विजया बैक, क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय विजयवाड़ा


निविदा सूचनाTENDER NOTICE


Sri Seetharamachandra Swamy Vari Devastnam, Bhadrachalam, TELANGANA REGION.

Sealed Tenders are invited from competent Outsourcing Agenciesfor Maintaining for following Counters at Sri Seetharamachandra Swamy Vari Devastnam for Vijaya Bank, at Bhadrachalam, Bhadradridistrict.

Darshan & Seva ticket Counter
(Managed by two persons on shift basis – 6.00 A M to 1.00 PM3.00 PM to 9.00 PM) / Prasadam Counter
(Managed by two persons on shift basis – 6.00 A M to 1.00 PM3.00 PM to 9.00 PM)
  1. Time and date of submission of TenderBefore 01.00 PM on 05.12.2017
  2. Time and date of opening of Tender03.00 PM on 05.12.2017

The Bank will not be bound to accept the lowest tender and reserves right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.

Sealed Tender applications should be sent to “The Regional Manager, Vijaya Bank, Regional Office, Dr.No.3-6-289,1stFloor, Kareem Manzil old MLA Quarters Road,Hyderguda, Hyderabad-500 029,TS.


1.A written Service Level Agreement has to be entered with the Service Provider. The terms and conditions governing the contract between the Bank and the Service Provider should be carefully drafted by the Regional Office. Draft copy of the Service Level Agreement should be got vetted by the Credit (Legal) Department to confirm its legal effect and enforceability. The agreement should be sufficiently flexible to retain an appropriate level of control over the outsourcing/vendor and the right to intervene with appropriate measures to meet legal and regulatory obligations.

2.The Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall, inter-alia, cover the following areas / terms and conditions:-

  1. Spell out the nature of legal relationship between the parties (i.e. agent, principal, etc.)
  2. Shall address the risks and risk mitigation strategies for the outsourced activity
  3. Clearly define the activities that are outsourced including appropriate service and performance standards.
  4. Providing access to the Bank for all books, records and information available with the service provider, relevant to the Bank’s outsourced activity.
  5. Shall provide for continuous monitoring and assessment by the bank of the service provider to take required corrective measures
  6. Shall contain termination clause and minimum period to execute termination provision, if deemed necessary. Also appropriate clause should be included to ensure that service provider continues to render services even after termination, till such time an alternative arrangement is made by the Bank within certain specified period of time, in order to ensure continuity of the operations for the Bank.
  7. Controls to ensure customer / bank’s data / information confidentiality and service providers' liability by way of suitable penalty in case of breach of security and leakage of confidential customer/bank related information, during the contract and even after the contract expires or get terminated.
  8. Need on the part of the service provider to preserve relevant records, data and information at their end during and after the expiry of the contract for the period as applicable under manual / electronic records perseverance statutes for Banks, viz., 8 years and 5 years respectively. Alternatively, the service provider, on completion of the contract, should hand over the complete back up of the data / information and relevant manual records like registers, reports, logs, etc. to the Bank on expiry of the contract, without any prejudice to the bank’s right to seek the help of the vendor to assist in interpreting / acting on the data and the records/reports in any fashion required, in times of need.
  9. Shall provide for prior approval/consent by the bank of the use of subcontractors by the service provider for all or any part of an outsourced activity.
  10. Provide the bank with the right to conduct audits on the service provider whether by its internal or external auditors approved by the Bank, or by agents appointed to act on its behalf and to obtain copies of any audit or review reports and findings made on the service provider in conjunction with the services performed for the bank.
  11. Shall include clauses to allow the Reserve Bank of India or persons authorized by it or any other statutory / regulatory body, to access the documents, records or transactions, and other necessary information given to, stored or processed by the service provider within a reasonable time.
  12. Shall include clause to recognize the right of the Reserve Bank of India to cause an inspection of the service provider and its books and account by one or more of its officers or employees or other authorized persons.
  13. A suitable Penalty Clauseshould be incorporated for non performance/under performance / delay in performance/ failure to adhere to uptime & down time requirements / Damage to bank’s property due to negligence of the vendor, etc. depending upon the criticality/severity of the services/issues involved.
  14. In respect of outsourcing financial services, there shall be a provision for the vendor to furnish a Bank Guarantee towards Security Deposit and/ or Performance Guarantee
  15. A Vicarious Liabilityclause indicating the liability of the vendor for any acts, deeds or things done by their employees, agents, contractors, and sub contractors during the period of the contract should be incorporated.
  16. Build Checks and controls to get to know progress of the activities at regular intervals and Bank is in a position to cross check the accuracy, completeness of the task performed by the outsourced agency is satisfactory or otherwise.
  17. The agreement shall include following clauses to ensure proper Business Continuity and Management of Disaster Recovery Provisions for the outsourced activity, to the extent relevant to the outsourcing by the Bank:-
  18. Right of the Bank in demanding availability and operationalization of proper level of BCP & DR mechanism
  19. Right of the Bank in audit and inspection of the operations, infrastructure, facilities, records, data and books of accounts of the service provider
  20. Documenting, maintaining and testing of business continuity and disaster recovery procedures
  21. Right of the Bank to perform a joint testing of the business continuity and recovery procedures of the service provider, at periodical intervals as may be decided by the Bank or as may be specified by the RBI and other regulatory bodies
  22. Right of the Bank to obtain the results of the tests and suggest improvements to achieve Bank’s desired level of BCP & DR mechanisms
  23. Responsibility of the service provider to isolate the Bank’s information, documents and records and other assets such that in adverse conditions these assets can be removed from the possession of the service provider in order to continue the Bank’s business, or deleted, destroyed or rendered unusable.
  24. Right of the Bank in demanding proper backup, confidentiality, integrity, availability of data / information
  25. Right of the Bank in setting uptime / downtime requirements for the operations and right of the Bank in specifying any penalties in the event of non-fulfillment of obligations.
  26. Right of the Bank to intervene with appropriate measures in case of unexpected termination of agreement or liquidation of the service provider
  27. Right of the Bank to cancel the outsourced activity and to do it in-house or through handling by any other vendor in an emergency.
  1. Following clauses shall be built with respect to Confidentialityand Security of the Bank’s data/information:-
  2. Access to customer information by staff of the service provider should be on 'need to know' basis limited to areas required for discharging duty
  3. When service provider is rendering similar outsourcing to multiple banks, care should be taken to build strong safeguards so that there is no co-mingling of our bank’s/customers’ information/ documents, records and assets with that of any other Bank
  4. Provide for Reviewing and monitoring the security practices and control processes of the service provider on a regular basis including commissioning of independent and expert assessment on the security and control environment/adequacy and compliance of the operations of the service provider and require the service provider to disclose security breaches and to implement improvements suggested by the Bank of the vendor.
  5. Clear documentation of the responsibilities of the parties concerned to ensure proper understanding of the security policies and practices of the vendor. It should also include clauses, which indicate liability in the event of breach of security.
  6. The confidential information given shall be used only for the specified purpose. Disclosure of Bank’s information to any third party without prior written consent of the Bank should be strictly prohibited.
  7. There shall be procedures in place to ensure that the information disclosed is relevant to the requirements.
  8. Review of the technical personnel and organizational measures taken by the vendor to maintain confidentiality of the Bank’s information.
  9. Highlight the responsibility of the personnel of the outsourced vendor accessing the Bank’s systems, to exercise due care, to protect confidential / internal information of the Bank against the unauthorized use and manipulation.
  1. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) shall also include the following additional provisions:
  2. Bank’s intellectual property is handled in the best interest and that the Bank’s right to intellectual property arising out of the work performed is not overlooked
  3. Procedure for escalation process for problem resolution
  4. Contingency arrangements, i.e. to provide alternate arrangements to maintain continuity of service by the service provider
  5. Clear reporting structure and agreed reporting formats
  6. Process of change management
  7. Trainings required
  8. Provide for ensuring due diligence by the service provider of its employees.
  9. Dispute resolution process
  10. Recourse in case of non-performance
  1. The agreement shall also include the following conditions:-
  2. Review of financial and operational condition of service provider to access its ability to meet contractual obligations with the Bank so as to highlight any current or probable financial difficulties, deterioration in performance standards & business continuity preparedness of Vendor.
  3. Conduct pre and post outsourcing implementation reviews. The review should assess the adequacy of its internal risk management systems and MIS. It should also assess the suitability of the indicators that evaluate the performance level of the Vendor. Some of the indicators that could be used to assess the performance level of the vendor could be:-
  4. Increase in attrition
  5. Increased absenteeism
  6. Increase in end-product and mid project errors
  7. Increase in fault tolerance to errors.
  8. Increase communication link failures.
  9. Decrease in communication frequency.
  1. Performance expectations, under both normal and contingency circumstances shall to be defined. Provisions shall be in place for timely and orderly intervention and rectification in the event of substandard performance by the service provider.
  2. The agreement should contain technology refresh clause so that whenever there is a need for technology upgradation due to statutory/regulatory/industry requirement, service provider shall update the same without any cost and with prior consent of the bank.
  1. The governing Law (jurisdiction) of the arrangement should be clearly specified in the service level agreement.



1. / Name of the Outsourcing Agency
2. / Address of the Agency
3. / Contact Details
4. / Any previous Experience
5. / Amount Quoted in Rs. (Per Month for two counters)



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