Center for Spirituality’s Spring/Fall Endowed Lecture Series
(Dating from Fall 2005)
Fall 2005
Vatican II, 1965-2005: Relive the Revolution, Revive the Spirit!
- Vatican II Forty Years Later: Legacy, Leadership and Unfinished Agenda
Judy Woodruff in Conversation with Council Participants
- A People Adrift: Crisis of the Roman Catholic Church in America
Peter Steinfels, Fordham University
Spring 2006
Expanding Our Liturgical Horizons
- Expanding Our Liturgical Horizons
Edward Foley, Capuchin, Catholic Theological Union
- The Eucharist: Historical Perspectives and Current Concerns
Catherine Vincie, RSHM, Aquinas Institute, Saint Louis University
Fall 2006
Bringing Tradition to Life
- Welcoming the Stranger: Hospitality in the Christian Tradition
Ana Maria Pineda, Santa Clara University
- Women, Spirituality and the Workplace
Claire Wolfteich, Boston University
- Voices from the Past, Wisdom for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
Saint Catherine of Siena (portrayed by actress Nancy Murray, OP)
Spring 2007
Spirituality and Culture
- Spirituality for a Globalizing World
Vincent Miller, Georgetown University
- Spirituality and Sexuality: The Marriage of Eros and Grace
James D. Whitehead and Evelyn Eaton Whitehead, Loyola University and Fudan University, Shanghai
Fall 2007
Education of the Mind and Heart
- Saint Mary’s College and Doxology: Why? How? Where? When?
John Haughey, SJ, Woodstock Theological Center, Georgetown University
- Recognizing the Holy: Reflections on the Beatification of Basil Anthony Moreau, CSC
Mary Louise Gude, CSC
Spring 2008
1968-2008: Events and Trajectories
- The Legacy of Thomas Merton: A Personal Reflection
Richard Hauser, SJ, Creighton University
- Upheavals of the 60s in the Life and Thought of Pope Benedict XVI
John L. Allen, Journalist and Author
- 40 Years after Humanae Vitae (On Human Life): Divisions and Common Ground
Julie Hanlon Rubio, Saint Louis University
Fall 2008
The Quest Continues…
- The Practice of Spirituality and the Practice of Medicine: Worlds Apart or Overlapping?
Harold Koenig, MD, Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University Medical Center
- The Quest for the Living God
Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ, Fordham University
- Theories of Emerging Complexities: A Theological Approach to the Question
Rev. Antje Jackelen, Bishop of Lund, Sweden
Spring 2009
Hope During Hard Times
- The Market Can’t Imagine, But We Can: Creativity as a Spiritual Response to the Financial Crisis
Maureen O’Connell, Fordham University
- Did Jesus Laugh? What Humor has to do with Spirituality
Anita Houck, Saint Mary’s College
- The Hidden Face of Hope
Barbara Quinn, RSCJ, University of San Diego
Fall 2009
Celebration of the Center’s 25th Anniversary: Women, Wisdom, and Witness
- Reflections on Catholicism, Feminism, and History
Kathleen Sprows Cummings, University of Notre Dame
- The Quest Project Continues…A Symposium on Spirituality and Health
- Monika K. Hellwig: The People’s Theologian
A Symposium Celebrating Her Life and Work
Spring 2010
Catholicism at the Crossroads
- Catholicism at the Crossroads: How the Laity Can Save the Church
Paul Lakeland, Fairfield University
- Near Occasions of Grace: The Gift and Task of Thinking Catholic
Colleen M. Mallon, OP, Aquinas Institute of Theology
- The Eucharist and a Decade of Liturgical Reform: 1999-2010
Michael Driscoll, University of Notre Dame
Fall 2010
Real Life Calling
- Call and Response: The Dynamics of Vocation
Lucien Roy, Loyola University, Chicago
- Jane Addams: Spirit in Action
Louise W. Knight, Author and Historian
Believing Scholars
- Faith and Reason in the Life and Work of Mathematician Marston Morse
Joanne R. Snow, Saint Mary’s College
Colleen M. Hoover, Saint Mary’s College
Spring 2011
Illuminating the Word
- Scripture and Spirituality: Touching a Finger to the Flame
Carolyn Osiek, Brite Divinity School
- A Librarian Looks at The Saint John’s Bible
Robert Hohl, Saint Mary’s College
Fall 2011
- The Future of Religious Life
Sandra Schneiders, IHM, Jesuit School of Theology, Berkley,California
- Feminist Interpretations of the Bible
Barbara E. Reid, OP, Catholic Theological Union
- Are you in? Catholicism and Public Life Today
Nancy Dallavalle, Fairfield University
Spring 2012
- Vision: From the Life of Hildegard von Bingen
Margot Fassler, University of Notre Dame
- Love Abyss: Hadewijch’s Infinite Desire
Amy Hollywood, Harvard Divinity School
Fall 2012
Roots and Wings: The Legacy of the Second Vatican Council
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Opening of the Second Vatican Council
- The Legacy of Vatican II: Historical Highlights and Reasons for Hope
John Allen, Jr., Senior Correspondent, National Catholic Reporter
- Teaching Vatican II: How Change Reached the Woman in the Pew
Mary J. Henold, Roanoke College
- Roots and Wings: How Vatican II Changed My Spiritual Life
Bishop Remi J. De Roo, retired, Diocese of Victoria
Spring 2013
Mind, Body, Spirit: Connected
- Perspectives on the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, Fordham University
- Exploring the Body/Spirituality Interface
Suzette Brémault-Phillips, University of Alberta
- The Evolutionary Adventure of Catholic Spirituality
Mary Jo Weaver, Indiana University
Fall 2013
Justice and Its Many Facets
- Dying to Live: A Theology of Migration
Fr. Daniel Groody, CSC, University of Notre Dame
- Saying Yes to More than the Dress?
Elements of a Pro-Woman Theology of Marriage
Emily Reimer-Barry, University of San Diego
- Consuming Women: Sex Slavery and the Body of Christ in a Market Dominated World
Mary Doak, University of San Diego
Spring 2014
Witnesses to the Love of God: The Leadership of Catholic Women Religious
- Touched by the Love of God: Contemplative Prayer as the Heart of Our Life and Leadership
Janet K. Ruffing, RSM, Yale Divinity School
- Madeleva: A Play in Several Voices
A New Play by Saint Mary’s Gaudete Theatre Project
- The Contemplative Call to Do Justice
Simone Campbell, SSS, NETWORK
Fall 2014
Unitas, Veritas, Caritas: Catholicism and the Liberal Arts and Sciences
- What Difference Does Caritas Make? A Conversation between Economics and Catholic Social Thought on the Nature of the Human Person
Mary Hirschfeld, Villanova University
- Catholicism, Caritas, and the Vocation of the Health Care Professional
Marie T. Hilliard, The National Catholic Bioethics Center
- Tracing Common Ground in Biology and Theology: Caritas and the Drama of Kinship
Celia Deane-Drummond, University of Notre Dame
Spring 2015
Saint Teresa of Avila: Carmelite Mystic and Doctor of the Church
(A series marking the 500th anniversary of Teresa’s Birth)
- Teresa of Avila: Prayer is an Adventure in Love
Keith J. Egan, Saint Mary’s College
- Teresa the Theologian on the Human Person as Capax Dei
Elizabeth Dreyer, Fairfield University
- Teresa and Us: The Significance of Teresa of Avila for Young Catholic Women Today
Kaleigh Ellis ’17, Saint Mary’s College
Katie Bugyis, University of Notre Dame
Maria Surat, University of Notre Dame
Julia Feder, University of Notre Dame