EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics and EPSRC Challenge Network in Automotive Power Electronics: Impact Acceleration Fellowships

Application form

This pro-forma covers all awards under the EPSRC Centre for Power Electronics and EPSRC Challenge Network in Automotive Power Electronics Impact Acceleration Fellowships Scheme. Please complete all relevant sections of the form providing sufficient information for the reviewers to fully assess the case.

Applicant Name(s), position: / Telephone:
Organisation: / Email:
Title of Proposed Award:
Funding sought / Duration (months) / Start date
Target Outcomes:
Please mark X in one box only or specify:
Knowledge Transfer
Potential to secure income from Business Engagement
Supporting Technology Translation
Other – please specify:

Public Summary: Please give short NON-CONFIDENTIAL summary of the work to be undertaken during the fellowshipand the potential economic and or social benefit to the UK.(200 words max)

Section 1

Please summarise (bullet points) the key deliverables that you expect to accomplish within the time-frame of the award with particular reference to the impact on business engagement or commercialisation.
Section 2
2a) Summarise the work you intend to carry out and how the award will help to achieve the outcomes, with particular reference to the evaluation criteria.(500 words max)
2b)Identify any related projects and their funding source, the outputs of which are the subject of this proposal.
Source and funder’s reference / Indicative date(s) / Outcomes leading to this proposal
Section 3 If applying for a secondment or business engagement activity, please provide details of allexternal partner organisations.
What would be the contribution of the external partner organisation(s)?
In kind:
Section 4Innovation-based applications only:
4a) Need (400 words)
What is the need your technology will help to address? What is your proposed solution and how long will it take to develop? What stage will the technology be at the end of the award? Which source(s) of funding will you apply to in order to further develop the technology?
4b)Intellectual Property
What is the nature and status of the IP
4c)The Market (200 words)
Summarise the potential for the proposed product or service, e.g. market size, location of market, internal market (who do you see as being your “customers”?). What actions do you plan to engage with the market to ensure that the development of your idea meets market demand and expectation?
4d) Competition (200 words)
Who/what are the main competitors or competing ideas (in which region /country)? What are the key factors that will enable this innovation to compete successfully in the market place?
4e) Barriers to Commercialisation, market entry and acceptance. (200 words)
What are the main hurdles to be overcome before the idea or product is likely to reach the market place? Where do you anticipate that the main risks lie (these may not necessarily be technical in nature)?
4f) Statement of support from your organisation’sTechnology Transfer Office. (200 words)
4g) Name of TTO assessor:
Section 5 Outcomes
Summarise the potential outcomes for the proposed activity in the short, medium and long-term. Identify the barriers to success and where the main risks lie. (250 words)

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