Health and Medical Sciences - Course Syllabus
Course: / Nursing Assistant I & II / Course Number: / 8360/8362
Textbook: / Nursing Assistant – A Nursing Approach 9th Ed
Required Fee/Supplies: / $10.00 / Student Organization: / HOSA $10.00
Prerequisite: / Strong science & math background
Dual Enrollment Credit:
Industry Certification: / CNA


Nursing Assistant I emphasizes the study of nursing occupations as related to the health care system. Students study normal growth and development, simple body structure and function, and medical terminology and are introduced to microbes and disease. They receive elementary skill training in patient-nursing assistant relationships; taking and recording of vital signs; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and bathing, feeding, dressing, and transporting of patients in hospitals and nursing homes. Limited on-the-job instruction in nursing homes and hospitals is part of the course. This course can be used as an introduction to practical nursing or to prepare the student for Nursing Assistant II so that all competencies for a certified nursing assistant are met.


Task Area / Days
Becoming Oriented to the Nurse Aide Program / 5
Participating in HOSA / 7
Relating to the Health Care System / 5
Communicating in the Health Care Environment / 5
Understanding Body Systems and Disorders / 20
Exploring Employment Opportunities / 3
Developing Communication and Coordination Techniques / 15
Maintaining a Clean, Safe Environment / 15
Developing Basic Nursing Skills / 30
Understanding Community Health and First Aid / 5
Assisting with Nutrition and Elimination / 10
Clinical – 60 days Total / 180


1. Teacher Observation 5%

Homework 5%

Lab 20%

Quizzes/Tests 30% Clinical 40%

Nursing Assistant I & II(8360/8362) - Competency List

Student Name ______School Year ______

School ______

Nurse Aide

Becoming Oriented to the Nurse Aide Program
• HMS8362.001 Prepare for classroom instruction and activities.
• HMS8362.002 Display knowledge of school facility.
• HMS8362.003 Describe the Nurse Aide Program.
Participating in HOSA
• HMS8362.004 Identify the purposes and goals of the student organization. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.005 Enhance leadership skills through participation in the student organization. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
Relating to the Health Care System
• HMS8362.006 Identify the personal qualities of a nurse aide.
• HMS8362.007 Identify the certified nurse aide’s scope of practice. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.008 Describe appropriate appearance and behavior for a nurse aide.
• HMS8362.009 Identify health career options.
• HMS8362.010 Match nursing functions with appropriate personnel.
• HMS8362.011 Identify the major types and functions of health-care institutions.
• HMS8362.012 Identify examples of ethical nursing behavior.
• HMS8362.013 Determine legal responsibilities of the nurse aide. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.014 Maintain care and security of the client’s/resident’s personal possessions. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.015 Identify the rights of clients/residents.
• HMS8362.016 Demonstrate respect for client/resident rights. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.017 Promote the client’s/resident’s rights to be free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.018 Give assistance in resolving grievances and disputes. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.019 Provide assistance to client/resident and family groups for participation in activities. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.020 Identify appropriate recreation for residents in a nursing home.
Communicating in the Health Care Environment
• HMS8362.021 Demonstrate proficient communication skills. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.022 Demonstrate interpersonal skills. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.023 Explore ethnic and cultural diversity. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.024 Provide culturally sensitive care. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.025 Manage conflict with clients/residents and co-workers. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
Understanding Body Systems and Disorders
• HMS8362.026 Identify anatomical structures.
• HMS8362.027 Identify body cavities and organs within these cavities.
• HMS8362.028 Identify parts and functions of the cell.
• HMS8362.029 Identify tissues within the body.
• HMS8362.030 Identify major structures and state the functions of the endocrine glands.
• HMS8362.031 Identify major disorders of the endocrine glands.
• HMS8362.032 Identify major organs and state the functions of the circulatory system.
• HMS8362.033 Identify major disorders of the circulatory system.
• HMS8362.034 Identify major structures and state the functions of the musculo-skeletal system.
• HMS8362.035 Identify structures and state the functions of the major digestive organs, including the oral cavity.
• HMS8362.036 Identify major disorders of the digestive system.
• HMS8362.037 Identify major disorders of the oral cavity.
• HMS8362.038 Identify structures and state the functions of the major organs of the reproductive system.
• HMS8362.039 Identify major disorders of the reproductive system.
• HMS8362.040 Identify major structures and state the functions of the urinary system.
• HMS8362.041 Identify major disorders of the urinary system.
• HMS8362.042 Identify major structures and state the functions of the respiratory system.
• HMS8362.043 Identify major disorders of the respiratory system.
• HMS8362.044 Identify major structures and state the functions of the nervous system.
• HMS8362.045 Identify major disorders of the nervous system, including Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias.
• HMS8362.046 Identify the five senses and state their functions.
• HMS8362.047 Label major parts of the eye and ear and state their functions.
• HMS8362.048 Identify major disorders of the eye, ear, and other sensory organs.
• HMS8362.049 Identify major structures and state the functions of the integumentary system.
• HMS8362.050 Identify major disorders of the integumentary system.
• HMS8362.051 Describe the major stages of growth and developmental abilities.
• HMS8362.052 Describe the effects of the normal aging process on major body systems.
• HMS8362.053 Identify psycho-social problems associated with the elderly.
• HMS8362.054 Identify needs related to death and dying. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
Exploring Employment Opportunities
• HMS8362.055 Prepare a personal data sheet or résumé.
• HMS8362.056 Complete an application.
• HMS8362.057 Participate in an interview.
• HMS8362.058 Identify employment opportunities.
Developing Communication and Coordination Techniques
• HMS8362.059 Develop awareness of personality strengths and weaknesses.
• HMS8362.060 Analyze personal health habits.
• HMS8362.061 Demonstrate successful work attitudes.
• HMS8362.062 Identify effective methods to develop client/resident/family and staff relationships.
• HMS8362.063 Define simple medical terminology.
• HMS8362.064 Report changes in body functioning to a supervisor. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.065 Answer the intercom.
• HMS8362.066 Place and receive telephone calls.
• HMS8362.067 Answer the call signal.
Maintaining a Clean, Safe Environment
• HMS8362.068 Identify terminology related to a clean, safe environment.
• HMS8362.069 Maintain the client’s/resident’s environment. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.070 Match major pathogenic microorganisms to their related disease or infection.
• HMS8362.071 Describe how infections spread.
• HMS8362.072 Recognize symptoms of an infection.
• HMS8362.073 Explain principles of infection control. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.074 Demonstrate infection control measures. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.075 Demonstrate safety procedures in various health care scenarios. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.076 Clean instruments and supplies.
• HMS8362.077 Demonstrate proper handwashing technique. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.078 Don and remove gown, mask, and gloves.
• HMS8362.079 Demonstrate double bagging technique.
• HMS8362.080 Dispose of soiled material.
• HMS8362.081 Perform terminal disinfection procedures of a unit.
• HMS8362.082 Make an unoccupied bed.
• HMS8362.083 Make an occupied bed.
• HMS8362.084 Make a postoperative or recovery bed.
• HMS8362.085 Demonstrate proper body mechanics. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.086 Position client/resident in bed. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.087 Assist client/resident to maintain proper body alignment.
• HMS8362.088 Assure range of motion. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.089 Assist client/resident to turn, cough, and deep breathe.
• HMS8362.090 Assist client/resident with postural drainage and/or cupping as prescribed.
• HMS8362.091 Adjust hospital bed.
• HMS8362.092 Adjust side rails.
• HMS8362.093 Place footboard, overbed cradle, or egg crate mattress on bed.
• HMS8362.094 Place alternating pressure mattress on bed.
• HMS8362.095 Assist with alternatives to restraints.
• HMS8362.096 Apply heel and elbow protectors.
• HMS8362.097 Apply and care for anti-embolic stocking. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.098 Demonstrate terminal and concurrent cleaning.
• HMS8362.099 Clean utility/linen room.
• HMS8362.100 Perform safety procedures related to client/resident care.
• HMS8362.101 Perform safety procedures related to environment.
• HMS8362.102 Demonstrate fire safety procedures.
• HMS8362.103 Use fire extinguishers.
• HMS8362.104 Follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations and guidelines. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
Developing Basic Nursing Skills
• HMS8362.105 Facilitate physical and psychological independence in client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.106 Apply unsterile cold compress.
• HMS8362.107 Apply ice bag.
• HMS8362.108 Assist client/resident to sit on side of bed.
HMS8362.109 Assist with indwelling urinary catheter care.
HMS8362.110 Maintain closed urinary drainage system.
• HMS8362.111 Perform postmortem care on a mannequin.
HMS8362.112 Collect a clean-catch urine specimen.
HMS8362.113 Collect 24-hour urine specimen.
HMS8362.114 Collect a sputum specimen.
HMS8362.115 Collect a stool specimen.
HMS8362.116 Measure and record contents of gastric and intestinal drainage bottles.
HMS8362.117 Give perineal care (unsterile).
• HMS8362.118 Measure and record routine vital signs (blood pressure; apical pulse; radial pulse; oral, rectal, and axillary temperature). (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.119 Measure and record height and weight. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.120 Measure weight, using a wheelchair scale, mechanical lift, or electronic bedscale.
• HMS8362.121 Measure and record respiration. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
HMS8362.122 Assist with applying and removing braces.
• HMS8362.123 Assist with crutch walking.
• HMS8362.124 Assist with dressing and undressing.
• HMS8362.125 Assist client/resident in ambulation. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.126 Assist client/resident in using parallel bars for ambulation.
• HMS8362.127 Assist client/resident in standing.
• HMS8362.128 Groom client/resident, including shaving/assisting with shaving, caring for/helping with hair, and cleaning/beautifying fingernails and toenails. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.129 Give a back rub.
• HMS8362.130 Care for a client’s/resident’s skin, including a client/resident in cast/traction and/or with decubitus ulcer. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.131 Bathe client/resident, including giving / assisting with bed bath, partial bath, shower, tub bath, and whirlpool bath. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.132 Administer a sitz bath.
• HMS8362.133 Perform oral hygiene. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.134 Give denture care.
• HMS8362.135 Perform transferring, positioning, and turning of client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.136 Use assistive devices (three-person lift, transfer sheet, mechanical lift) in transferring, ambulation, eating, and dressing. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.137 Assist a client/resident who can stand to move to and from a wheelchair, shower chair, or Gerri-chair.
• HMS8362.138 Transfer a client/resident to bedside commode. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.139 Transport a client/resident by wheelchair. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.140 Transport a client/resident by stretcher. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.141 Assist with admission of a client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.142 Assist with transfer of a client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.143 Assist with discharge of a client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.144 Strain urine. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.145 Assist with preparation for surgery.
• HMS8362.146 Prepare a unit to receive a client/resident from operating room.
• HMS8362.147 Give a.m. care.
• HMS8362.148 Give p.m. care.
• HMS8362.149 Assist with physical examination.
• HMS8362.150 Drape a client/resident for physical examination/treatment.
• HMS8362.151 Assist client/resident with walker and quad cane use.
• HMS8362.152 Identify ways to assist with care of terminal client/resident.
• HMS8362.153 Care for client/resident when death is imminent. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.154 Assist a client/resident with special needs in activities of daily living.
• HMS8362.155 Provide clinical care for the aged and disabled. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.156 Care for the cognitively impaired client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.157 Care for the sensorially impaired client/resident. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.158 Demonstrate reality orientation techniques.
• HMS8362.159 Demonstrate principles of behavior management. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
HMS8362.160 Assist with client/resident teaching, as prescribed.
Understanding Community Health and First Aid
• HMS8362.161 Perform basic emergency measures. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.162 Give artificial ventilation to an unconscious adult.
• HMS8362.163 Give artificial ventilation to an unconscious infant.
• HMS8362.164 Give cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, one- or two-person rescue.
• HMS8362.165 Give first aid for external and internal bleeding.
• HMS8362.166 Give first aid for choking (including abdominal thrust), for obstruction of airway, and for a fall to a conscious/unconscious adult, infant, or child. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
HMS8362.167 Apply circular, spiral, figure eight, triangle, and cravat bandages.
HMS8362.168 Apply splints.
• HMS8362.169 Apply sling.
Assisting with Nutrition and Elimination
• HMS8362.170 Measure and record fluid and food intake and output. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.171 Identify general and special diets.
• HMS8362.172 Assist client/resident with menu selection.
• HMS8362.173 Serve and remove diet trays.
• HMS8362.174 Distribute nourishments.
• HMS8362.175 Distribute drinking water.
• HMS8362.176 Assist client/resident with eating and hydration. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.177 Feed a client/resident (all ages).
• HMS8362.178 Observe a client/resident receiving intravenous (I.V.) fluids.
• HMS8362.179 Assist a client/resident with using a bedpan.
• HMS8362.180 Assist a client/resident with using a urinal.
• HMS8362.181 Empty closed urine drainage bag.
HMS8362.182 Clean stoma and change a colostomy bag.
• HMS8362.183 Describe methods of assisting a client/resident with bladder and bowel training. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.184 Follow prescribed bladder and bowel program. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
• HMS8362.185 Assist the incontinent client/resident, including diaper applications.
• HMS8362.186 Assist client/resident with toilet use. (Required for certification by Virginia Board of Nursing)
Examining All Aspects of Industry
• Planning
• Management
• Finance
• Technical and Production Skills
• Underlying Principles of Technology
• Labor Issues
• Community Issues
• Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues

1 - Can teach others
2 - Can perform without supervision
3 - Can perform with limited supervision
4 - Can perform with supervision
5 - Cannot perform