APA Colorado Board Meeting Minutes

April 11, 2008

1 - 4pm

Parsons Brinckerhoff Conference Room, Denver



Scott Bressler, Metro Representative

Joe Siccardi, Public Official Representative

Dale Case, President

Bill Healy, South Central Representative

Lindsey Royce, Metro Representative

Steve Westbay, South West Representative

Susan Wood, Legislative Committee Co-Chair


Denise Henasey, Administrator

Katie Guthrie, Administrator

Ryan Loomis, Intern

1.  Opening Remarks – Dale Case

Dale would like to put something together for National Community Planning Month (NCPM). Ideas include creating a packet of information and/or ideas/examples that could be handed out at the conference in Breckenridge. National has information on their website.

Dale is looking for mentors for his CU class that he is teaching in Fall. Steve, Lindsey and Matt volunteered.

Denise said we need to make plan for July’s meeting as it will not be in conjunction with a Grand Junction workshop. It was decided that the next meeting will be Friday, July 18 in the metro area.

2.  Old Business

a.  Approval/Corrections of May Minutes

No action taken.

b.  PIC Update

Bill gave an update on the status of the PIC and AICP courses. He stated that the AICP commission is reviewing the price structure for AICP online courses, this could be very beneficial to PIC. He also announced that Rich Delanoy, on the recommendation of Peter Park, will be invited to the PIC Board. He is the President of the Denver Realty Board (Ken Hotard of the Boulder County Realtors, recently resigned).

3.  Secretary/Treasurer’s Report – Leah Dawson

Denise presented the Treasurer’s report, but no action was taken.

4.  New Business

5.  Administrator Items – Denise Henasey/Ryan Loomis (

a.  Denise and Katie

Katie and Denise are continuing to establish their working relationship and office protocols. One issue has been long distance telephone calls. They have been looking at several options. Joe Siccardi commented he supported the need for this to be resolved. (UPDATE: Denise has gotten a long distance provider at no additional cost to herself or the Chapter, this has tabled the issue for now.)

Conference update-

Denise said Randy Udall and Jeff Hohensee will be the conference keynotes. Save the date postcards are out. Working with exhibit chair Anne Lane to help raise sponsorship money.

The deadline for 2009 site RFP was May 30th. She said there are 5 responses.

b.  Ryan Loomis

Ryan’s last day is June 15th. APA Colorado (rarely abbreviate!) is looking for a new intern. The job description is online.

6.  Other Reports:

a.  Gennett, Matt- Central Mountains

Next Thursday, June 12th, is training at Copper Mountain on the I-70 Corridor.

b.  Todd Tucker, Not present

Royce, Lindsey and Scott Bressler,

Lindsey went to TOD seminar where at least 30 planners signed up for AICP credits.

Lindsey interested in putting together Green Conference. She wants to hold discussion on the new LEED ND, green sustainability, etc. She talked to CO Green Building Council, and they may be willing to provide speaker.

Denise said maybe Metro should do August event, perhaps hold the Green Conference in August. The event can offer AICP credit class and then welcome new students/new APA Board.

Lindsey said Colorado Tomorrow Alliance Committee has been on hold. Cindy, the Administrator, was sick. The Committee is in pilot phase for reviewing projects.

c.  John Barbour, Not Present

d.  Joe Siccardi

Joe reported that he sent an email update after last month’s meeting and he did not get any response from planning commissioners. Denise said she received one comment from a commissioner and they wanted to be in loop. Joe will continue to send out email updates and see what happens.

e.  Katie Guthrie- Western Planner

Katie said Western Planner bylaws say that she has must have a Board position. On the Western Planner Board she serves as Vice President, and next she will be President. Katie stated that Western Planner will change their bylaws to create an “at large” position. She will serve as “at large” Western Planner Rep, and will recruit someone to serve as Colorado Western Planner Rep on our Board.

Cheyenne is next Western Planner Conference site. Details of conference will be on website. It will offer CM credits.

f.  Westbay, Steve- Southwest

Working on a training session at the Brownfields workshop in Montrose. There will be CM credits at this event.

g.  Wood, Susan, Legislative Committee Co-Chair

Recently the legislative committee sent out a survey. Susan said purpose was to understand what issues are hot and how the membership prioritizes them. She wants Board Members to look at survey. Susan expressed appreciation for the dedicated members in Legislative Committee.

Next meeting is June 23. A coalition is going to hold a

work session that came out of last session’s Rep. Levy’s bill on land use and transportation.

Susan commented that eminent domain and RTD is a big issue right now. She said a committee called Action for Communities with Transit (ACT) has been established. This group is developers, non profits, chambers, APA. This committee promotes FasTracks, and reminds people why FasTracks is good for Denver. The vision is to promote transit. She will send info to Board. The next ACT meeting is June 11th , and she said Devon Buckels from the Legislative Committee will be attending.

Susan would like to ride wave of success from 2007 and possibly present more legislation written by APA Colorado. The survey brought in 113 member’s responses, and Regional Cooperative Planning was main issue. People sited northern CO counties as problem. People also indicated environment and water concerns. One question is, are there ways to promote inter-jurisdictional cooperation? Susan looking for responses from people regarding whether Legislative Committee should take proactive or reactive stance next session.

Lindsey commented that survey responses are general and said we specific information could be useful as well. She stated 35-acre agenda seems specific. Need to keep track on what comes out next year.

Steve Westbay asked if APA National weighing in on DNC in Denver. Dale asked what we want to get across. Steve said maybe we list our State APA goals.

h.  Sutherland, Michael - Not present

i.  Van Hemert, James Not present

j.  Kralovec, Will - Not present

k.  Klop, Jeremy - Not present

l.  Paul Dibble - Not present

m.  Bill Healy - no report

7.  Other Business

Adjourned 2:28 pm