R & C Stagelines, Inc
Mr. Darin Goldson, President

Employment Application

In compliance with Federal and State equal employment opportunity laws, applicants are considered for positions without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, or any other consideration made unlawful by applicable

federal, state, or local laws. In order to be considered for employment, this application must be filled out COMPLETELY. Please write “N/A” if information is not applicable. Résumés, though welcome, should not be submitted in place of the information req. below.

Today’s Date _____/_____/_____ Position(s) applying for ______


Last First Middle


# Street City State Zip

3 Years Previous Residency


Dates: # Street City State Zip


Dates: # Street City State Zip

Phone Number ( ) - Best Time To Call ______

Social Security # Date Of Birth: ____/____/____

Date Available To Start: _____/_____/_____

Referred By: ______Rate of Pay Expected: $______

Emergency Contact Information

( ) -


Name Phone Number Relationship

CDL Information

Do you have a CDL license? ______Class: ______

If so, License # ______State: ______Expiration Date: ______


What is the highest level of education you have completed? ______


Total years of over the road experience: ______

Please know; a minimum of two years over the road driving experience is required.

Employment History (please provide employment history for the last 3 years)

If hired, U.S Citizenship or proof to work in the United States will be required.

Previous Employer Name______

Position Held______

Dates Employed _____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____


# Street City State Zip

Supervisor ______Phone # ______Fax # ______

Reason for Leaving ______

Previous Employer Name______

Position Held______

Dates Employed _____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____


# Street City State Zip

Supervisor ______Phone # ______Fax # ______

Reason for Leaving ______

Previous Employer Name______

Position Held______

Dates Employed _____/_____/_____ to _____/_____/_____


# Street City State Zip

Supervisor ______Phone # ______Fax # ______

Reason for Leaving ______

Criminal Record

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ______Date _____/_____/_____

Have you ever been convicted of or are there are pending charges for driving under the influence, possession, selling of alcohol, narcotics, amphetamines or derivatives thereof?

Date ____/____/____

Have you ever been denied a license or permit to operate a motor vehicle?______

Has your license, permit or privilege even been revoked? ______

Have you ever been refused any type of insurance or denied bonding? ______

Have you ever abandoned equipment in your possession? ______

Are you on probation or parole?

If you answered “yes” to any of the above, please explain below


Accidents / Tickets

Please list ALL tickets and/or vehicle accidents including property damage for the past 5 years. Provide the dates, type, and injuries, and fatalities, amount of property damage and nature of the accident.






To Be Read and Signed By Applicant

This certifies that this application was completed by me, and that all entries on it and information in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

I authorize you to make such investigations and inquire of my personal, employment, financial or medical history and other related matters as may be necessary in arriving at an employment decision. (Generally, inquiries regarding medical history will be made only if and after a conditional offer of employment has been extended.)

I hereby release employers, schools, health care providers and other persons from all liability in responding to inquiries and releasing information in connection with my application.

In the event of employment, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview may result in discharge. I understand, also, that I am required to abide by all rules and regulations of R&C Stage lines.


Date Applicant’s Signature

Process Record


Applicant Hired ______Rejected______

Date Employed ____/____/____ Point Employed ______

Department ______Classification ______

(if rejected, summary report of reason should be placed in file)

Superior / Good / Fair / Below Average / Poor / Written Record on file
1.)  Application
2.)  Interview
3.) Past Employment
4.)Written Exam
5.) Road Test
6.) Criminal & Traffic Convictions

Signature Of Interviewing Officer ______Date: ____/____/____

Contingencies for Employment

I understand that if I am offered employment by R & C Stage lines, Inc. it is contingent upon the following:

1.)  Clearance of required paper work by U.S. Postal Service.

2.)  Clearance by R & C Stage lines, Inc. insurance carrier.

3.)  Previous employer(s) drug and alcohol test information.

The above information will be kept confidential by R & C Stage lines, Inc.

Signature ______Date: ____/____/____

Special Employment Notice to Disabled Veterans, Vietnam Era Veterans, and Individuals with Physical or Mental Disabilities

Government contractors are subject to Section 402 of the Vietnam Era Veterans Readjustment Act of 1974 which requires that they take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled veterans and veterans of the Vietnam Era, and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which requires government contractors to take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment qualified disabled individuals.

If you are a disabled veteran, or have a physical or mental disability, you are invited to volunteer this information. The purpose is to provide information regarding proper placement and appropriate accommodation to enable you to perform the job in a proper and safe manner. This information will be treated as confidential. Failure to provide this information will not jeopardize or adversely affect any consideration you may receive for employment.

As employers, it is our responsibility to accept and follow government regulations and affirmative action responsibilities. To help us with federal, state equal employment opportunity record keeping, reporting and other legal requirements, please answer the questions below.

Date: ____/____/____

Job applied for: ______

Referred by: ______


Male: ______Female: ______

Race/Ethnic Group

White (Non-Hispanic) ______Black (Non-Hispanic) ______Hispanic ______

American Indian ______Asian Pacific ______Other ______

Are you a disabled Veteran? ______

Are you a Vietnam Veteran? ______

Do you have a disability? ______

Request for Previous Employment Information

I hereby authorize my previous and/or current employer to furnish R&C Stage Lines, Inc. the information requested below. I agree to release my previous and/or current employers from any liability that may arise from providing such information.

Please complete only the highlighted areas below.

Date ______Applicant’s Signature ______

Applicant’s Printed Name ______SSN ______

Witness ______Date ______

Prior Employer ______Address______

Phone ______Fax ______


The above applicant states they were employed with your company from ______to ______

Position ______Reason for leaving ______

Available for rehire ______

License ever revoked or suspended ____

Type of Tractor ______Type of Trailers ______

Did this employee have excessive tardiness or absents ______were they dependable ______

Did this employee have issues with meeting scheduled loading or unloading times ____

In Accordance with 49 CFR Part 40, Please answer the following

1.  Has this person ever tested positive for a controlled substance? ______

2.  Has this person ever had an alcohol test with results higher than 0.04? ______

3.  Has this person ever refused a required test for drugs or alcohol? ______

4.  Has this person ever violated any DOT drug or alcohol regulation?

5.  Have you ever received information stating this person violated a DOT drug or alcohol regulation?

6.  Was this employee ever injured? ______When? ______Type of Injury? ______

Previous Employer, if answered “yes” to any of the previous questions, please explain thoroughly. ______


Accident/Incident Record, list all regardless of fault


Form Completed By ______Date ______

P.O. Box 26356 Albuquerque, NM 87125

Office (505)843–7461 Fax (505)843-7713 Email
