Welcome to 1stgrade
Dear Parents,
Welcome to 1st grade and room 502. I am excited to be your child’s teacher this year. I look forward to meeting all of you and helping your child meet the first grade standards. I have high expectations for your child, as I am sure you do, and look forward to working with you to help your child meet his/her potential.
I hope that you will attend Back to School night on Thursday, 18th August, where I will be able to give you information regarding what to expect in first grade and answer any questions that you may have. Until then, here is a brief summary of what you need to know to get your child started in first grade.
I will be using a texting app called Remind 101 to keep you, and your student, updated on your phone. Please text to 81010 and type @mrsbadgett as the message. This will let me quickly and easily send you reminders about activities and assignments that are due.
Please also make sure that I have a correct email address. You can email me at
Backpacks should be lined up on our class line on the blacktop at the back of the school. Ask your child. He/she should know where that is….
In order for your child to be successful this year, your child will need some supplies. Please see list of suggested school supplies.
- Lunch is not until 11:50AM. Your child maywant to bring a snack for recess. If your child is isbuying lunch, payments may be made in advance and put into an account for your child. All payments are to be made in the cafeteria.
- Your child may bring a water bottle with a pop-top to keep under his/her desk.
- Your child should bring a backpack each day. Please check it daily. You wouldn’t believe the stuff that children store in there.
- Friday is Spirit Day. Your child should wear their school shirt or spirit colors (blue, black or white). Also, on Friday we have an all school assembly in front of the MPR.
- We will be doing PE Mon., Wed., and Fri. Please have your child wear or bring sneakers and comfortable clothing
- There will be no homework this week, however, there are many forms and notices going home with your child so please check his/her backpack daily.
- Please let me know if you can volunteer in the classroom. To reach me please email me at
- For additional information you may check out my website at
Here’s to a great year full of learning, fun, respect and friendship.
Please return folder on Friday.
Susanne Badgett