Minutes of the Elders’ and Deacons’ Meeting
held on Wednesday 10 February 2016
at 13 Field Close, Braunton
Present: Cathy Ogden,Richard Francis, Anne Francis, Anne Strobel,Rosemary Sherwin
Apologiesfrom Will Mathers, John Hoult
Chair: Cathy Ogden
1.Meditation and Prayer
Anne Francis read from and shared thoughts on Joshua ch 4.
The meeting was then opened with prayer.
2.Minutes of the Last Meeting
The minutes were amended and then signed as accurate.
3.Structure of Sunday Morning Services
Mat had updated the template for those chairing Sunday services. Church notices can be included if necessary and appropriate, in their appointed slot but not at the very beginning of the service. In discussion with Sunday School teachers children will leave earlier at 10.45am for drinks and biscuits before their classes. Time for longer prayers and Bible readings will be after the children have left.
Richardwill circulate to chairpersons highlighting the note about pictures, presentations and videos being sent to Mat before Sunday.
4.Progress of the Administrator Job Advertisement
Applications are being received.
5.Progress of Paul Ginnings group
Paul is writing his report ready for the AGM in May. Christ Church now know the position. Prayer meetings need to be arranged in March/April. Every member will be interviewed with specific questions. Housegroup leaders will encourage members to be thinking over their opinions.
6.Church Away Day at Woolacombe Bay Hotel
All is arranged for 12 March. Speaker is Derek Burnside of Exeter. A hot lunch will be
served. Will to be responsible for ages 12+. Paula Clarke and her team will care for the crèche and also for 3-11 age group.
The flyer for the away day will state that this is an expensive day and an offering will be taken during the service so please come prepared for a donation.
Maybe the time has come to look at another venue. Also to consider what is the purpose of the day and does it have value.
Lee Abbey was suggested for a future weekend combining the church weekend usually spent at Heatree and the Woolacombe Bay away day.
For the next meeting’s agenda a discussion on planning whole church social occasions.
7.Easter Plans
An Easter Extravaganza is planned for Palm Sunday, 20 March with the same format as the Christmas Extravaganza.
Cathy and Will have organised a Good Friday event for the last two years. Cathy will be concentrating on the Extravaganza this year. Richard and Anne will discuss with Will what might happen this year.
Suggested maybe a Maundy Thursday evening service watching the John DVD with Communion.
It was mentioned at an earlier meeting that a leaflet drop to every house in Brauntonwith an Easter message and service announcements could take place this year. Suggested a leaflet in the EX33 would be more practical.
8.Feedback from the Elders and Wives Away Day
Richard reported a good and profitable time together with James Hyde. Their discussions were positive and encouraging.
9.Picture and Prayer Board
When the photographs are taken for the next prayer directory they could also be displayed on a board at the back of the church. Clare Fisher took the last photographs and could perhaps be asked to take them again this year.
10.Calendar Review
Chrissie Mulindabigwi - Rosemary
11.Any Other Business
Sue Nightingale, Val Hoult and Anne Strobel are planning to take the Hygiene Certificate Course.
Anne S suggested that those using the SS building should attend a Fire Safety course for an overall cost of £150.
Date of the Next Meeting – Wednesday 9 March
- Barrier for the Car Park
John is working on reinstating the sunken post, having found the missing key. This could be the middle post of a chain barrier, along with a suitable sign.
Seb had found that none of the neighbours had been given permission to park and he had put a note on each car.
The car park will be for the use of those using the church at that time, with the organiser being responsible for taking off and chaining up at the end of each session. It will not be possible for church members to park there for other reasons.
John had found the cost of a lift up barrier would be about £2000 and this was considered to be too expensive.
- Decoration of the Guild Room, Christ Church
The Guild Room needs decorating and it was suggested we may be able to help with the cost. John asked for a quote/estimate for us to consider.
It was suggested that if agreed with Christ Church we could have another one-off cleaningsession.
- Issues raise by the Deacons
MaintenanceJohn had circulated a Maintenance sheet. He had still not received any invoices from Blue Wave. A new accounting system is being put in place which could account for the delays.
A new battery is needed for the fire alarm but it is still functional at the moment.
Will again asked for cages to be fitted over the lights in the SS hall to protect the lights from balls etc. John will look into it.
Care and Visiting Rosemary had circulated an update on the care over the last threemonths. Barnstaple Baptist Church will be responsible for pastoral care of those in South Street housegroups who now attend BBC.
Housegroups A housegroup leaders’ meeting had been held in the last week and an up- dated list of members will be circulated shortly.
Technical Support Mat asked for £170 to upgrade the software on the church laptop. This was agreed.
11. Discussion of Remit of Deacons’ Meetings
The remit of the deacons is to ensure elders are not weighed down with practicalities. It was felt that the deacons were freeing up the elders to spend more time in their meetings on spiritual matters and that until September when Seb takes on the responsibility only one elder need attend the deacons’ meetings to give feed back to the rest of the team.
There should be a periodic review to check that this meeting is still fulfilling its purpose.
In future rather than going round each deacon in turn for their report we will focus on specific issues either raised by the elders or by the deacons themselves.
It was decided that the deaconate is of a suitable size at this time.
12. Calendar Review
Outside speakers for January and February were arranged hospitality as follows:
London City Mission- David and Anne Strobel
Gideons- Richard will check
Chrissie Malindabigwe- Rosemary
13.Any Other Business
Richard had sent out a guide for Sunday Chair persons but it was felt there could still be improvement.
The Meeting was closed with prayer
Date of next meeting – Wednesday 12 February