Executive Officers Meeting Minutes

Monday November 4, 2013

Milford Mill Academy

  1. Welcome –
  1. Secretary’s Report
  2. Approval of minutes from previous meetingwith corrections - Richard Bettencourt from Latin Charter and Kevin Grimsland from Roosevelt
  1. Executive Director’s Report
  2. Newsletter will be sent electronically on Tuesday.
  3. Membership Report –
  4. MSADA currently has 393 members and 41 Professional Sponsors.
  5. All large districts have submitted. PG pays state dues, they do not realize the benefits of NIAAA including the million dollars coverage and the additional million for CAA.
  6. NIAAA has 179 members from Maryland, challenging to increase our membership to 245.
  7. Financial report
  8. We have $39,397.34.
  9. National Conference is set – hotel and flights.
  10. Taxes are complete.
  11. Joanna Stephens has been out sick for two weeks, not sure what the cause. If anyone knows please pass on the information and we send her well wishes.
  12. Carol proposed Dave Anderson for HOF induction in April and that we put up the family for one night. In addition, it was proposed that we send $100 to his scholarship fund. Karl motioned, Marianne second and it was passed unanimously.
  13. Possible conference gift – cooler. Possible banquet gift - electronics
  1. President’s Report
  2. Courses finalized for Winter Institute – waiting on Brad and Marianne for LTC 502 Tuesday January 14th.
  3. DCADA and DAAD will be attending the conference in April. They both want a room for their general meetings.
  4. DAAD – Mike Wagner doing a great job with their one day conference.
  1. 1st Vice President’s Report –
  2. Went over sessions and speakers - ditto
  3. Waiting on LTC courses
  4. Donee Gray from the MPSSAA will be the Friday night speaker
  5. Matt O’Hare will MC Saturday night banquet
  6. Dr. Joe Jacobs would like a Comp exam review for the cohort.
  7. Need final list by end of February – exact titles and speakers.
  8. Dr. David Hoch asks if we are meeting the needs of our members based on the surveys? Technology course?
  1. 2ndVice President’s Report–
  2. Gatorade a possible sponsorship.
  3. Fitness Resource a possible corporate.
  4. Weyers Flooring will sponser a golf hole and will have 2 golfers
  5. Still questioning Under Armor possible involvement?
  6. Signage needs to be to Karl for Weyer Flooring – golf hole.
  7. This is not an Election year.
  1. LTC Coordinator’s Report –
  2. National Faculty needs to attend a review at the National Conference.
  3. After the winter institute we will schedule the summer institute.
  4. Summer institute is scheduled for July 21st , New AD is July 24th, and Fall intstitute is October 17th.
  5. It was suggested to buy another projector – it was approved.
  1. Past President’s Comments
  2. Karl is interested in web hits with the new site.
  3. Marianne will send corrected minutes to Carol.
  1. Old Business –
  2. Still have outstanding payment from Army ROTC
  1. New Business
  2. Carol nominated Marianne Shultz for NIAAA DSA – paperwork due in April.
  3. Karl nominated Carol Satterwhite for NIAAA HOF.
  1. Adjournment – 7:15 pm