Magazines Online: Databases for Youth

Kids InfoBits

Kids InfoBits is a database developed especially for beginning researchers in grades K-5 featuring a kid-friendly, easy to navigate graphic interface. The most popular search method is moving from a broad subject to a narrower topic using the subject-based topic tree. The curriculum-related, age appropriate, full-text content is from the best elementary reference sources and magazines. This database covers geography, current events, the arts, science, health, people, government, history, sports and more.

Full-text periodical titles include:


Boy’s Quest





Fun for Kidz

Geography Connections

Get Smart about Drugs

Highlights for Children

Humpty Dumpty’s Magazine

Jack & Jill

Ranger Rick

Science Matters

Skipping Stones

Staying Healthy

Using Maps series

Full-text reference titles include:

Blackbirch Kid's series

Eye Openers series

First Facts series

Junior Worldmark Encyclopedias

Merriam Webster's Elementary Dictionary

Tribes of Native America series

Wild Wild World series

Junior Edition

Now with over 330 titles, this periodical database is designed for students in junior high and middle school with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, reference books, podcasts and more for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more. Currently it searches over 1,435,000 articles.

Full-text periodical titles include:

American Heritage


Boys’ Life

Faces: People, Places, and Cultures

Football Digest


Girls’ Life


Kids Discover

Junior Scholastic

National Geographic Kids

Science News for Kids

Stone Soup

USA Today

Full-text reference titles include:

Blackbirch Maps

Merriam Webster's Biographical Dictionary

The Reader's Companion to American History

The World Almanac and Book of Facts

Student Edition

Now with over 1100 titles, this periodical database is designed for high-school students with access to a variety of indexed and full-text magazines, newspapers, podcasts, and reference books for information on current events, the arts, science, popular culture, health, people, government, history, sports and more. Currently it searches over 10 million articles.

Full-text periodical titles include:



Baseball Digest

Career World


Consumer Reports

Get Money for College

Journal of the Southwest

Knight Ridder/Tribune



National Geographic (Spanish edition as well)



Scholastic Art


Teen Magazine

US Newswire

Full-text reference titles include:

Asimov's Chronology of Science & Discovery

Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature

Columbia Encyclopedia

Constitution of the United States

Great Thinkers of the Western World

Merriam Webster's Biographical Dictionary

Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Quotations

Merriam Webster's Geographical Dictionary

Other databases for students

·  Computer Database: News and reviews of hardware, software, electronics, communications and the application of technology

·  Informe: Created just for Spanish-speaking users; searches Spanish language periodicals

·  General Reference Center Gold: General interest periodicals on current events, popular culture, the arts and sciences, sports, hobbies, etc.

·  General Science: Popular and scholarly periodicals on all science and technology fields

·  Gale Virtual Reference Library:Encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research.

·  Pop Culture: Periodicals on popular culture, including sports, the arts, film, women’s interests, and more

·  US History: Journals, mostly scholarly, on state and national history

·  Vocation, Careers & Technical Education: Industry and popular magazines on a wide range of professions, plus periodicals on job seeking and career development

·  World History: Mostly scholarly journals on world history and cultures

Beth Crist, Outreach & Community Services Coordinator

New Mexico State Library


Magazines Online is funded in part with a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services which administers the Library Services and Technology Act.