A chit-chat Book
Be & See
With the Seers
I share my Love
And my fears
Thank you
Beloved Ones
This book is unique... just like you... it does not look like any other book... it is original...
Nothing like it... but you will like it... it is from you and to you...
It is not for the reader or the seeker but for the seer...
Look and see...this book has no table of contents, no acknowledgements, no big words and no knowledge either... not even forward words or rights to preserve.
It is a book that serves...
Serves your heart and your love...
Serves your laughter...
Serves your life...
And serves you...
You are the seer and the seen...
See it first and then let us have a look...
I forgot to tell you that this book is not for the eye and not for the “I” either...
Yes... I am crazy and hazy and this is why I am warning you and I need you too...
This book has a good look for the heart and for the sacred eye...
It is for our being and for our seeing...
B & C...
Let us be and see, then silence and witness will be our only language...
This book is not written by me...
“Eye did not rite it”
It is a born book by a bird...
Yes... a bird flew into my belly and gave birth to this book...
Do not look at me... meee too, I can’t believe yet...
But weirdo things happen... can’t you see the screens?!
What is a fiction today, is a fact tomorrow...
This book is not a fairy tale... but it is a fare tool for the wise and for the fool...
This weirdy-birdy book is not a his-tory or a theo-ry but a true Love–story
And love is full of mis-takes... and the bird does not know spelling but he spits few piths and it is up to us to see the seed & let it grow & let it glow.
And this is the grace of our choice...
Thank you for choosing this book.
Let us have a quick look...
Welcome onboard
Relax...loosen up your belt...take off your shoes and take off your mind and ask for the best cookies and the best snacks and let us see what is going on...
Be ready... Ya Hooooo
Once upon a now...I was sitting on my butts burdened with lots of “its buts”& lots of boredoms & pains and seeing only my pills and my blames and looking for the exit that never came. And suddenly...a bird flew in ....flew in through the wall ...Wow!
“How did you come in?”
And his song said:
“I came through the wall,
The only exit that you are looking for...
I came to remind you...
That a wall is a door,
Knock it down...
And look up,
And walk all your wall,
And bridge it with all
The gaps & you are
Always up & you’ll
Never be down...”
-“Birdy!!! You are flying in my heart...
You are opening up my buds of boredom & I am scared...I am tired...I am...”
-“I am here...I can hear you...listen to me...I came to remind you...that I am never sad & never bored & never tired & I am always on board... and you are the only creature who is blessed with boredom...”
-“Blessed?! You said?!”
-“Yes blessed?! It needs intelligence to feel bored... have you seen any animal bored? It is out of boredom that search starts...out of boredom the search for the meaning of life arises... wake up my friend & fly high in your inner sky & say welcome & goodbye...”
-“How can I fly & I don’t have wings & feathers?”
-“A feather does not wake you up any more...you need a hammer & you have it already...use it...look at it...read all the instructions & take the action & not the re-action...”
-“I understand what you are saying...I can see your song in my pains & in my sadness & in my break downs...”
-“Do not break down but break through, use your hammers & break all the walls & throw out all your pills & take your will & fly...”
-“I have no will and I can’t take a break out & I can’t follow you...I am used to be where I am. I can’t... I can’t...”
-“Listen to your heart... success comes with (cans) not with (can’ts)...yes you can...use your pains...use your fears...you can fly very far and very near...just be still and hear your heart...”
-“Do you help me?”
-“What I am here for? Can’t you see me? Open your heart and see...seeing is believing in the things we see...”
-“I am ready to fly...tell me what to do first?!”
-“Clean up your wings...so much honey on them...you can’t fly with such glue glum...”
-“Oh my God...I was so dumb...I spent all my life collecting honey...”
-“Oh no... do not judge yourself...you did the best you can and what you did was great and this why we are here... it is meant to be...without the bees there is no honey...& without you there is no bees...For the now-here be who you are...”
-“I am ready to go on...& in”
-“Take a deep breath... take a U Turn... take a You Turn now-here.Now is the only time and here is the only place and space and you are the one who can make your choice...change your hell into heaven...you have the whole sky to fly... be your own astronaut... yes you can & you are.This is who you are...be your nature...be yourself...claim back your power...listen to your inner lecture...there is the treasure...go in... go in... in is your only inn...
This is your home and this is your birthright... keep breathing in & out... up and up...high & high...relax and fly...let go and let God...let go off all you honey...shake up your wings and the whole sky is welcoming you...welcome on board and good bye any bored...keep breathing, every breath is a new birth...”
-“Oh my bird!! What is this trip?”
-“It is not a trip...it is only a breath... but you forgot what a breath is & how to breathe...”
-“Is breathing expensive?”
-“I love Jewish questions... in the heart way it is expensive & hard...but in the mind way it does not matter...it is still free of charge...just like laughter...love...life...are free of charge if you remember how to charge it. In the cities...water is not free anymore, you buy it in bottles...but soon who knows about laughter & love...in a way it is very expensive & very luxurious... but why go so far??? be who you are...& now...”
-“You are right... teach me how to breathe right...”
-“Truth cannot be taught...it can be caught...I can’t teach it but you can catch it”.
Less-on one
Be is Breath.
-“Birdy? What is breath?”
-“Listen & breathe...take a deep breath & listen in your heart...& remember your first breath...”
-“My first breath?”
-“This is what they call primordial scream”.
-“Birdy? What is this wordy-wierdy scream? You stopped my breath!!”
-“Forget about it & do not ask me head questions....can’t you see my head?”
-“You won’t believe it Birdy...so much heads are here & almost no hearts...”
-“I know you are in pain but do not nag again...no pain...no gain...let us go back to breath and take a deep breath & take a deepdeep sleep breath....and L-I-S-T-E-N...”
-“Ooooook ooayy...”
-“Breath is life....breathe fully...if you are not breathing fully, you cannot live fully...once breathing is perfect everything else falls into line... breathing is life...but people ignore it... watch and see....if you are breathing wrongly, shallow breathing, then your muscles become fixed...& shrunk...& blood flows no more....just like you are not using your legs & one day you decided to walk...now much effort will be needed to bring those dead legs to life again...”
-“Birdy? Do you breathe better than us?”
-“Yes, I do breathe like a bird...but not like the ones in your cage..and everybody breathes wrongly...I mean people...because the whole society is based on very wrong conditions, notions & attitudes...for example...when you were a child & your mom told you not weep & not to touch & not to play & not to cry... what did you do?”
-“I do not remember....but even now I cry alone and I don’t want anybody to see me or scold me...”
-“This is what you did when you were a kid & the misery goes on & on... you hold your breath and you cripple yourself... I still remember this story...
When Maya came home from school... it was her first day at school & Dad asked her...
-‘What did you learn today?’
-‘Dad! I learned that my name is not Don’t...’, ‘Don’t be angry’... ‘Don’t cry’... ‘Don’t do this’... ‘Don’t do that’... ‘Don’t lie’... ‘Don’t kill’... ‘Don’t love’... ‘Don’t live’.
Only eat-work... pay taxes & sleep... this is what a man is...a must man is a muscle man, is... a money machine man, is but not a being... be grateful and breathe deep...you are a being.
-“Oh yes...let us go back to breathing...what a gift to be able to breathe!!!”
-“And to breathe the right way all the way to health and whole and holiness...”
-“How can I shake off my honey? I want to fly high...”
-“Share your honey with all the many who needs it and by sharing it you shake it off and you take off... but unless you breathe right...your sharing is going to be wrong...”
-“Birdy!..I feel angry when I think about sharing my honey with the many...I worked hard to get all my honey...is there a better way?”
-“Breath is the best way...watch your anger now...watch how you breathe when you are angry...it is shallow and shaky breath...because you are repressing fear and greed...and all this attitude comes from the first breath...the breath of DON’T...and you are cut off... you are cut off from your body senses... all societies that are life-repressive are bound to be a shallow-breathing society...look at primitive people...they have no taboos and no nonsense and their breathing is beautiful it is complete and whole...they breathe like animals, they breathe like children...”
-“Do they have sexy jokes?”
-“They do not need it...because they are not repressed sexually & they live all the ages according to their feelings...every age is a stage and every energy evolves by breathing... and by living it totally...”
-“Can we change fear into love by breathing?”
-“Every energy can be transformed if you can change your breathing system...so listen to your breathing...if you can listen to it, that means it is rough...when you can only feel it & you can’t hear it, then it is still and quiet...and that is the right way to be in tune with existence, to be in tune with yourself, to be in tune with reality &with existence as a whole...
And the quieter it is, the deeper you are & so is your breath...breathe deep and let it steep & sleep... it is through the breath that you are bridged...if you can watch your breath rising and falling slowly slowly, you will be able to see the body as separate from yourself and also the breath as separate from yourself...because the watcher cannot be the watched...the observer cannot be the observed... and suddenly one day you will see and you will realize that you are the witness of it all... in that very moment freedom has happened to you...in that very moment you bridged the marketplace and the mystical kingdom...
This is self remembering... breathe...you are alive... breathe... breath is the master key...you need not carry many keys for each different lock...only one key opens all locks... breath is the master key...breathe & witness...breathe & watch...breathe & be aware...breathe & be awake... breath is your bridge to the beyond. Breath is the first step & breath is the last step... be grateful & breathe...you are alive”.
-“Birdy! I can’t breed any more. Let us move on to the next lesson...B is breath and what is C for?”
-“C is for body”.
-“C is body? How did you see this?”
-“I see your body& I want to sing its song...the body is our home& our temple our grave & our grace...”
-“Don’t scare me...to me I see C in cakes and cookies & chocolates & cage...B is for cage but not birds...I love you Birdy but I feel food & fear...is this in the C also?”
-“Granny! you look hungry & angry so watch up your breath again...take a deep breath & let us see the beauty in our body...look at the mirror & see...your eyes & your mouth are horizontal...your nose & your ears are vertical...all your story is written in your eyes...your teeth are connected to your backbone...all your body is connected to each other & to the universal body... existence is a big body & you are a mini one. He is the ocean & you are a drop...& no man is an island...you are a continent...”
-“Are we, as humans, related to nature & to you?”
-“Yes we are...everyone & everything is one with the ONE...we all come from the same source in different form...& we are very beautiful & you are the most beautiful creature...”
-“Birdy! But I am an old woman & ugly...”
-“Grandma...you are never young & never old... you are the image of the Creator...& you are never born & never dies...you are only visiting this planet earth...& this is a truth...it never lies & it never dies...”
-“You are right...I feel this truth...but my father is a priest & as all priests & all politicians...I feel them as the mafia of the soul...”
-“Watch your blame game...he is only giving what you are asking & what you need...always remember that every other isonly a mirror...and you are not a number or a consumer, you are a member of the cosmic family and the universal power...”
-“Wow!! Everyone is one with the ONE..?”
-“You said it... be it...and that’s it... be where your body is and listen...be still & see what I am telling you...”
-“And I am breathing watchfully and mindfully & gratefully and carefully &...”
-“Full stop!! see & be your body... listen...the whole existence is a big body and your body is minor or a mini existence...the Creator is the ocean & you are a drop... & the drop has the qualities of the ocean...but you can’t drink the whole ocean in order to know that it is salty...one drop is enough. Your body is a mini creature...”
-“You mean the seed is a condensed tree?”
-“You said it...but the courage is to sprout & to be it...& one seed turns the whole earth green...be your body & let your seed give birth to many trees...”
-“I know I have a body but I don’t know my body & most of the time I hate it...”
-“Hate it!! your body is God’s gift to you and what you make of it...is your gift to God...use it...enjoy it... love it...take care of it...don’t stuff it with junk food...don’t starve it...listen to its demands...this is your home...your temple & your instrument...whether you are asleep or awake, aware or unaware, it goes on functioning silently& lovingly...only by loving your body, you will come closer to God. By torturing your body you are torturing God himself... the leaf is part of the tree as the drop is part of the ocean...”
-“I love my body but I hate it because I want to change my nose...”
-“Change the cause & not your nose...does the elephant hate his nose? find out why do you hate? I love my body because the body is my nature...my nurture...& my mother...think about it...the body has its own wisdom...it knows how to dance...how to sing...how to pulsate with God...when the body starts vibrating with the Divine, suddenly you will see your soul is also vibrating with God...feel your Divinity and your unity...yes...be grateful to your body...”
-“Birdy...can I whisper a secret?”
-“Whisper loudly so I can hear you...I have no ears to hear with, but I am here and I can hear you... say what you see...”
-“Birdy...it is not only a seeing but also beyond being...”
-“Are you flying flies?”
-“No, no...I am flying truth...listen... once upon a yesterday...I was sitting & envying how a bird flies & how can I go very high & something weird happened to me & to my body...wait...do not interrupt me...& soon I was up & my body was sitting down & I saw a white silver cord from my belly & my body was ugly...I did not like it...but from now on I am going to...but just yesterday I saw this seen & I was out of my body but I was not scarred & I was light & it was a light flight without any fight...I popped out & I don’t know how & why &it was great, but I want to know about it & I am ready for anything more...more flights...”
-“Go more in... nowhere to go but in.What happened is real...your body is your home...your mind is your pilot& you are the passenger...you went out of your home& your mind...& this is a sign...a stepping stone...do not use it as a stopping stone...the more you go in, the higher is your flight & the deeper too...the deeper is the roots, the higher is the fruits & you too is like a tree...let your fragrance go higher &higher...”