Course Policy: CCSS Advanced Math Plus

Semester 1: Trigonometry

Instructor: Charles Williams,

Mathematics Dept.

Room 11

I. Course Description: Trigonometry is a field of mathematics in which the geometric properties of the angles and edges of triangles are used to measure lengths. Real-world problems involving trigonometry are common in engineering, physics, construction and design. Units to be covered in this course include:

1. Right Triangle Trig 5. Trig Equations

2. Graphing Trig Functions 6. Law of Sines/Cosines

3. The Unit Circle 7. Vectors

4. Trig Identities

II. Supplies:

·  Textbook

·  Notebook paper

·  Graph paper

·  Pen/pencil/Colored Pencils

·  12 inch ruler

·  Protractor

·  Graphing Calculator (See below)

III. Calculator Usage: The purchase of a Texas Instruments TI-84 or TI-NSPIRE calculator is recommended (but not required) and gives the student enormous benefits for the study of Trigonometry. Most tests will contain a “Calculator portion” and “No Calculator portion”.

IV. Restroom privileges: Try to take care of your needs between classes. Time in class is imperative to the student’s success in Trigonometry. Using the restroom is permitted as long as it does not become excessive and inappropriate (exceptions will be made for medical conditions). Students will not be allowed to use the restroom at anytime during instructional time.

V. Cell Phone Usage- Cell phones use is not allowed in class at anytime.

VI. Instructor Website:

VII. Basic Procedures: Upon entering the classroom, the student should turn in any due assignment into the specified tray. The student should proceed by picking up his calculator, book, and beginning on his bell-ringer. Pencils should be borrowed and/or sharpened before the tardy bell rings. All graded assignments must be completed in pencil. Any assignment that is due for a grade cannot be completed in pen. If the assignment is completed in pen it will not be graded. At all times, the student should ensure that he is being respectful of himself, the teacher, and his peers.

VIII. Grading.

·  Formative Assessments: 40%

·  Summative Assessments: 60%

o  Formative assessments include:

§  Bell-ringers – Expect one everyday. Will either be review of the day before or preview of the day’s upcoming lesson; sometimes bell-ringers will be ACT practice questions.

§  Classwork – There will be a classwork assignment due each class period.

§  Quizzes –Quizzes will be given through MathXL and in the classroom.

§  Homework – Most homework will be done through MathXL. All homework for a particular unit will usually be due on test day. I will not spend a lot of class time going over homework problems, so if you are having a particularly hard time with a section, get help before the next class. When an assignment is due, it must be completed before you come to class. If you fail to complete the MathXL assignments within the time allotted, you will receive a zero for those assignments. There will be no alternate assignments to replace missing homework grades. I want to prepare you for college and the real world where deadlines are important.

o  Summative Assessments

§  You must complete all tests during class. (I want you to learn how to manage your time while taking a test.) I WILL NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS DURING THE TESTING PERIOD. If you are absent the day before a test, you will be responsible for taking the test with the rest of the class.

§  You will be assigned one project during each unit.

IX. Make-up Work All assignments are posted on the class syllabus (also available on my website). Class notes available on the website as well. Check with me for any work that was given the day you were absent; THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, NOT MINE!! If you have questions, come ask me for help before/after school. If you missed a test or quiz you must make it up before or after school.

X. Zeroes. All missing assignments will immediately receive a zero in the gradebook. However, I fully encourage and expect each student to make up his missed assignments. Any zero will stand until it is replaced with the work. I encourage parents to routinely check their student’s progress by logging into PowerSchool.

XI. Redo Policy: You may retake no more than 2 quizzes per nine weeks. You will not be allowed to retake a summative grade; however, your Semester Exam 1 grade can replace your lowest test grade for Q1 and Q2 and your Semester Exam 2 grade can replace your lowest test grade for Q3 and Q4. You must have completed the homework for the unit whose grade you wish to replace.

XII. Extra help. I am available any morning (except Tuesday and Fridays) 7:20 – 7:55 and during planning blocks – 2A4.