Glossary of key words and phrases

Curriculum standard: A detailed frame work for each academic year

detailing the skills, knowledge and concepts to be taught and learned in a particular subject. They meet learning needs but are NOT a syllabus.

Key performance

standard: An essential or core learning target identified within a particular curriculum standard

Non key performance Represents extension or enrichment objectives for the more standard:able, or consolidation objectives for those who learn moreslowly

Scheme of work Brief summary detailing the strands of a subject with main topic areas listed and an outline of time to be spent teaching each topic area for each academic grade.

Unit of work: A detailed breakdown of how a specific topic from a particular strand may be taught. It identifies teaching objectives, which key and non-key performance strands are required , possible teaching methods and possible assessment activities.

Learning outcome: A specific expectation that by the end of a particular

lesson or unit of work students will know or understand or can do a particular thing.

Learning objective: An alternative way to describe a learning outcome.

Strands: A major area of study or understanding in a given

subject. E.g. Geometry and Measures in Maths,

Materials in Science.

Strand subdivision: An organized area of study within a strand e.g. Living and non living things in Science

Scope and Sequence: A summary document that shows the progression of work year on year for each strand within a subject.

Integration of standards: Using elements of different strands from a subject

Within the same lesson, also to use strands from different subjects within the same lesson. E.g. measuring from scientific enquiry and from geometry and measures in math.

Cross curricular links: Establishing and identifying links between other

Subject areas e.g. studying tessellations and

Symmetry through Math and Art.