Computer Skills: Word

Header and Footer: Go to ViewHeader and Footer. Header and Footer area, along with bar will pop up.

Find and Replace: Go to EditFind (ctrl F). Insert the word you want to find and replace it with another word. Useful in theses when you have to switch from the proposal writing to the final document for your defense.

Page Breaks and Section Breaks: Go to InsertBreak. Use page break to go to the next page or section break to move down to the next paragraph. When using the section break command, specify where you want the section to break (the next page, right after the paragraph, etc.).

Formatting Columns: After the section break, go to FormatColumns.

Use either the preset columns or specify the number of columns you want plus the width and spacing. Don’t forget to specify where you want this applied too.

View Formatting and Special Characters: Select the “¶” on the toolbar. Useful in large documents and to see complex formatting.

Inserting Special Characters or Symbols: Go to InsertSymbol

Setting Tabs: Either go to FormatTabs or click on the ruler. Useful if you need a leader with the tab or you can do it manually by:

-Hit the tab key once

-Select the area to be tabbed and then move the tab on top of the page

-Select the type of tab from the left corner of the screen

-Drag and drop the tab were you would like it on the ruler

Right justified tabCenter justifiedLeft justified Decimal tab

Format Paragraphs with Keeps Properties: Go to FormatParagraphsLine and Page Breaks. Keep with Next prevents you from leaving a header at the end of the page. Keep lines together prevents you from having a single sentence at the end of a page.

Changing Font (face, size, style): Go to FormatFont. Select the desired size and style. Also can select characters or words to be superscriptorsubscript. Can also select words to be hidden.

Thesaurus, Word Count, and Spell Check: ToolsLanguageThesaurus or ToolsWord Count

Macro Protection on or off: ToolsMacrosSecurity

Borders: Go to FormatBorders. Border section is used to apply a border to a paragraph. Page border applies to the entire page.

Format Numbers: Go to InsertPage Numbers. Then click on the Format button.

Computer Skills: Excel

Resize Column Width and Row Heights: For single cell formatting go to FormatColumnWidth or go to FormatRowHeights. To change the overall formatting of the entire sheet go to FormatStyleModify.

Wrap Text Inside Cells: Go to FormatCells(ctrl 1) Alignment, then select Wrap Text under Text Control.

Color and Borders: Go to FormatCells(ctrl 1) Borders or Patterns. You could also click on the Border Box or the Fill Color Box on the toolbar, and then select the desired border or color. (Ensure that the Formatting Toolbar is visible by going to ViewToolbarsFormatting).

Format Numbers: Go to FormatCells(ctrl 1) Numbers and then select the desired number format.

Using Functions (sum, mean, standard deviation): Go to InsertFunction and then select the desired function (mean = average, standard deviation = stdev). Next select the area in which the function needs to compute.

Absolute Cell Referencing: Select desired cell in formula bar and press F4 or put “$” before and after the cell. The following are the different types of absolute cells:

-$A$1 – Absolute column and absolute row

-A$1 – Relative column and absolute row

-$A1 – Absolute column and relative row

-A1 – Relative column and relative row

Sort Selected Columns: Go to DataSort and then select how you want to sort the data.

Computer Skills: PowerPoint

Selecting a Presentation Design: Go to FormatApply Design Template and then select desired design. (can also be down when opening powerpoint)

Format Master Page: Go to ViewMasterSlide Master. Change fonts by selecting what you want to be changed and then going to FormatFont.

-To view slide in normal form, go to ViewNormal

-To omit background from slide, go to FormatBackground and select omit background and click apply.

Add Slides: Go to InsertNew Slide (ctrl M)

Print 3 Slides per Page (in black & white): Go to FilePrint and then select Handouts, 3 per slide and click on Black and White.

Insert a Chart: Go to InsertChart

- To change chart type, right click on mouse and select chart type.

Insert a Photo: Go to InsertPicture and then select from Clip Art or From File

Apply Borders to Pictures: From Drawing Toolbar select the Shadow Box to apply a shadow or Select the Line Color to apply a border around the picture. (Ensure that the Drawing Toolbar is visible by going to ViewToolbarsDrawing).