Worksheet, Exam 4 Review
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University / Leader: / Delaney R.
Course: / Biol 211
Instructor: / Dr. Stewart
Date: / 11-9-2017

HIV can infect a person but produce no visible symptoms for many years. What causes this?

HIV reproduces by lysogeny. The virus is dormant during the latency phase.

What killed 50 - 100 million people (3-5% of the global population) from 1918-1920?


Which of the following best describes a cytokine storm?

When one’s immune system is overwhelmed from fighting a virus and the body can no longer function.

T or F? Viruses must use a host cell and their biosynthetic machinery to reproduce.


What are the 3 ways the immune system or medical science can prevent human illness or death due to viruses.

Antiviral drugs, vaccines, and antibodies.

Define a gene.

A segment of DNA that contains instructions to produce alleles.

What are somatic cells?

Produce body cells that make up bodily tissues.

What are germline cells?

Produce male and female gametes. Where mutations are inherited.

Are you more likely to inherit mutations from your mother or father?

Father. Male germline cells divide many more times than female germline cells do, so there is more chance for mutations to occur.

Segments of homologous chromosome are exchanged during meiosis. this most likely describes…

Crossing over

What is believed to be the common ancestor of all living organisms?

Heterotrophic prokaryote

Which of the following doesn’t relate to meiosis?

a. 4 daughter cells

b. 2 daughter cells

c. genetically different from parents

Which of the following doesn’t relate to mitosis?

a. 4 daughter cells

b. 2 daughter cells

c. genetically identical to parents

How do viruses exit the host cell?

Budding or lysis

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a virus?

a. abundant and ubiquitous

b. regulate host population sizes by causing disease

c. form mutualistic associations with organisms

d. natural selection agents by promoting evolution in host species

What are the 3 tools used by scientists to study two species that are closely related?

Structural similarities, developmental similarities, comparing similarities in DNA base sequences.

If a parent cell has a genotype Aa for a particular trait and meiosis occurs, what is the resulting genotype?

a. A in all gametes

b. a in all gametes

c. Aa in all gametes

d. A in 50% of gametes, a in 50% of gametes

Which of the following pairs of chromosomes would not be homologous?

a. X and X sex chromosomes

b. X and Y chromosomes

c. autosomes

d. chromosomes pair number 3

In Biology, “evolution” is defined as..

A change in frequency of heritable traits in a population over time

In which process is the number of chromosomes in a cell reduced by 50%?
