


General Certificate of Secondary Education Tystysgrif Gyffredinol Addysg Uwchradd





The marking schemes which follow were those used by the WJEC for the 2007 examination in GCSE Design and Technology. They were finalised after detailed discussion at examiners' conferences by all the examiners involved in the assessment. The conferences were held shortly after the papers were taken so that reference could be made to the full range of candidates' responses, with photocopied scripts forming the basis of discussion. The aim of the conferences was to ensure that the marking schemes were interpreted and applied in the same way by all examiners.

It is hoped that this information will be of assistance to centres but it is recognised at the same time that, without the benefit of participation in the examiners' conferences, teachers may have different views on certain matters of detail or interpretation.

The WJEC regrets that it cannot enter into any discussion or correspondence about these marking schemes.

Design and Technology 2007

Core 138 01 (and Short Course)

Paper 1

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 (a) A designer needs to carry out research before designing a new toy for three year-old child.

Draw a line to match the research activity with the information found. One has been done for you. 3 x [1]

Research Activity Information found

Look at tables of children’s sizes What children can do

Reading a book on child development Size of children’s hands

Look at a Materials Properties Website Find the most popular colour

Talk to a three year old child Safety of materials

(b) Give three safety concerns that a parent may have when buying a toy. 3 x [2]

Ensure that the materials used are non-toxic. 2 marks.

Ensure that there are no loose components that could cause a choking

hazard. 2 marks.

Ensure that there are no trapping hazards. 2 marks.

Concern plus reason or qualification is 2 marks.

No reason 1 mark.


Sharp edges 1 mark.

Small parts 1 mark.

No small parts 2 marks.

No sharp edges 2 marks.

Q.2 (a) Sales of the breakfast cereal shown below are falling.

(i) Study the pictures shown and give two reasons why you think sales of this cereal have fallen. 2 x [2]

Too high in sugar 1 mark which is bad for your teeth (second mark).

Too high in saturated fat 1 mark which is bad for you (second mark).

Too expensive1 mark.

Too expensive1 mark compared to other brands / size of the box (second mark).

Unappealing brand name 2 marks.

Unappealing graphics 2 marks.

(b) The pictures below show three kettles.

(i) State which kettle holds the most water. [1]

C – 1 mark.

(ii) State which kettle you think is the easiest to use and give two reasons for your choice. 2 x [1]

No marks for the kettle chosen marks awarded for the reasons.

Kettle C because it is cordless.

Kettle C because it shows you that the water is hot.

Kettle C because it is easier to fill.

This is quite subjective as long as candidates can justify the reason he/she should be awarded marks.

(iii) Even though it is expensive, some people would decide to buy kettle C. Give one reason for this. [2]

It has innovative colour changing features that show that the water is hot 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

(iv) State the price of kettle A. [1]


(v) Give two reasons why the kettle can be sold at this price. 2 x [2]

The kettle is made in China and labour costs are cheaper there 2 marks.

It may be a “loss leader” to bring customers into the shop / supermarket 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Q.3 (a) One part of the design process is called development. Place a tick next to the three activities that are part of development. 3 x [1]

Test the finished product.

Deciding on final sizes ü

Try out different materials and finishes ü

Think about possible ways to join parts together ü

Draw initial ideas for the product.

Be aware of rubric if five ticks appear award no marks. If four ticks appear, mark the answers and deduct one mark. To a maximum of 2 marks if the answers are correct and write rubric on the front of the exam and put a line under the third tick – (not through the answer).

(b) Describe two ways in which ICT/CAD could be used to help with the development of a new product. 2 x [2]

You could use pro-desktop or any similar software to try out different finishes 2 marks.

Designs could be emailed to others for evaluating 2 marks.

Look for activity or verb E.g. Consider, test, research, model, look at, add, experiment etc.

AND the qualification.

Activity (1 mark) qualification or explanation (second mark).

(c) For a product of your choice, describe two benefits of using CAM (aided manufacturing) to make the product. 3 x [1]

Award a mark for the product as answers must be related to the product.

For a clock 1 mark.

CAM is faster for making the numbers in acrylic than making them by hand 1 mark.

CAM can be more accurate at mass producing clocks than by hand 1 mark.

Example (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Faster no marks.

Faster than making by hand (1 mark).

(d) Describe one environmental issue that should be taken into account when designing products. [2]

The materials suggested and how they could be recycled after it has come to the end of the product life – 2 marks.


Design and Technology 2007

Core 138 03 (and Short Course)

Paper 1

Higher Tier Grades D to A

Q.1 (a) A designer needs to carry out research before designing a new toy for a three-year-old child.

Some research activities are shown in the table below. Complete the table by stating what important information can be found from these activities. One example has been done for you. 3 x [2]

Research Activity / Outcomes of research
Talk to a three year old child / To establish the types of activities (that are popular with three year olds.
Look at anthropometric data. / To see the average sizes (1 mark) of children's hands(second mark).
Or something that is related to anthropometric data.
Reading a book on child development. / To see what children should be able to do. (1 mark) at certain ages (second mark)
What they can do or are attracted to and by when – reference to toys perhaps. 2 marks
Stimulus and age. 2 marks
To find out what helps children to learn. 1 mark
To see what they like. 1 mark
Look at a Materials Properties Website / To check(1mark) on the safety (second mark) of materials.
Property plus reason 2 marks
Make sure the materials are safe.
1 mark
Look at suitable materials.
2 marks
Disregard repetition of question

(b) Give three safety concerns that a parent may have when buying a toy. 3 x [1]

Ensure that the materials used are non-toxic. 1 mark.

Ensure that there are no loose components that could cause a choking hazard. 1 mark.

Ensure that there are no trapping hazards. 1 mark.

Look for the reason and or a qualified answer.


Sharp edges no marks.

Small parts no marks.

No small parts 1 mark.

No sharp edges 1 mark.

Q.2 (a) Sales of the breakfast cereal shown below are falling.

(i) Study the pictures shown and give two reasons why you think sales of this cereal have fallen. 2 x [2]

Too high in sugar 1 mark which is bad for your teeth (second mark).

Too high in saturated fat 1 mark which is bad for you (second mark).

Too expensive1 mark.

Too expensive1 mark compared to other brands / size of the box (second mark).

Unappealing brand name 2 marks.

Unappealing graphics 2 marks.

If answers are repeated award marks.

(b) The pictures below show three kettles.

(i) Even though it is expensive, some people would decide to buy kettle C. Give one reason for this. [2]

It has innovative colour changing features that show that the water is hot. 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

(ii) Give two reasons why the kettle A can be sold at this price. 2 x [2]

The kettle is made in China and labour costs are cheaper. 2 marks.

It may be a “loss leader” to bring customers into the shop / supermarket 2 marks.

Reason (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

(iii) Kettle B uses a thermochromic plastic give two benefits of using this material. 2 x [2]

You can tell when the water is hot by looking at the colour change 2 marks.

It makes the kettle more aesthetically pleasing. 2 marks.

Answers MUST relate to the properties of thermochromic NOT plastics in general.

Q.3 (a) One part of the design process is called development. One development activity might be to consider a range of possible colours for a product. List three other activities that are part of development. 3 x [1]

Deciding on final sizes 1 mark.

Try out different materials and finishes. 1 mark.

Think about possible ways to join parts together. 1 mark.

Activity or verb must be written E.g. Consider, test, research, model, look at, add, experiment etc.

One word answers no marks.

(b) Name a specific ICT/CAD package and explain how it could be used to help with the development of a new product.

Name of package: Pro- Desktop 1 mark.

ICT package E.g. Excel, Word, PowerPoint etc.

Use in development.

Try out different finishes. 2 marks.

Designs could be emailed to others for evaluating. 2 marks.

(c) For a product of your choice, describe two benefits of using CAM (computer aided manufacturing) to make the product. 2 x [1]

For a clock.

CAM is faster for making the numbers in acrylic than making them by hand. 1 mark.

CAM can be more accurate at mass producing clocks than by hand. 1 mark.

Example (1 mark) qualification (second mark).

Faster no marks.

Faster than making by hand (1 mark).

(d) Describe two environmental issues that should be taken into account when designing products. 2 x [2]

The materials suggested and how they could be recycled after it has come to the end of the product life. 2 marks

The finish suggested of the product and its environmental impact. 2 marks

Design and Technology 2007

Food Technology 139 02

Paper 2

Foundation Tier Grades G to C

Q.1 / (a) / (i) / Award each correct example.
Chocolate bar/ dairy milk, egg, cake, Danish pastry, cream bun, fruity chews, trifle, sweets. / 1 mark / 1 / 6
(ii) / Chocolate bar, dairy milk, cake, crisps, chips, cream scone, beef/cheese burger, sausage roll, trifle pastry product, Peanuts. / 1 mark each / 2
(iii) / Award one mark for a correct healthy option.
Orange, apple, banana, yogurt, banana/ fruit
Award up two marks for a detailed reason which shows nutritional knowledge.
Yogurt/apple/orange may only contain a trace of sugar so it does not add to dental decay or make you put on weight;
It is a low calorie food because it has most of the fat removed.
Yogurt is a good source of calcium which helps to give strong bones and teeth.
Yogurt contains good bacteria to help to maintain good health.
Fresh fruit contains Vitamin C and fibre.
Fresh fruit contains natural sugar which is better than processed sugar.
Fresh fruit is part of the ‘5 a day’ advice.
Award one mark for a correct reason which shows limited nutritional knowledge.
Yogurt doesn’t contain fat /doesn’t contain sugar.
Fruit doesn’t contain fat /doesn’t contain much sugar.
Free from chemicals.
Part of five a day.
Do not award marks for:
It is healthier/ it is good for you / one word answers. / 1 mark
2 marks
1 mark
0 mark / 3
(b) / Award each correct nutrient.
Salt / 1 mark
each / 3 / 3
(c) / (i) / Award two marks for each relevant detailed reason.
· Manufacturers hope to make more money because people like trying new products.
· It is a way of encouraging more people to buy their products rather than a competitor’s products.
· New technologies (materials/equipment) could make it easier to make a type of product.
· Manufacturers try to be aware of media reports on heathy eating and use this as a starting point for developing new products.
· To compete with similar products on the market.
Award one mark for each simplistic but valid reason.
· To make more money
· Because they are healthy
· People want to be healthy
· As a response to public demand/because people want new things
· To give consumers more choice
Do not award marks for a one word answer. / 2 marks
1 mark / 2 / 6
(ii) / Award two marks for each relevant reason.
Award up to two marks for each relevant reason.
It is a convenient way of eating fruit.
It is easy to carry in packed meals.
It is an easy way of achieving the ‘5 a Day’ recommendation.
It is an alternative to eating one of the ‘5 a Day’
It is a good way of making sure young children eat fruit.
It is a quick way of having a daily supply of Vitamin C.
It is a healthy alternative to a fatty snack.
They have visual appeal; they look tempting; they look healthy.
They are brightly coloured so attract you/ make you want to buy them.
Someone recommended you try them. / 1 mark / 2x1
(iii) / Award two marks for each relevant detailed reason.
· Excess packaging needs to be disposed of in diminishing landfill sites.
· More energy is used up / wasted for production processing.
· Excessive production of packaging increases CO2 production.
· Fertilisers may have been used in crop production / on the fruit which could be harmful to humans.
Award one mark for:
· More materials are used for the packaging they have secondary packaging as well as primary packaging.