Course Syllabus

Spanish 9 Spanish 10

Sussex Academy


Instructor: Cameron Smith Help Days: By appointment
Spanish 9, 10 Planning Period: Period 2

Welcome to the Sussex Academy High School! Our program provides a framework of academic challenge that encourages students to understand and make connections between traditional subjects and the real world. Throughout their academic career, students will develop the skills in the IB learner profile and become familiar with the Areas of Interaction used in the Middle Years Program of IB. We strive to develop internationally minded lifelong learners who, recognizing our common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet in order to create a better and more peaceful world. Learners strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective.


Course Syllabus

Spanish 9 Spanish 10

Sussex Academy


Course Overview

The Spanish 9 and 10 courses are designed to engage students with the Spanish language to learn foundational communication skills. A multi-angled approach to communication is paramount in fostering an environment that uses the language in genuine dialogues. These aspects of communication include: listening, reading, writing and speaking. In each unit, students will be expected to engage in all of these modes of communication in class activities as well as informal and formal assessments as an active participant in class. Students will acquire learning strategies, which will serve them as they move towards IB Spanish. In addition to gaining linguistic knowledge, students will encounter aspects of culture reflected in Spanish speaking countries, as well as the United States to gain a well rounded prospective.

Each unit of Spanish 9 will follow a similar structure; vocabulary followed by two grammar aspects. At the conclusion of the unit, students engage in reading, writing and presentational activities to demonstrate proficiency, followed by a formative assessment.

The Spanish 10 course will enrich the linguistic knowledge acquired in the previous year as well as familiarize students with IB assessment procedures and instructional styles in preparation for the 2-year Standard Level or Higher Level Spanish course.

The wonderful thing about Spanish is that the class can be something new every day. Bring your positivity and be ready to work, we will have a fantastic year together.


Mr. Cameron Smith,


Homework will be assigned 4-5 nights a week to reinforce daily lessons and cumulative practice. It will be graded on either completion or mastery.

1) Completion: I will check it for completion. Attempt every item for full credit (2 out of 2 possible

points). Partially completed homework will receive 1 out of 2 points.

2) Homework Check/Mastery: I will post questions on the board based on the homework to check

your understanding and it is graded for mastery.


Quizzes, Tests and Projects will be used to assess students’ learning throughout the course. Expect quizzes for focused vocabulary and grammar assessment. Tests will included both grammar structures and vocabulary from the unit. Projects will vary in length and weight based on the current unit.

Scope and Sequence Spanish 9 and 10:

Unit Theme ______

Spanish 9

Para Empezar En la escuela, En la clase, El tiempo

1A/B ¿Qué te gusta hacer?/ Y tú, ¿cómo estás?

2A/B Tu día en la escuela/ Tu sala de clases

3A/B ¿Desayuno o almuerzo?/ Para mantener la salud

4A/B ¿Adónde vas? ¿Quieres ir conmigo?

5A/B Una fiesta de cumpleaños/ ¡Vamos a un restaurante!

Spanish Novel, Pobre Ana

Spanish 10

6A/B En mi dormitorio/ ¿Cómo es tu casa

7A/B ¿Cuánta cuesta?/ ¡Qué regalo!

8A/B Ir de vacaciones/ Ayudando en la comunidad

9A/B El cine y la televisión/La tecnología

Selections from ¡Sigue! A2 as well as Ánimo 1 will be used to familiarize students with IB style learning.

Required materials

Students are expected to bring the following materials to every class every day.

  • 1” Binder with 3 dividers
  • Writing utensils (pens and pencils)
  • Composition Notebook

Grading Policy:

Grades are established based on the following breakdown

Tests 30%

Quizzes 20%

Homework Checks 15%

Homework completion 20%

Projects 15%

Late work

  • No late work on daily assignments accepted.
  • Late work penalties on larger assignments will be a letter grade for each day an assignment has not been turned in. If an assignment is turned in on the 5th day, the maximum percentage given will be 50%.
  • After five days if no effort has been made to turn in missing assignments, students will be given a 0%.
  • Students are encouraged to be responsible and discuss any issues that cause assignments to not be turned in on time, and on occasion, extensions may be allowed for extenuating circumstances. Students must discuss with the instructor via email or schedule a conference for such occasions.

Academic Integrity

In order to promote the pursuit of academic excellence and learning, Sussex Academy expects its students to conform to specific standards of academic integrity. Academic integrity is an integral part of promoting self-respect, trust, student achievement, and positive relationships among all stakeholders in our school community. Academic integrity means exhibiting honesty in all academic exercises and assignments. Academic dishonesty refers to any form of misconduct that occurs in relation to all formal academic exercises.

The academic integrity policy will be strictly enforced. Plagiarism, depending on the degree and case, will result in a zero. Always cite all sources used and consulted while completing assignments. Cheating on any assignment will result in a zero. This includes “helping” another student by giving him or her one’s own work to copy. This is academically dishonest and will not be tolerated. The student who lends his or her work and the student who is copying it will receive zeroes on the assignment.

Using translation programs for submitted work and assessments such as Google Translate is considered academically dishonest. As outlined in the SA Discipline Policy, academic dishonesty on homework is a demerit. In addition all parties involved will receive a zero for the assignment. Academic dishonesty on an assessment will result in a Class II demerit and referral to the discipline board to determine what further action will be taken.


Sussex Academy students, staff, and visitors will make a pledge and commitment to their school and its mission. In doing so, students show respect for themselves, learning, others, and property.