CSAE/SCGR FOUNDATION: Excerpts from the Letters Patent

  1. (a) The name of this Foundation is:


(b) The Foundation shall be governed by these Letters Patent and by the Bylaws in harmony herewith.

  1. The objects of the Foundation are:
  • To encourage the graduate and undergraduate students enrolled in Canadian Universities to participate in conferences and competition in the field of agricultural, food and biological engineering;
  • To educate the public in general about agricultural, food and biological engineering;
  • To award prizes to students for excellence;
  • To receive donations, legacies or other contributions in the form of money, securities or immoveables, to administer such donations, legacies or other contributions, to organize fund raising campaigns for the purpose of raising funds for charitable purposes;
  • In the attainment of its purposes, however, the Foundation shall not permit its members, or their assigns, to recover in any form whatsoever, funds, which they have donated to the Foundation.
  1. The operations of the Foundation may be carried on throughout Canada and elsewhere.
  1. The place within Canada where the head office of the Foundation is to be situated is in: Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba.
  1. To attain the objects of the Foundation, the directors of the Foundation, duly sanctioned by the members, may from time to time:
  • Borrow money upon the credit of the Foundation;
  • Limit or increase the amount to be borrowed;
  • Issue debentures or other securities of the Foundation;
  • Pledge or sell such debentures or other securities for such sums and at such prices as may be deemed expedient; and
  • Secure any such debentures, or other securities, or any other present or future borrowing or liability of the Foundation, by mortgage, hypotec, charge or pledge of an or any currently owned or subsequently acquired real or personal, movable or immoveable, property of the Foundation, and the undertaking and rights of the foundation.
  1. The Bylaws of the Foundation shall be those filed with the application for letters patent until repealed, amended, altered or added to.
  1. The Foundation is to carry on its operations without pecuniary gain to its members and any profits or other accretions to the Foundation are to be used in promoting its objects.

Industry Canada

File Number: 417143-8

Effective date: 2003 06 13