Board of Trustees
Pierce County Library System
Regular Meeting, December 14, 2011
Call To Order
Vice-Chair Stephen Albers called to order the regular meeting of the Pierce County Rural Library District Board of Trustees on December 14, 2011, 3:34 pm. Board members present were Robert Allen and Allen Rose. Linda Ishem arrived later. J.J. McCament was excused.
Public Comment
Betsy P. Elgar: Ms. Elgar introduced herself as an advocate, businesswoman and former caregiver. She has been gathering information about library services and budget reductions. She stated that government budget reductions are negatively impacting women and children, and is particularly concerned about reductions to insurance coverage for low-income residents. She mentioned that she had advocated for the expansion of the Lakewood Library and instead the library system expanded the University Place Library. She also stated that she had filed a complaint about staff at the Gig Harbor Library due to an issue with faxing material to her parents. She also objects to foreign-owned banks in Gig Harbor. She said she believed that one of the members of the Board lived in Gig Harbor and works for the bank and so Pierce County Library is supporting those foreign banks.
Consent Agenda
1. Minutes of the November 9, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees
2. November 2011 Payroll, Benefits and Vouchers in the total amount of $3,880,028.97
a. Payroll Warrants, 3241 - 3278, dated 11/01/11 – 11/30/11 in the amount of $19,434.74
b. Payroll Disbursement Voucher dated 11/07/11 in the amount of $528,121.51
c. Payroll Disbursement Voucher dated 11/21/11 in the amount of $530,389.24
d. Account Payable, dated 11/21/11 in the amount of $4,200.00
e. Accounts Payable Warrants, 616112 - 61683 dated 11/01/11 – 11/30/11 in the amount of $2,797,883.48
3. Resolution 2011-18, To Cancel Warrants Which Have Remained Unprocessed for Over One Year
Mr. Allen moved for approval of the consent agenda. Mr. Rose seconded the motion and it was passed.
Board Member Report
Allen Rose: Mr. Rose reported that Grand Opening ceremony at the new Fife Library was fabulous, noting that it is a beautiful facility. Mr. Albers also attended and was pleased by the positive media response to the branch and the event.
Sally Porter Smith reported that in the nine days the branch has been open, 5,499 items have been checked out. 65% of those items were handled directly by customers doing self check-out. 332 new library cards have been issued. Mr. Albers asked if the bookstore model was working as planned. Ms. Porter Smith reported that it appeared to be working well, but staff would continue to monitor and evaluate. Mr. Albers said that at a later time he would be interested in learning how the Fife collection integrates with the full collection in the system.
Officer Reports
1. Lakewood Towne Center: Ms. Parikh brought the Board up to date on the planning project. She had signed the agreement with the City of Lakewood for the Library’s participation in master planning services for the Lakewood Towne Center. She believes it will be a fruitful partnership with the City of Lakewood to address library needs for the community.
2. Communications with Bookmobile Customers: As requested by the Board during its November meeting, customers impacted by the elimination of bookmobile stops were sent a letter detailing the availability of library services in each area. The letters contained information on PCLS library branches, neighboring library districts where free services are available through a reciprocal use agreement and downloadable materials. In addition, customers were invited to attend an open house at the library branch closest to their location. The customers will have the opportunity to meet branch staff and be introduced to the resources available at the branch. Mary Getchell and Sally Porter Smith continue to travel to bookmobile stops to answer questions from customers.
3. Public Opinion Survey: Ms. Parikh reported that the library’s Executive Team is finalizing questions to ask communities regarding what services they want and need, so that PCLS can determine what the community values most and define the Library’s product. The public opinion research will be done through a mailing, online surveys and focus groups. The project will launch on January 4, 2012 and data information should be compiled by January 20th. Focus groups will be held in March 2012.
4. Population Figures: The Board was given a revised 2012 population estimate of 543,646 for Pierce County Library service area. Residents in the King County Library System service areas of Auburn and Pacific were removed from the previous projection.
5. E-Reader Comparison Chart: Mr. Albers reported that Ms. McCament had commented how pleased she was with the e-reader comparison information available on the library’s website. He stated that his wife is very excited about it as well. Georgia Lomax noted the information was designed so that that people interested in purchasing an e-reader for a holiday gift would be more informed about models and options available.
6. 2012 Marketing and Community Relations Plan: Mr. Albers asked that a primary communication goal be added to the plan reflecting the Library’s intent to be good stewards of taxpayer money. Mary Getchell will revise the plan to include this goal.
Public Hearing: 2012 Draft Budget
Mr. Rose moved that in accordance with RCW 85.44.120, the public hearing be opened for consideration of collection in property tax revenues, regarding 2011 property tax levies for collection in 2012. Mr. Allen seconded the motion and it passed.
Vice-Chair Albers then asked if there was anyone else in the audience who wished to comment on the 2012 budget.
There were no public comments.
Mr. Allen moved to close the public hearing on the 2012 budget of estimated revenue and expenditures. Ms. Ishem seconded the motion and it passed.
Unfinished Business
1. 2012 Budget:
a. Resolution 2011-14, To Transfer a Portion of the Fund Balance of the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund: Mr. Allen moved for approval of Resolution 2011-14 to transfer a portion of the fund balance of the general fund to the capital improvement fund. Ms. Ishem seconded the motion and it passed.
Mr. Jo reviewed revisions to the draft 2012 narrative budget. Regarding revenue, the budget reflects the decision to eliminate fees for lost library cards, which had been projected to provide $5,000 in revenue. However, the additional revenue received from the use of purchasing costs is projected to add $5,000 in revenue. Projections for the Washington State retirement system indicate that the Library’s contributions to employee retirement fund will decrease in 2012 and 2013.
Revenue projections for 2013 now indicate that revenue will decrease by approximately $2.6 million. This number has fluctuated from $3 million to the $2.6 million, so the Library will take the conservation approach and plan for a $3 million reduction in 2013. It is important to send a consistent message to the public, so the Library is using the statement that revenue projections indicate an estimated decrease of $2.6 to $3 million in 2013. Ms. Ishem suggested that the message be shared broadly so that different audiences don’t get different messages.
Mr. Allen asked that the budget show a cash reserve estimate for 2010 and 2011.
Mr. Jo reported that there had been a change in the capital fund estimate to reflect that the collection services workflow efficiencies project will be delayed until 2013. He noted that the 2011 capital projects fund appear under spent due to delay of payments for the expansion space at the University Place library. PCLS does not yet have ownership of the branch. He also noted that a contingency fund of $75,000 was included in the capital budget. The capital budget was down to $180,000. By adding the cash and moving two projects out further, more cash will be available in 2012. By 2014, the balance will be drawn down considerably.
Mr. Allen noted that in the interest of clarity for the public, the cash use should be reflected in the chart, to indicate how December 31st figure was calculated. As it stands, the 2014 and 2015 figures don’t look like a shortfall without knowing how those figures were derived.
b. Resolution 2011-15, To Adopt the 2012 General Fund Balance: Mr. Allen moved for adoption of Resolution 2011-15, a resolution of the Board of Trustees to adopt the 2012 General Fund budget for the Pierce County Rural Library District in the amount of $26,869,885. Mr. Rose seconded the motion and it passed.
c. Resolution 2011-16, To Adopt the 2012 Capital Improvement Fund Budget: Mr. Allen moved for adoption of Resolution 2011-16, a resolution of the Board of Trustees to adopt the 2012 Capital Improvement Fund budget for the Pierce County Library District in the amount of $1,995,700. Mr. Rose seconded the motion and it was passed.
Ms. Ishem commented that the narrative budget was a very aesthetically pleasing and accessible document for the public. Mr. Allen noted that he appreciated that it was put together with an eye to telling public what the library does with their money.
2. Operational Efficiencies Report: Georgia Lomax gave a presentation on operational efficiencies undertaken for the last three years. A memo had been sent to the Board, but the presentation detailed specific statistics and additional examples.
Data related to “Checkout Transaction Types” show that the successful effort toward creating a customer self-sufficiency service model is reflected in the Express Check-Out data. Check-outs handled by staff are equivalent to 1990 figures even though circulation has almost doubled since that time. There is a significant increase in use of downloadable materials as well with 235,000 items downloaded from January – November, 2011.
The implementation of an online E-Pay option for customers to pay their fines and fees has increased the amount of fines and fees collected. In 2010, card swipes were added to self checkout machines and it has significantly increased usage. Ms. Lomax estimated that approximately 2,146 hours of staff time have been saved in 2010 due to self-service E-Pay.
A change in service delivery from the bookmobile to a van was made to serve ESL (English as a Second Language) students. The bookmobile was a more expensive vehicle to use and required two staff members. The service provided through the van reduced the number of trips and doubled the amount of service use by the students.
The antiquated system-wide telephone system was replaced in 2011, significantly reducing the number of phone calls handled by both branch staff and the PAC receptionist. In October 2010 the PAC receptionist average 168 calls a day, of which 88 were calls that were just transferred to a person. In November 2011, there were only 9 calls a day, 4 of which had to be transferred to a known staff person.
Through the use of P-Cards for routine purchases, the library receives a 1% rebate on purchases. Use of the P-Card has reduced staff time in Finance and generates revenue.
Ms. Lomax noted that the examples cited were only samples of the effort to find and implement time and money efficiencies. She is working on a publication to inform the public on how the library is managing it’s reduced funding while improving its services.
3. University Place Status: Lorie Erickson, Facilities Director, reported that the final Certificate of Occupancy has been received. The exterior elevator was inspected and given a 30-day approval. The city wishes to turn off the interior elevator when the building is closed to ensure there is no access to the garage at night. HVAC and a lighting issue continues, but should be completed shortly.
Ms. Parikh reported that as so many construction items have been completed, the ‘watch our progress’ poster has been removed from the library. She also noted that the city’s Welcome Desk in the atrium is staffed intermittently and the atrium restrooms are open when the desk is staffed.
Work continues on the property closing process. The city and library attorneys are currently working on easement language. There was $43,000 in architectural fees owed to the library by the city and $22,000 has been received. The city may contest the remaining monies owed.
The University Place Police quarters have opened on the second floor of the Civic Building. In February, a coffee shop/café will open in the retail space adjourning the atrium. Housing construction on the parcel adjacent to the Civic Building will begin in February.
4. Fife Project Update:
Project Update: Ms. Erickson reported that she will be meeting with the contractors to review punchlist items. The most pressing issue is that the wrong front door hardware was installed, making it difficult to keep the door closed. New hardware is being shipped. Ms. Parikh reported that the city has agreed to reimburse the library system for sewer repair and storm drain expenses in connection with the construction of the bike path.
Grand Opening: Ms. Parikh noted that the opening day report referred to 143 new library cards issued, but in further review, 188 cards were issued. The Grand Opening celebration was very successful and the new Fife Branch has been very well received by the community.