32a Dew Street
Ph: 08 8416 5920
Fax: 08 8354 2325
Goalball Carnival
for Athletes with a Vision Impairment
General information – 2017
Wednesday 21stJune, 2017
Seaview High School
Nominations due – Wednesday 7th June, 2017
What is Goalball?
Goalball is a Paralympic sport designed for athletes who are blind or vision impaired. It is played on an indoor volleyball court, lined with tactile marking and the ball has a bell inside of it. The goals are 9 metres wide and 1.5 metres high which stand across the entire back of the playing court. Games are played over 2 x 12 minute halves with each team having 3 players on court. All players wear blacked out goggles or blind folds enabling sighted and vision impaired players to compete on an even playing field. Goalball is a fast paced and skilful game where the objective is to score goals by rolling the ball past the opposing team of defenders and into the goal. The team with the most goals at the end of the game wins!
Play Goalball at an interschool carnival
This carnival will be a fun based competition which will enable all participating children the opportunity to compete in a supportive environment. It is not essential that students have had any prior experience to be eligible to compete at this event. All equipment will be provided.
Date:21stJune, 2016 (Week 8 – Term 2)
Venue:Seaview High School
Times:10.00am - 2.15pm
Cost:$6/student. Schools will be invoiced after the event.
Team makeup: A team consists of a minimum of 3 to a max of 6 players.
Although the carnival is primarily aimed at students who are blind or vision impaired, fully sighted students can be used to make up the numbers.
Format: The day of competition will be very busy where teams will play multiple matches in a minor round draw followed by finals.
The specific details of the day will be sent to the schools that have entered shortly after the nomination due date.
For further information, contact:
David Phillips (School Sport Officer) 8416 5920, 0448 147 787,
NOMINATIONS DUE BY: Friday 7th June, 2017
/ /32a Dew Street
Ph: 08 8416 5920
Fax: 08 8354 2325
Goalball Carnival
for Athletes with a Vision Impairment
Nomination Form – 2017
Wednesday 21stJune, 2017
Seaview High School
Nominations due – Wednesday 7thJune, 2017
In order to participate the school must be registered with SSSSA or SAPSASA. If unsure please contact the School Sport Office.
Mark this box to indicate the school is registered with SSSSA or SAPSASA.
School:Sports Coordinator: / Phone:
I declare that by completing this form that all students have approval from the Principal to compete at this event under the duty of care of the school. Permission has also been granted for SSSSA to use all students’ photos in printed publications, on the website and on social media accounts. Students without permission must be identified to the event convenor prior to the start of the event.
Number of teams nominating(3 – 6 players per team)
Number of students being brought on the day
(To give organisers an idea on numbers attending)
If schools do not have sufficient numbers of students to make up complete teams, individuals can be nominated and will be combined to make up a composite team(s) on the day.
RETURN TO:David Phillips
Secondary School Sport SA
32a Dew Street
Thebarton SA 5031
Fax: 8354 2325
NOMINATIONS DUE BY: Wednesday 7th June, 2017