Documentation on Publishing Software Solution(19/11/2012)

From Publishing point of View

Key Features :

For Sales billing (cash or Credit ) and free copies distribution ( specimen Issue) , the Stock is deducted from main finished stock holding and display the exact current stock .

For Sales billing , auto sales journal entries would be created for Accounts part .

Sales Billing printouts in half page or full page

Auto Sundry Debtors ledger is created / displayed

Different Commission reports can be generated

Sales Ledger( cash , Credit or both ) and Daily Cash billing Detailed Report

Agent Performance Report and Agentwise Sales Report

Author’s Royalty calculation Report

Reports on Books of Accounts & Final Accounts

Stock Control individually for Printing Stock , Binding stock and Finished Stocks

The following are the main features of our Publishing software

Agent Master :

In Agent Master all the agents (General Agent ,wholesalers , Selling agents etc ) are listed . The Agent are categorized according to the District and Sub District-Areawise.

Agent commission would be charged like Standard Commission , Spl Commission , Extra Commission etc ) can be defined here .

Product Master :

In product master several book names are input as when required . It contains fields like Book Name , Edition , ISBN No , MRP , Opening Stock bal etc

Commission :

The commission part is associated with the individual Agent or the individual Book .

The commission is divided among Standard Commission , Extra Commission and Special Commission . Standard Commission is applicable to Agents and Non-Agent clients and this would effect on sales Bill ( cash or credit ) .Special Commission also

effect on Bill . Extra commission generally does not effect on Bill but paid on accrued basis . But one can paid the Extra commission on bill fully or partly .

Certain Books are sometimes sold at a higher percentage of commission . At that point , some certain higher percentage is set in Standard Commission “Book Agent Details” and that percentage is applied to all the customers .

Qty / Price / Basic / Standard Comm@20% / Total
10 / 100 / 1000 / 200 / 800

For Extra Commission which accrued in nature affects accounts in the concerned Party ledger

Description / DR / CR
Party ledger
Extra Commission Receivable

Author’s Royalty :

For Authors Royalty calculation , Author master and Author Details Master where Book Name , Name of Author and the pattern of royalty structure would be defined ( on royalty percentage certain limiting book sales volume or on discounted amount .)

Royalty Amount due for a particular month of the year of a particular Author can be transferred into Author Accounts .

Month / Book Name / Sold Qty / % Royalty / Royalty Amount
APR / Itihas / 50000 / 6% / 3000
Description / DR / CR
Author ledger
Royalty a/c

Transport Master and Transport name Tagged with Agent :

Here one can create unique Transport name and the transport name can be tagged with already created Agent in all days or some specific week days when the desired delivery is required .

For the Schoolbooks , book distribution thr’ Booklist among the schools thr‘ Agent gives Remuneration Charges :

For Agent’s Remuneration charges – in BooklistMaster where Book names , Agents names , Book Status (New /Old ) , no of books and rate are to be given .The effect of the remuneration would reflect in Agent Performance Report .

school / Book name / Agent / Book status / Self / Agent / Rate / Amount
TAKI Govt school / Itihas / Kamala books / new / 60 / 60 / 6 / 360