We completed training on the 7th March 2012. Since thistime one month ago, the throughput of product through our production constraint has increased by exactly 50%." Andew Meek – CEO – AWBell - Melbourne Australia
"This was one of the best structured training courses I have attended. Very relevant and the practical aspects were effective tools". Nick Porter – Senior Manager – Hill Defence Products – Adelaide.
"Application of theory to practice, in real life projects that DAFWA personnel could understand the relevance. Excellent Lewis. As ever, a very professional and informative performance with the right amount of enthusiasm and humour to engage us in the application of this practical theory of improvement." - Stuart Clarke - Senior Director at the Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia
"Lewis has succeeded in combining theory with practice and passing on to workshop participants a useful set of tools as well as a systems approach. He has demonstrated a varied and in-depth knowledge and experience." – Brigadier General Zacharier Chay (retired) – Previous Head of the Israeli Defence Force Ordnance Corps.
"I attended your session in Perth recently and found it fascinating. I’m implementing it in one part of our business which has always given us headaches. Now we’ve identified the constraint, the problem has become simple to see. Great stuff." Geoff Brown Director of a leading Australian multi - media supplier.
"It was a true pleasure hosting you in Cyprus. I believe that your presentation skills have contributed a lot towards the success of this workshop." - Matiss Horodishtiano Senior Director of a leading international hi-tech organization.
Lewis Trigger - Consultants & Management LtdE-Mail: Phone # Israel: Mobile +972-54-5323553; Wk +972-8-9262984;
Fax +972-8-9262984; WWW.LewisTrigger.com