Working Together: Advocates for Recovery

19th Annual NAMI Oklahoma Statewide Conference

Consumers, Families, Professionals, and the Community

June 22-23, 2006

Southern Hills Marriott Hotel

Please join us at NAMI Oklahoma’s 19th annual conference, Working Together: Advocates for Recovery--Consumers, Families, Professionals, and the Community, which will be held on Thursday and Friday, June 22-23, 2006, at the Southern Hills Marriott Hotel in TulsaOklahoma. You won’t want to miss some of the wonderful opportunities to learn from experts in the field. This collaborative effort provides workshops to meet the needs of everyone and bring together the community and relevant mental health, substance abuse, social service, advocacy, and criminal justice agencies to address issues relating to mental illness and substance abuse in Oklahoma.

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) in Oklahoma, The Oklahoma Partnership in Creating Change (TOPICC), the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, and the Mental Health Association of Tulsa are partnering to bring day one’s mental illness, substance abuse, and criminal justice section of this event. The workshops on mental illness, substance abuse, and criminal justice will allow us to continue our work on enhancing and developing innovative evidence based programs, practices, and policies in Oklahoma. Nationally known experts, as well as Oklahoma leaders, will be presenting the facts that are needed to sustain efforts in developing a systematic approach.

On day two, Dr. C. C. Nuckols is returning to Oklahoma to speak on the Science of Recovery and Complicated Post Traumatic Stress Disorders. Other workshops you won’t want to miss include one on the Mental Health Needs of the Returning Soldiers; The Incarcerated Parent: Effects on Children; and workshops relating to trauma and children. Our friend, Ron Willis from Kansas, is coming to offer management training that will warm your heart and impact the way you do business!

Thursday evening, June 22, at 6:30 p.m. will afford an opportunity to view the powerful documentary, Out of the Shadow. By sharing her family's story in this documentary, Susan Smiley hopes to encourage other families, educate people, and dispel stigma and misconceptions about schizophrenia. She also hopes it will help fuel grassroots advocacy to transform the current mental healthcare system. There will be a panel of experts who will react to the documentary and be available to answer questions. These experts include Don Chesler, M.D., and Rand Baker, Deputy Commissioner for Mental Health Services, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

19th Annual NAMI Oklahoma Statewide Conference

Working Together: Advocates for Recovery

Consumers, Families, Professionals, and the Community

June 22-23, 2006

Southern Hills Marriott Hotel


Thursday, June 22, 2006

8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 a.m.- 10:00 a.m.Welcome. George Hedrick, Ph.D., President of NAMI Oklahoma

Keynote. Criminal Justice and Mental Health Partnerships: Model Programs in the Ohio and in the Nation. Blair Young, NAMI Ohio, and Steve Buck, NAMI National Director of State Policy.

10:00 a.m.- 10:15 a.m.Break

10:15 a.m.- 11:45 a.m. Session 1 – Workshops

A. How Jail Diversion Can be Promoted at the State and Local Level. (The NAMI Ohio Experience). Blair Young, NAMI Ohio.

B. Best Friends/Worst Nightmares: Employee Relationships. Ron Willis.**

C. The Mental Health Needs of Returning Soldiers. Ursula Boling, University of OklahomaHealthSciencesCenter.

D. Accessing Mental Health Services for Juveniles. Steve Grissom, Ph.D.*

E. The Role of Emerging Best Practices and Advocacy. Melody Riefer.

11:45 a.m.- 1:15 p.m. NAMI Luncheon - In Case We Need to Eat Our Words, Let’s Make Sure Some are Sweet and Tender. Ron Willis.**

Awards. George Hedrick, NAMI Oklahoma President and Wayne Merritt, NAMI Oklahoma Vice President

1:30 p.m.- 3:00 p.m. Session 2 - Workshops

A. The Governor’s and Attorney General’s Blue Ribbon Task Force: Has it made a difference in law enforcement? Jane Braden, facilitator; law enforcement; mental health; corrections; and community representatives.

B. It Can Be a Real Zoo Around Here. Ron Willis.**

C. Special Needs Trusts: Planning for the Financial Future of a Family Member. La Vonne Daniels, Ph.D.*

D.Recovery From Sudden Death of a Loved One. Sandrel Jones-Webster, MS; and George Hedrick, Ph.D.*

E. The Study of Incarcerated Women and their Children. Lisa Smith, Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth; and Rita Cooksey, Department of Corrections

3:00 p.m.- 3:15 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m.- 4:45 p.m.Session 3 - Workshops

A. Oklahoma Mental Health Courts, Day Reporting, and Other Jail Diversion Programs.

B. Lighting Your Candle and Fanning Its Flame. Ron Willis.**

C. To Work or Not to Work - Benefits Planning for Consumers and Families. Jimmy Roberts, Benefits Specialist, and Cathy Bates

D. Visions for Tomorrow: A Program for Parents of Children with Mental Illness. Vi and Ken Gunnells and Judy Smith, NAMI Tulsa.

E. The Impact of Vicarious Trauma: Caring for You While Caring for Others. Katie Morris-Henson, MHR, LPC.

4:45 p.m.- 5:00 p.m. Break

5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.NAMI Oklahoma Annual Members Meeting

6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.Reception and Showing of the documentary “Out of the Shadow” along with Panel

Don Chessler, M.D; Rand Baker, Deputy Commissioner for Mental Health Services, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services; and Curlonda Simms, NAMI Educational Speaker. *

* These workshops are applicable to CME credit
Working Together: Advocates for Recovery

Consumers, Families, Professionals, and the Community

19th Annual NAMI Oklahoma Statewide Conference

June 22-23, 2006

Southern Hills Marriott Hotel


Friday, June 23, 2006

8:00 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Registration

8:30 a.m. – 8:50 a.m.The Transformation of Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Oklahoma.

Terry Cline, Ph.D. Secretary of Health and Commissioner, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services and John Hudgens, Director, Innovation Center, Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services*

8: 50 a.m.- 9:45 a.m. Plenary Session

The Science of Recovery: Empathy, Spirituality, and Therapeutic Relationships.

C. C. Nuckols, Ph.D.*

9:45 a.m.- 10:00 a.m. Break

10:00 a.m.- 11:30 a.m. Session 4 – Workshops

A. Creating a Healing and Healthy Environment. C. C. Nuckols, Ph.D.*

B. Parent to Parent Mentorship for Parents of Children. Traci Castles.

C. The In Our Own Voice Anti-Stigma Campaign: The Power of Personal Stories. Wayne McGuire, Ph.D., Curlonda Simms, and Harry Cook.*

D. Grants 101: Grantseeking Tips. Sheila Tillery.

E. PACT in Oklahoma: How Can We Take It To The Next Level? Randy May, LPC, Tania Rubio-Rosas, MSW; Amy Batchelor-Cordry, LPC; Lynn Smith, MS.

11:45 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. NAMI Luncheon and Awards Presentation

Legislative Forum: Facilitated by Ben Robinson

1:30 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Session 5 - Workshops

A. Treatment of Complicated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Part I. C. C. Nuckols, Ph.D. *

B. The Role of Childhood Trauma and Abuse on Mental Health. Roy VanTassell, MS, LPC; and Ashleigh Kraft, MA, LPC.

C. Family to Family Facilitation: Opportunities and Challenges. George Hedrick, Ph.D., and Sandrel Jones Webster.*

D. Hope for Tomorrow Success Stories. Mindy Brooks; Marcia Keesee, Wraparound Tulsa; Joy Ahmad, Del CityHigh School; and Teresa Peden, MPH, MAMFT.

E. The Legislative Process. Steve Buck and Ben Robinson

3:00 p.m.– 3:15 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m.- 4:45 p.m.Session 6 – Workshop

A. Treatment of Complicated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Part II. C. C. Nuckols, Ph.D.*

B. How to Deal with Challenging Behaviors in the Classroom.

C. Oklahoma’s Consumer Driven Programs. Marcia Hayes, DBSA; Carolyn Archer, BS, Oklahoma Mental Health Consumer Council; Wayne McGuire, Ph.D., NAMI Oklahoma; Amber Guerrero, ODMHSAS; and Suzan Esley, ODMHSAS.*

D. Medicaid 101. Steve Buck

*These workshops are applicable to CME credit.

**These workshops are applicable to supervisory credit.

Working Together: Advocates for Recovery

Consumers, Families, Professionals, and the Community

19th Annual NAMI Oklahoma Statewide Conference Registration

Name Home Phone ______


Address City/State/Zip

Business Phone / Fax / Email

( ) I require special accommodations for my disability. (You will be contacted by a NAMI staff member)

Circle One (CEU’s & CME’s)

PhysicianLPC / LMFTPsychiatristPhysician’s Asst.Psychologist

PharmacistNurse or LPNStudentSocial WorkerCADC

LBPFamily Member ConsumerOther ______

Make Check payable to NAMI Oklahoma and mail to: NAMI Oklahoma Conference, Attn: Conference Coordinator, 500 N Broadway, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73102. Call (405) 230-1900 or 1-800-583-1264 to pay by credit card or faxes may be sent to 405-230-1903

Conference RegistrationMemberNon-MemberRate for only one day

Member Non-Member Day Attending

Professional (CEU’s or CME’s) $100.00 $ 135.00 $55.00  $ 72.50(check one)

Family Member / Individual$70.00 $105.00 $40.00  $ 57.50 Thursday

Consumer ——— $50.00———— ———$30.00———— Friday

——————————————————————————Total$ ______

Lunches are provided with conference registration. You must have your name tag on to attend luncheon. Portion of registration fee for non-members will be used as membership.

( ) Check enclosed ( ) Credit Card

Type of Card (circle one): Visa MasterCard Discover

Name (as it appears on credit card) ______

Address, City, State Zip: ______

Card Number: ______Expiration date: ______

Authorizing Signature: ______

Continuing Education

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas of the Oklahoma State Medical Association (OSMA) through the joint sponsorship of the Oklahoma Institute for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Education and Training (OIMHET), Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (ODMHSAS) and NAMI Oklahoma. The OIMHET of the ODMHSAS is accredited by the OSMA to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The OIMHET designates this medical activity for up to 15 credits in Category I of the Physicians Recognition Award to the American Medical Association. Up to 15 continuing education credit hours have also been applied for through the Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers (LSW), the Licensed Professional Counselors Committee (LPC, LMFT), the Oklahoma Board of Examiners of Psychologists, and Oklahoma Drug and Alcohol Professional Counselors Association (CADC).

Hotel Information

NAMI Oklahoma has reserved a block of rooms at the Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills for conference participants. The room rate is $69 plus tax per night for a single and $79 plust tax per night for a double. Please make your reservations by June 7, 2006 to ensure a room at the conference rate. To reserve a room, call 918-493-7000 or 1-866-242-5060 and mention the NAMI Oklahoma Conference. Reservations must be made by individual call-in. NAMI Oklahoma will not make reservations. The Tulsa Marriott Southern Hills is located at 1902 E 71st, Tulsa.


A limited number of scholarships are available. Contact the NAMI Oklahoma Office at 405-230-1900 or 1-800-583-1264 if you are interested in applying for a scholarship.