

Minutes of Essington Parish Council meeting held on Monday 12th November 2007 at 7-00pm

PRESENT: Councillor D. Clifft J P(Chairman) Councillor M North (Vice-Chairman)

Councillor R Firmstone Councillor P Griffin

Councillor W Haddon Councillor K Pace

Councillor J Rice Councillor L Saunders

Councillor J Smallman Councillor B Tarbuck

Councillor B Whitehouse Councillor P. Whitehouse


The Chairman Councillor David Clifft thanked the public for their attendance.

A resident commented on his recent correspondence to the Council and his reply, he said he was disappointed in the comments.

The Chairman replied that as stated the Council were always willing to consider concessionary hire charges upon request.

A resident asked Members if there was any up date on the footpaths in Upper Sneyd Road. The Chairman replied that the

matter was being dealt with by our County Councillor who was absent this evening, the clerk will follow up.

A resident thanked the Council for their attendance at the remembrance day service and commented on the condition of the

footpaths in Hollybank Avenue and Mitre Close, the clerk will report.


Councillor Bryn Whitehouse completed the register in respect of item 6.


Councillors Jan Macey, Sylvia Wright, County Councillors Mike Lawrence & Kath Perry, Community Support Officer Gareth Lloyd &

Community Beat Officer Darren Munnerley all tendered their apologies.

3. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING 8th October 2007 to be approved

Councillor Beryl Tarbuck proposed and Councillor Winston Haddon seconded that the minutes were a true and accurate


4. MATTERS ARISING(from the last meeting’s minutes)

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on the safety fencing in Brownshore Lane and the additional piece erected recently,

he raised concerns about the merits of the fencing in its present position and the need for the Highways Dept to come and view

it’s effectiveness.

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse asked if any reply had been received regarding the operation of the school buses, the clerk will follow



·  Phase 2a

The Chairman commented on the recent Management Committee meeting when the next phase of the refurbishment was discussed, to carry out work in the anti-room, toilet & kitchen off the council chamber. Councillor Lionel Saunders proposed the work be planned and detailed, seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse and carried. The clerk is meeting with the architect to discuss the works as soon as a drawing and costs have been compiled the details will be forward to each Member for consideration, and confirmation at the next Management Meeting in Janaury 2008.


Planning Matters

a)Planning applications received during the month:

07/01013/FUL 2 storey side extension 30 Broad Lane Springhill – no objections

07/01064/FUL 2 storey rear extension 8 Buttermere Drive – no objections

07/01013/FUL 2 storey side extension 30 Broad Lane Springhill (amendment)

b)Planning applications approved during the month:

07/01012/FUL 2 storey front extension, porch & raised pitched roof with dormer windows to replace existing house roof 237 Cannock Road Westcroft

07/00960/FUL Erection of steel frame storage building Oakley Farm Blackhalve Lane

07/00948/FUL 2 storey side extension & erection of detached garage 236 Cannock Road Westcroft

07/00870/FUL side & rear single storey extensions 182 Cannock Road Westcroft


07/00892/FUL 2 storey side extension resubmission of 07/00142/FUL 7 Parks Crescent

07/00876/FUL 1st floor side extension 2 Wood Hayes Croft Westcroft

07/00935/FUL 1st floor side extension & ground floor rear extension 33 Rosewood Gardens

07/01001/COU Conversion of part of an existing garage to an aromatherapy treatment room at 62 Broad Lane Springhill

07/01064/FUL 2 storey rear extensions 8 Buttermere Drive

c)To note the following planning applications have been refused:

07/00822/FUL Construction of smoking shelter on front elevation Freemasons Arms 16 Stafford Road Newtown

07/00842/FUL New garage & conservatory The White House New Landywood Lane


A letter from Sir Patrick Cormack in response to our letter of thanks, ensuring his help in all matters.

A letter from South Staffs Council in reply to our letter of concern regarding the delay in receiving a planning application of a sensitive nature, he letter confirmed the extension of the consultation period.

Notification from SPCA of a vacancy on the executive committee.

A letter of thanks from Upper Sneyd Road Residents Association for the donation towards a children’s outing.

A letter from the Friends of Essington enquiring about the responsibility for the gateway areas to the village. The clerk will reply asking if they are referring to all boundaries of the parish or only the central village.

8. Finance

A.  To note the Councils Bank balances at 31.10.07 as Current Account £1885.52, Deposit Account £28275.59, Reserve Account £59.15, Charity Account £282.89 and Petty Cash £100 – less unpresented cheques £25.00

Reconciliation : Balance B/fwd 13796.07

Plus receipts 37974.41

Less payments 21192.33

Balance c/fwd 30578.15

B.  To RESOLVE that the following cheques be issued:-

Chq No. / Payee / Details / Nett (£) / VAT (£) / Total (£)
102074 / South Staffs Council / Planning application fee to illuminate ECC sign / 75.00 / - / 75.00
102075 / South Staffs Council / Donation re Spring Concerts / 25.00 / - / 25.00
102076 / South Staffs Citizens Advice Bureaux / Donation / 25.00 / - / 25.00
102077 / Veolia Environmental Services / Refuse collection September 2007 ECC / 123.96 / 21.69 / 145.65
102078 / Alan Cottrell Practice Ltd / Architect services re phase 2 ECC / 330.00 / 57.75 / 387.75
102079 / Centreprint / Civic Sunday order of service £102.40 photocopying £32.90 / 135.30 / - / 135.30
102080 / Blachere Illuminations UK / Replacement strings x 2 £82.25 - 3 sets of lights for Newtown Tree £948.23 / 877.00 / 153.48 / 1030.48
102081 / Geddes Heating Engineers / Boiler service x 3 – water heater service / 260.00 / 45.50 / 305.50
102082 / C E Gracey / Petty cash reimbursement / 83.31 / 10.56 / 93.87
102083 / cancelled
102084 / South Staffs Water / Water bill Long Lane / 65.54 / - / 65.54
102085 / C E Gracey / Court costs £30.00 stationery £15.45 / 43.25 / 2.20 / 45.50
102086 / Playsafety Ltd / Play equipment exam fees / 60.00 / 10.50 / 70.50
102087 / Everitt Construction / Retention payment for toilets / 523.87 / 91.68 / 615.55
102088 / P J Anderson / Race evening deposit / 50.00 / - / 50.00
102089 / Centreprint / Photocopying / 49.35 / - / 49.35
102090 / Staffordshire Police / Lights for CSO bicycle / 60.00 / - / 60.00
102091 / Royal British Legion / Poppy wreath / 16.50 / - / 16.50


The cheque payments were proposed by Councillor June Smallman and seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse

A statement of Income & Expenditure up to 31st October 2007 was presented; this was proposed by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck

and seconded by Councillor Jim Rice.

A statement of Income & Expenditure for the refurbishment of the community centre up to 31st October 2007 was presented, proposed by Councillor Peter Whitehouse seconded by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse.

Parent & Toddler group rent to be reviewed on a three month basis proposed by Councillor Lionel Saunders seconded by

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse and carried.

The Chairman proposed a donation of £25 to the Royal British Legion in lieu of refreshments on Remembrance Sunday, this was seconded by Councillor Mavis North and carried.

The purchase of a bait box litter bin for the pools area Brownshore Lane proposed by Councillor Bob Firmstone seconded by Councillor Jim Rice and carried.


·  Drains Sneyd Ward

Councillor Winston Haddon commented on the problems experienced with the drains in Upper Sneyd Road and Kitchen Lane and

also the footpaths in Upper Sneyd Road.

·  Safety Fencing Brownshore Lane

As discussed in matters arising.

·  Speed Signs in Black Halve Lane

Members commented on the signs which have now been removed, and also the bend signs.

·  School Coaches

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse enquired about feedback on the problems.

·  Double Yellow Lines

Councillor Jim Rice commented on the need for lines at the junction of Kitchen Lane and Upper Sneyd Road to prevent vehicles

parking on the highway in a very restricted area, and also the need for lines outside the hairdressers in Brownshore Lane, the

proprietor and his customers pull onto the car parking area and then are unable to leave because of vehicles parked on Brownshore


·  Swynnerton Drive Open Space

The open space has been planted with shrubs and fencing has been erected to prevent access to and from Hawthorne, the existing

Footpaths which now lead nowhere need removing.

·  Bursnip Road Motorway Bridge Area

Councillor Bryn Whitehouse commented on the impassable footpath over the bridge due to overgrown trees and shrubs, which

Require cutting back and removing.

The clerk will write to the Highways Department listing all the problems experienced in Essington.

10. Address Numbering & House Names

Councillor June Smallman commented on concerns raised by the First Responders regarding the lack of house numbers and names

on properties in the parish in particular in Westcroft, when valuable time is lost looking for the required property. Members discussed

the concerns and agreed to promote the use of names and numbers in the parish magazine and also the newsletter.


Councillor June Smallman commented on the need for an additional dog litter bin in Westcroft, she will research the required

Location and enquire if residents will object.

Councillor June Smallman commented on the merits of the new bus route by Arriva, which now takes passengers to the market

In Wolverhampton, she says this has increased the numbers of people using the service and asked for a thank you letter to be

Sent to Arriva.

12. YOUTH CLUB 13-18 years

In the absence of Councillor Jan Macey deferred until December meeting.

13. Drs. SURGERY

The Chairman thanked all Members and residents for their attendance at the public meeting held on Wednesday 7th November, which was very well attended and showed strength of support by the parish. He asked Members to approve the formation of

a steering group to assist with the formal application to be submitted to the primary care trust for consideration, this group will consist of Steve Winterflood Deputy Chief Executive, Tony Price South Staffs Housing Association, Jim Barlow South Staffs

Primary Care Trust, Daryl Jackson SSPCT, the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the clerk. This was proposed by Councillor Bryn Whitehouse and seconded by Councillor Bob Firmstone and carried.



None received


District Councillors David Clifft and Pat Griffin distributed their reports outlining their visits, meetings and contacts during the month.

Councillor Pat Griffin commented on problems in Westcroft with prostitution and had received complaints from residents. She also commented on the Essington Scouts and asked Councillor Lionel Saunders to comment, Councillor Lionel Saunders commented that it is centenary of the scout association and to mark the occasion a jamboree is planned in London later this month and the scouts are raising monies to provide transport for the children. The Chairman proposed a donation of £100 seconded by Councillor Beryl Tarbuck and carried. Councillor Baryl Tarbuck commented that the Essington Parish Council Over 50’s club will donate £25.


The next meeting would be Monday 10th December 2007 at 7.00 pm

20.05pm The Chairman declared the rest of the meeting would be in closed session and dismissed the press and public.

17. 2007 PAY AWARD

The clerk left the chamber. The Chairman outlined the proposed increase from 1st April 2007, this was proposed by Councillor

Jim Rice and seconded by Councillor Winston Haddon and carried. The clerk returned to the chamber.


The Chairman commented on a recent meeting a member of the civil contingencies unit with view to providing emergency

facilities in the parish. Members discussed the proposal and agreed to decline. This was proposed by Councillor David Clifft, seconded by Councillor Peter Whitehouse and carried.


This completed the business before the Council.