Bloody Terminology Puzzle


1. An inherited condition in which cells lack LDL receptors, which leads to high blood cholesterol and early heart attack.

3. A ___ is the transfer of blood or other solutions into the blood of a patient.

5. The formation of a blood clot depends on a number of proteins found within the plasma called ____ factors.

9. A break down product of heme groups that causes a yellow appearance to the skin.

11. The percentage of the total blood volume composed of erythrocytes.

12. A type of anemia that results in the formation of abnormal hemoglobin, which produces rigid sickle shaped RBC’s that clog capillaries.

14. Type of anemia caused by an abnormally high rate of red blood cell ruptures.

15. An accumulation of dead leukocytes, along with fluid and cell debris, is called ___.

16. A high ____ test (Blood urea nitrogen) is a sign of reduced kidney function. abbr. also known as NPN

17. A chemical produced by basophils that causes tissue inflammation.

18. Abbr. for hematocrit, which is about 45% of whole blood.

19. Abbr. for red blood cells or red blood cell count.

21. ____ and sodium citrate prevent clot formation by binding to CA++.

22. An anticoagulant in the blood called ___ is produced by endothelial cells, causes vasodilation and inhibits the release of coagulation factors from platelets.

26. Blood protein consisting of 4 protein chains and 4 heme groups.

28. When small tears occur in the smaller vessels and capillaries many times each day platelet ___ formation quickly closes them.

29. Molecules on the surface of erythrocytes that bind with specific antibodies.

31. Abbr. for the test that checks the extrinsic clotting mechanism.

33. Another name given to the hematocrit is the ______volume.

38. Prefix referring to vein.

39. The process of blood cell production is called ___.

40. ____is a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood.

41. Largest leukocyte that transforms into a macrophage in tissues.

42. Serum protein that changes to fibrin when blood clots.

43. The arrest of bleeding is called ____.

46. As platelets form a plug they release ___ to cause smooth muscles in the blood vessel to contract and prolong the vascular spasm.

47. Smallest of all leukocytes, plays a major role in immunity and antibody production.

49. Condition in which the skin and mucous membranes appear bluish due to an abnormally high concentration of deoxyhemoglobin.

51. Another name given to the red blood cell.

53. The attraction of cells to a chemical source.

56. A suffix used to indicate a deficiency.

57. Nutritional anemia caused by inadequate Vitamin B-12.

58. The percentage of each of the five kinds of leukocytes in a blood sample is determined by a ____. abbr.

59. Abbr. for high-density lipoproteins which have a high concentration of proteins and a low

concentration of lipids.

61. An ___ is a leukocyte most common in blood of people with allergies.

65. Fragments of cells found in the blood which are necessary for forming clots.

67. The name of the condition resulting from excess bilirubin in the blood and interstitial spaces of the skin.

68. Historically people with type AB blood are called a universal ___ .

69. A red pigmented molecule containing one ion atom is called a ___ .

Bloody Terminology Puzzle


2. Pale yellow fluid accounting for about 55% of the blood volume.

4. Plasma protein responsible for blood viscosity and osmotic pressure.

5. In ______tests the donor’s blood cells are mixed with the recipient’s serum, and the donor’s serum is mixed with the recipient’s cells.

6. Leukocyte type with stained granules that cannot be seen with the light microscope.

7. The type of anemia caused by an inability of the red bone marrow to produce erythrocytes.

8. An anemia caused by an insufficient production of the globulin portion of the hemoglobin molecule.

10. In the life history of an erythrocyte the stage immediately after the nuclei are extruded is called ___.

13. Plasma molecules that act as antibodies or transport molecules.

20. Basophils release ____ to inhibit the clotting mechanism.

22. Blood disorder that causes increased viscosity by an over abundance of erythrocytes.

23. Prefix meaning white.

24. Once the clot has formed, it begins to condense into a dense compact structure through a process known as clot ___.

25. Abbr. for very low density lipoproteins which deliver their load of triglycerides to adipose cells, then form LDL’s with what remains.

27. Substance that are found in the plasma that combines with specific antigens on a RBC causing agglutination.

30. The most common type of leukocyte in the blood is the ___ which often have trilobed nuclei.

32. Historically a person with type O blood is called a universal ____.

34. Passage of blood or any of its formed elements through intact walls of blood vessels is called ____.

35. A type of leukemia that causes increased formation of lymphocytes from the lymph nodes.

36. Suffix meaning blood.

37. Least common leukocyte that releases histamines and heparin.

38. The first of the three main stages of activation of coagulation factors begins with the production of ____ activator.

42. Soluble fibrinogen is enzymatically converted to insoluble ___ in Stage 3 of blood clotting.

44. ___ is caused by a protozoan that is introduced into the blood stream by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito.

45. Test that checks the intrinsic clotting mechanism. abbr.

46. ____ or blood poisoning, is the multiplication of microorganisms and their toxins in the blood.

48. A type of leukemia that results in an abnormal production of granulocytes by the red bone marrow.

50. A vascular ___ is an immediate but temporary closure of a blood vessel resulting from contraction of smooth muscles in the vessel.

52. ____is an infection of the liver caused by viruses that can remain in the blood stream after recovery.

54. A prolonged oxygen deficiency is called ____.

55. Suffix that means hardened.

56. Abbr. for packed cell volume.

60. Abbr. for low density lipoproteins that carry a high amount of cholesterol.

62. Fluid portion of blood after removal of clotting proteins and blood cells.

63. A blood ___ consists of a network of fibrin in which blood cells, platelets and fluids become trapped.

64. Abbr. for white blood cells.

66. The important blood group that is called + if you have it an - if you do not.