Milton Keynes Local Development Scheme 2006 – 2009

Document Ref: M51577

Milton Keynes

Local Development Scheme

2006 – 2009

(Partial update February 2007)

Milton Keynes Council

October 2006

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Milton Keynes Local Development Scheme 2006 – 2009


Part 1



3.0The Planning Framework

4.0Milton Keynes Development Scheme 2006 – 09

5.0Milton Keynes Context

6.0Evidence Base, Monitoring & Sustainability Appraisal

7.0Project Management and Responsibilities......

Appendix A Document profiles......

Appendix BSupplementary Planning Documents (SPD)......

Appendix C Related Strategies......

Appendix D Glossary......

List of Tables & Diagrams









The following abbreviations are used throughout this document:

AAP / Area Action Plan
AMR / Annual Monitoring Report
DPD / Development Plan Document
EP / English Partnerships
LDF / Local Development Framework
LDD / Local Development Document
LDS / Local Development Scheme
LSP / Local Strategic Partnership
MK / Milton Keynes
MKC / Milton Keynes Council
MKP / Milton Keynes Partnership
MKPC / Milton Keynes Partnership Committee
PPS / Planning Policy Statement
RPB / Regional Planning Board
RSS / Regional Spatial Strategy
SA / Sustainability Appraisal
SCI / Statement of Community Involvement
SEA / Strategic Environmental Assessment
SEERA / South East England Regional Assembly
SPD / Supplementary Planning Document
SoS / Secretary of State
SRS / Sub-Regional Strategy (Milton Keynes and South Midlands)


Milton Keynes Local Development Scheme 2006 – 2009


1.1This document is an amendment to the Milton Keynes Local Development Scheme submitted in October 2006. The amendment relates to the withdrawal of the Wolverton Area Action Plan from the scheme. The rest of the Local Development Scheme remains unchanged from that previously agreed. Further information is available in section 4.9

1.2The LDS contains information on the implementation of the Milton Keynes Local Development Framework, details progress made in implementing the change from the old system of plan making to the new Local Development Framework and sets out the work programme for the period 2006 – 2009.

1.3The flexible nature of Local Development Frameworks (LDFs), means that new documents can be added to the LDS at regular intervals and prepared as circumstance change. This review details the new documents the Council will produce over the next 3 years.


2.1The Government’s Sustainable Communities Plan (February 2003) identified Milton Keynes as an area for continued growth to 2031. The Milton Keynes and South Midlands Sub Regional Strategy (March 2005) provided further guidance on how this new growth is to be delivered.

2.2At the same time changes to the planning system (in the Planning & Compulsory Purchase Act (2004)) require the change to a Local Development Framework system of plan making. The scale and speed of change with the new system is very significant and the Council has to continue to be realistic about the resources available to progress the preparation of new documents as well as providing the framework and responsiveness to deliver growth. The documents identified in this LDS therefore reflect the Council’s priorities and provide the context within which to deliver the Government’s growth agenda. The LDF also seeks to formalise the link between the Council’splanning function and the priorities identified by the Local Strategic Partnership as set out in the Milton Keynes Community Strategy.

2.3A programme detailing a review of the MK Community Strategy begins at the end of 2006 and the Development Plans team will work closely with the Local Strategic Partnership to ensure that the Core Strategy reflects the objectives and policies of the emerging Community Strategy.

2.4The Council has responded to the challenge of the growth agenda and has undertaken a process of internal restructuring that has seen the establishment of a Spatial Planning Division and the creation of a Growth co-ordination team.

2.5The new planning system places considerable emphasis on community involvement in the plan making process. The Council has submitted the Statement of Community Involvement, which details how stakeholders and the community can expect to be engaged in the preparation of documents, to the Government for consideration.

2.6The review of the Local Development Scheme will also be used to alert the Planning Inspectorate (PINS) to the programme for the preparation of Local Development Documents in Milton Keynes to allow them to allocate time for Public Examination.

2.7The LDS will continue to be reviewed regularly and updated with new information relating to the introduction of new Local Development Documents as necessary.

3.0The Planning Framework

3.1The old planning system of Regional Planning Guidance, Structure Plans and Local Plans has been replaced and there are now two levels of plan making – Regional and Local.

3.2Each region is preparing a Regional Spatial Strategy drafted by the Regional Planning Body, in the case of MK this is the South East Plan (SEP) produced by the South East England Regional Assembly. The SEP covers Milton Keynes and the whole of the South East. The South East Plan sets out things such as how many homes are needed to meet the future needs of people in the region, policies for the location of employment, and safeguarding the environment.

3.3At the local level, the Local Development Framework will be prepared by the local planning authority (Milton Keynes Council). The Local Development Framework will be a folder of documents that sets out how the local area may change over the next few years.

3.4The LDF will contain:

  • A Local Development Scheme (LDS)
  • Development Plan Documents (DPDs)
  • Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs)
  • A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)

3.5All documents within the LDF are known as Local Development Documents.

What are Local Development Documents?

3.6Local Development Documents (LDDs) set out the spatial strategy, policies and proposals for an area. They may relate to a whole district or to a smaller area. They may relate to one specific topic or theme, or to a range of issues.

3.7There are two main types of LDDs:

  • Development Plan Documents – these set out the main strategy, policies and proposals of the Council. Together with the South East Plan they will, when approved, constitute the Development Plan for Milton Keynes. All new Development Plan Documents will be the subject of an independent public examination run by a Planning Inspector, should formal objections be received during the public consultation period. In contrast to the old system, the Council must accept the recommendations of the Planning Inspector. DPDs can also take the form of Area Action Plans which can be used to provide the planning framework for areas where significant change or conservation is needed. A key feature of Area Action Plans will be the focus on implementation.
  • Supplementary Planning Documents – these provide more detailed guidance to explain policies and proposals set out in Development Plan Documents. They may include, for instance a development brief for a site setting out in more detail how a site should be developed, or more detailed guidance on how a particular policy should be implemented. Supplementary Planning Documents are not subject to an independent public examination and have a simpler preparation process than Development Plan Documents. They must relate to a policy in the Development Plan, or in the interim a policy in the saved Local Plan (see section 3.17). They cannot be used to set policy that should be the subject of independent examination.

3.8In addition to the two main types of documents above, there is also the Statement of Community Involvement. This sets out how the community can expect to be involved and consulted on the preparation of Local Development Documents and on major planning applications. Once the SCI is approved the Council must follow the approach that it outlines in the preparation of any subsequent documents and in relation to consultation on major planning applications.

The Development Plan

3.9The following documents make up the Development Plan for Milton Keynes. Documents lower down the hierarchy should be prepared in general conformity to those above.

Table 1 – Development plan documents
Document / Organisation / Purpose of Document
Regional Spatial Strategy / Prepared by SEERA and approved by the Secretary of State / Sets out a statement on development specific to regions.
Milton Keynes and South Midlands Sub-Regional Strategy / Prepared by the Regional Assemblies for the South East of England, the East of England and the East Midlands and approved by the Secretary of State / Sets out the context for development within the MKSM sub-region.
Development Plan Documents / Milton Keynes Council (Local Planning Authority) / Sets out local policy and specific development sites

3.10At present the approved Regional Planning Guidance for the South East is RPG9 (2001) and covers the period to 2016. A full review of the RPG9 is underway and a draft South East Plan was submitted to the Government for consideration in March 2006. An Examination in Public will be held between November 2006 and March 2007. Once adopted the South East Plan will provide the regional context for the development of Milton Keynes to 2026 and the preparation of future Local Development Documents.

3.11The following provides an overview of the South East Plan timetable:

South East Plan Timetable
April – June 2006 / Draft South East Plan published for consultation
Nov 2006 – March 2007 / Examination in Public
Summer 2007 / Publication of the Panel Report
Autumn 2007 / Publication of Proposed Modifications and consultation on Proposed Changes.
Spring 2008 / Publication of South East Plan

3.12For further information about the South East Plan go to

3.13At the sub-regional level an alteration to RPG called the Milton Keynes and South Midlands Sub Regional Strategy was adopted in March 2005. The SRS provides guidance for the development of MK to 2021 and beyond. The SRS is available at

3.14Proposed alterations to RPG have been published relating to minerals and waste - the Regional Minerals Strategy and the Regional Waste Management Strategy. A Public Examination was held in October 2004 and the final document published in June 2006.

Transitional Arrangements

3.15It will take time for the complete set of documents in the Local Development Framework to be prepared. The Planning Act makes provision for transitional arrangements to allow for a smooth handover between the old system and the new and so that it is not necessary to replace the entire Local Plan straight away.

3.16It allows for the policies and proposals in the existing Local Plan to be “saved” for a period of three years from commencement of the new Act, or the adoption of the Local Plan, whichever is the latter.

Saved Policies and Plans

3.17Milton Keynes Council has the option to ‘save’ existing planning documents under the transitional arrangements of the new system so that they can still be used in the determination of planning applications. Any ‘saved’ documents will remain of relevance in the decision making process until either:

  • They are replaced by LDDs; or
  • They become redundant and withdrawn by the Council.

3.18Paragraph 5.15 in Planning Policy Statement 12 sets out the criteria that needs to be referred to when saving policies and plans. The Act does allow authorities to save part or all of the Plan for a longer period providing it is still in general conformity with national and regional policy and the consent of the Secretary of State is received.

3.19Table 2 shows the current set of ‘saved’ Plans in Milton Keynes. Emerging DPDs will detail the elements of the Local Plan, the Waste Local Plan or the Minerals Local Plan that will be replaced.

Table 2 – Saved Plans
Document / Status / Date of Adoption
Milton Keynes Local Plan / Adopted / December 2005
MK Minerals Local Plan / Adopted / April 2006
Waste Local Plan for Buckinghamshire[1] / Adopted / March 1997

3.20The transitional arrangements do not allow for the formal ‘saving’ of approved Supplementary Planning Guidance; however, the Council considers the approved SPG set out in Appendix B will remain a material consideration in the determination of planning applications until withdrawn or replaced by either Development Plan Documents or Supplementary Planning Documents. Further guidance on the status of SPG is available in PPS12.

Milton Keynes Local Plan

3.21The Milton Keynes Local Plan was formally adopted in December 2005 and has replaced the Adopted Borough of Milton Keynes Local Plan (1995) in its entirety.

3.22The new Plan provides an up to date planning policy framework which has been prepared in the context of up to date Planning Policy Statements and the Regional Planning Guidance for the South East (including amendments made by the Milton Keynes and South Midlands Sub Regional Strategy (March 2005)).

3.23Under the interim arrangements of the new Planning System all policies in the new Local Plan are saved in their entirety. After this, each emerging Development Plan Document will indicate which policies in the adopted Local Plan they will supersede or replace.

Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan

3.24Milton Keynes Council became the Minerals Planning Authority in 1997. The Milton Keynes Minerals Local Plan was adopted in April 2006 and replaces the Minerals Local Plan for Buckinghamshire (January 1995) in its entirety.

3.25The Council will continue to monitor policies in the Minerals Local Plan and will publish a timetable for a review of this document in a future revision to the Local Development Scheme.

Milton Keynes Waste Local Plan

3.26The current Waste Local Plan was adopted in 1997 by Buckinghamshire County Council, the Waste Planning Authority at that time. This Plan provides the basis for waste planning decisions made by Milton Keynes Council. The existing Plan expires in 2006 and therefore an early review of this document is required to provide the framework for decision making in Milton Keynes. The timetable for the production of the Waste DPD is detailed in Table 3.

4.0Milton Keynes Development Scheme 2006 – 09

4.1The Council has considered what documents to produce over the next 3 years but will continue to monitor and review this list of documents regularly.


4.2The Council submitted its first MK Local Development Framework Annual Monitoring Report to the Secretary of State in December 2005. The AMR detailed progress in the implementation of planning policies within Milton Keynes. The AMR and the comments from the Government Office are available to view at:

4.3The Audit commission has established a set of Best Value Performance Indicators (BVPIs) for plan making. For the year 2005/2006 the Council achieved 6 out of 7 of the Local Development Scheme BVPI milestones. These were:

  1. Local Plan – Proposed Modifications (May 2005)
  2. Local Plan – Adoption (Dec 2005)
  3. Minerals Local Plan – Proposed Modifications (Nov 2005)
  4. Waste DPD – Scoping report for Sustainability Appraisal (Sept 2005)
  5. Statement of Community Involvement – consultation / participation on Draft SCI (Dec 2005)
  6. Wolverton Area Action Plan – Scoping Report for Sustainability Appraisal (March 2006).

4.4The exception is the adoption of the Minerals Local Plan which was achieved in April 2006.

4.5The following key stages of the LDS programme were also delivered during 2005/06:

  • Consultation on Issues and Options for the Waste Development Plan Document (August 2005).
  • Commencement of the MK2031: Long Term Sustainable Growth Study (April 2005).
  • Public consultation on six ‘spatial growth options’ (November 2005).
  • Stantonbury Park Supplementary Planning Document was adopted in March 2006.

4.7In addition to the above documents the Council has also adopted as a material consideration in the determination of planning applications Supplementary Guidance for all 4 expansion areas (totalling c. 11,000 dwellings with over 210ha of new employment land), a Millennium Community at Oakgrove, the city centre and the 2 major regeneration areas in the Borough (Bletchley and Wolverton). This was achieved in parallel with progressing the new Local Plan to adoption.

4.8Monitoring of the Local Development Framework has also identified the need to review the Local Development Scheme to reflect:

  • Core Strategy – Due to the need to undertake further consultation on the submission of evidence to the South East Plan process, following the preparation of the MK 2031 document (see section 6.0), minor changes are made to the previously published Core Strategy timetable. Further information is given in Appendix A.
  • Waste DPD - The requirement for additional work to be undertaken before consultation on the Preferred Options was identified during consultation on Issues and Options. The LDS timetable has been amended accordingly.
  • Statement of Community Involvement - was submitted to the Government for consideration in April 2006. The representations made on the SCI did not require a formal Examination Hearing. The LDS details that the SCI will be adopted in April 2007 however this may be sooner - based on information supplied by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS).

Wolverton Area Action Plan DPD

4.9The Council has continually been monitoring the preparation of its documents in the Local Development Framework. Recent analysis has indicated that the Wolverton Area Action Plan DPD would not be adding significant value to the current policy framework for Wolverton and therefore work on its preparation should cease and the document removed from the Council’s Local Development Scheme.

4.10The withdrawal of the document was discussed with the Government Office and the Council was encouraged to resubmit its Local Development Scheme detailing this change.

4.11Other reasons for withdrawing the Wolverton AAP from the LDS include:

a)The majority of land within the AAP area is already allocated through the Local Plan.

b)Preparation of the AAP will consume valuable staff resources that could be better spent on Core Strategy production.

c)There may be procedural issues relating to the chain of conformity of producing an AAP dependent on saved Local Plan policies.

4.12It is important to emphasise that the work undertaken this far on the AAP will not be wasted and that valuable lessons have been learnt from undertaking it. The Council will continue to pursue other options to bring forward the development of key sites within Wolverton through other means.