Bug Tracking Document for

“P2P Document Sharing Community”

Doc version / Author / Date
1.0 / 張靜雯 / 2003.05.10
1.1 / 張燕君 / 2003.05.12
1.2 / 黃振修 / 2003.05.13
1.3 / 張靜雯 / 2003.06.08
1.4 / 張燕君 / 2003.06.09


In this document, we keep track of all kinds of Bug QA discover during testing.

Details of the testing method, bug description , and bug state.

Bug Report

Notation: DC means “don’t care”,

A. File Type Conversion (Binary tool testing)

File Type / File Name / Testing Method / Output result / solution / Bug State
Chinese(.doc) / table.doc / WvText / No Chinese / DC / CLOSED
Table(.doc) / table.doc / WvText / No table / DC / CLOSED
Not Complete(.doc) / a.doc / WvText / Not correct, but it has output / DC / CLOSED
Picture(.doc) / Picture.doc / wvText / No output / DC / CLOSED

Note: in our application, we do not want to handle the Chinese documents and for those documents with table, pictures and other objects are not our focus, too. All we care about are the plain text.

B. File Type Conversion

Note: ChCole is the wrapper library we used to convert and digest the documents.

File Type / File Name / Testing Method / Output result / solution / Bug State
(Big-5) / t4.doc / ChCole ch_doc_to_txt / No Chinese / DC / CLOSED
(GB2312) / t5.doc / ChCole ch_doc_to_txt / No Chinese / DC / CLOSED
Picture(.doc) / t6.doc / ChCole ch_doc_to_txt / No picture / DC / CLOSED
Table(.doc) / t3.doc / ChCole ch_doc_to_txt / No table / DC / CLOSED
Not Complete(.doc) / t2.doc / ChCole ch_doc_to_txt / Executable, output is empty / DC / CLOSED
Picture(.pdf) / pdf1.pdf / ChCole ch_pdf_to_txt / No picture, but words ok / DC / CLOSED
Not Complete(.pdf) / pdf2.pdf / ChCole ch_pdf_to_txt / No output / DC / CLOSED
Picture(.ppt) / ppt2.ppt / ChCole ch_ppt_to_txt
ch_utf8_to_big5 / No picture / DC / CLOSED
Not Complete(.ppt) / ppt1.ppt / ChCole ch_ppt_to_txt
ch_utf8_to_big5 / Unexecutable / Check-file completing / SOLVED
Special form (.pdf) / image.pdf / Chcole ch_pdf_to_txt / Unexecutable / Check invalid page number / SOLVED

C.  The sharing module

Testing function / Testing Method / Output result / solution / Bug State
Initial / What is the content of begin_data.txt ? / Always 0. / DC / CLOSED
Initial / What will happen if the content of begin_data.txt is 1 ? / The first time will error. / DC / CLOSED
Initial / What will happen if the content of begin_data.txt is 0 ? / User file can’t be created. / DC / CLOSED
Close Program / Will the program be closed successfully ? / Yes, but the user file isn’t completed. / DC / CLOSED

D.  P2P Document Sharing Community

Testing function / Testing Method / Output result / solution / Bug State
Get file list / Get file list of a host that doesn’t exist / Have to wait for a long time to get error message / Stupid bug / SOLVED
Get file list / Get file list of a DHCP / No result / No time to solve / UNSOLVED
Browse file list / Browsing the file list / The file list repeats / Check if the file list repeats / SOLVED
Browse file list / Browsing the file list of a DHCP / No result / No time to solve / UNSOLVED
Keyword search / Searching for a keyword / List only the files of the root of the sharing folder / Improve to recursive function / SOLVED
Keyword search / Searching for a Chinese keyword / Sometimes no result / DC / CLOSED
Keyword search / Searching for a keyword / Too slow / Improve Algorithm / SOLVED
Keyword search / Searching for a keyword / List all .ppt ,.doc,.pdf files even no keywords are included / Stupid bug / SOLVED
Keyword search / Searching in a DHCP / No result / No time to solve / UNSOLVED
Download / Download a file / Too slow / Stupid bug / SOLVED
URL / All slashes of URL in the same direction / Run time Error / Fixed / SOLVED
URL (download) / Use wrong path / Run time Error / No time to solve / UNSOLVED
Progress bar / Does progressing integer overflow ? / Progressing integer overflows / Check overflow / SOLVED
Refresh / If someone close the program, then open it another time, does the program refresh the computer list automatically ? / Doesn’t refresh / Refresh manually ( by using browse computer list ) / UNSOLVED