Electricity Connection
Application Form
Section 1 – Applicant (Please provide applicant details)Applicant (Name & Company):
Property name/number:
Street name:
City/County: / Postcode:
Email address: / Mobile number:
Landline number: / Fax number:
Section 1.1 – Details of customer accepting the connection offer (Connection Offer only)
Are you the person who will be responsible for accepting and paying for the quotation?
If No please complete section 12 / Yes / No
Section 2 – Quotation/estimate required
The Connection Offer that we make to you to carry out the connection works to our Distribution System which will, if accepted by you, create a legally binding contract between you and us. / Full quotation
(please complete all sections of the application form) / For enquiries of a provisional nature we can provide an indication of the charge for providing the connection in a Budget Estimate. Any estimate that we provide at this stage will be the result of a preliminary assessment only. A Budget Estimate is not a formal offer for connection and cannot be accepted by you. / Budget estimate
If you have previously received a budget estimate or connection offer please provide the reference number:
Section 3 – Site contact details (Connection Offer only)
Are you the site manager/representative?
If No please complete section 3.1 / Yes / No
Section 3.1 – Site person contact details (Connection Offer only)
If you are not the site manager/representative or will have a builder to manage your on-site activities, including the final connection please provide their details below:
Name & Company:
Email address: / Mobile number:
Landline number: / Fax number:
Section 4 – Type of connection (Please indicate the type of connection required)
New connection / Additional load / Service alteration to existing position / Temporary connection
POC for network to be adopted by us / POC for embedded network / Re-energise existing connection / Associated diversion
Section 5 – Site information (Please provide site address and details)
Please provide any additional information on landlords connections or secondary connections in the additional information section (Section 14)
Proposed number of dwellings/connections:
Type (i.e. flat, detached house, commercial, industrial unit):
Site name:
Street name:
City/County: / Postcode:
Site Telephone number:
Does the site have planning permission? / Yes / No
Does the site have existing connections?
If Yes you will also need to complete section 10 / Yes / No
Section 6 – Heating type
How will your property/ies be heated? / Electric / Gas
Other (i.e. oil, ground source heat pump, etc)
Section 7 – Generation
Will generation equipment be installed? / Yes / No
If you ticked Yes please fill in generation form (which can be found on relevant company website)
Will you be generating electricity back in to the network? / Yes / No
Section 8 – Electrical load details ( Connection Offer only)
All relevant fields within this section should be completed.
If electric heating what type? / Off peak storage heaters / Instantaneous wet central heating / Off peak wet storage system
Other (please specify)
Total electric heating per property (in kW)? / Electric showers / Water
Please provide details of any other significant electrical loads.
Please note if any of the options below are ticked you will need to fill inSection 8.1 below.
Swimming pool (in kW) / Heat pumps (input in kW) / Welders (in kW) / Cooking (in kW)
Other (please specify)
Section 8.1 Further Details
Total single phase motors
(in kW):
Largest single phase motor (in kW): / Type of starting: / Frequency of starting
(per hour): / Starting current
(in Amps):
Total three phase motors (in kW):
Largest three phase motor
(in kW): / Type of starting: / Frequency of starting
(per hour): / Starting current
(in Amps):
Normal domestic appliances and small motors (with an electrical input of less than 1.7 kVA) can be connected without the need for the details to be included as part of your application. Details of all other motors will be required.
The information required for these motors will be: the electrical input power, the type of motor starting (e.g. star/delta, direct on line, soft start, etc.), and frequency of starting (how many times per hour will the motor be started).
Welding Equipment
Type of Welding Equipment
Arc / Resistance / Others
Total welding equipment
(in kVA): / Maximum current drawn from mains (in Amps):
Largest single welder
(in kVA): / Maximum current drawn from mains (in Amps):
For largest welder: / Switched primary / POW switching
Section 8.2 – Please state maximum power required in kVA
Maximum kVA per connection / Total capacity required in kVA
Section 9 - Application for street lighting connection (Connection Offer only)
If you are installing street lighting that will be adopted by the relevant street lighting authority, please provide the
following details:
Total no. of lighting columns
to be installed / Power required for each column (in kW) / Total power required (in kW)
Section 10 – Existing supplies information (Connection Offer only)
If your site has existing supplies please provide the 13 digit MPAN (Meter Point Administration Number) of each. Please attach additional sheets if you have more than five properties.
If you have existing connections do these require disconnection and removal from site? / Yes / No
Section 11 – Construction Design & Management (CDM) (Connection Offer only)
Is this project notifiable under Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations / Yes / No
Section 12 – Acceptance & Payment Details
If same as applicant details please go to section 13 (Connection Offer only)
Name & Company:
City/County: / Post code:
Landline number:
Mobile number:
Fax number:
Email address:
Section 13 – Declaration
I acknowledge that in making this application I will be liable for any charges in respect of the connection(s) to which this application relates.
I confirm the following are included with this application where applicable (please tick).
Site location plan identifying the properties requiring connection i.e. Ordnance Survey site location plan
A schedule of properties including number of bedrooms for domestic properties
Site layout plan (at a scale of not less than 1:500) which should indicate:
- Preferred point for the cable to enter the property
- Your preferred meter point location marked with an X
- All highways and footpaths
- The Boundaries of your property
- Proposed substation location (if applicable/known)
Letter of authority from your client if you are acting as an agent or consultant.
Please indicate a preferred date for your connection.
I confirm I have completed all sections which are relevant to my connection. I acknowledge that if I have not supplied the required information this may hamper the progressing of my application form until I provide the required information.
Print Name / Signature
Company / Date
Section 14 Additional Information
Please provide any additional information that you may think useful for us to be aware of, e.g. land ownership issues, areas of contaminated land etc.
Electricity Connection
Application Form
We have put together these notes to helpyou fill out your application form and toensure we receive all the correct
information for your application to beprocessed easily.
Section 1 – Applicant details
Applicant – The person or company applying forthe electricity connection & their address andcontact details. Please provide as much contactdetails as possible.
Section 2 – Quotation required
A budget estimate will be produced via a desktopstudy only, using indicative costs. It cannot beaccepted and will not involve a site visit. For a budget estimate you do not need to complete the sections of the application form marked “Connection Offer only”. If you choose a Full Quotation (also referred to as a Connection Offer) we will produce adetailed design and issue you with a quotation. A ConnectionOffer will set out detailed terms and conditionsand once accepted will be binding on bothparties. All sections of the form needed to be completed for a Full Quotation/Connections Offer.
Section 3 & 3.1 Site contact details
If you are not the site manager/representativeplease provide their details. If you leave thissection blank we will assume that you areresponsible for all on-site activities and you will becontacted during various stages of your project.
Section 4 – Type of connection required
You must tell us what type of connection you requirefrom the 8 options. If you are unsure you cancontact the relevant company shown below. ‘POC’ is Point of Connection.
Section 5 – Site information
Please supply us with the number of propertiesrequiring connection. If you have existing connections,please see section 10 of this information page.
Site information – address details.This will be the property/site requiring theelectricity connection. Please ensure that all theaddress fields are populated.
Section 6 – Heating type
Please select from the available options or givedetails of any which are not included on theform. If you are unsure of the type of heating yourequire you can speak to your electrician, builderor consultant.
Section 7 – Generation
Please tell us if there will be any on-sitegeneration. Please note that if you require aConnection Offer we will require furthertechnical information. Information and forms to download are available on the relevant company website.
Section 8 – Electric load details
If there are any questions within this sectionthat you are unsure of you will need to speak toyour electrician or consultant. You must fill in allsections which are relevant to your project. Wecannot complete your application if youhave not supplied us with the relevant electricalload details.Below are descriptions of commonly used heatingsystems:
- Off peak storage heaters - storage heaters work by taking an energycharge during off peak energy times,(usually overnight – although some energysuppliers offer a day time boost, please advise us if your tariff includes a day time boost).
- Instantaneous wet central heating- demand water heaters heat water directlywithout the use of a storage tank.
- Off peak wet storage system -storage system uses off-peak electricity to heat up a large, very well insulated tank of water, typically to 85°C. This is then pumped into a traditional ‘wet’ central heating system with radiators
If you are connecting any motors or welders,please let us know about them. The manufacturer or equipment installershould be able to help you with this. Depending on the equipment you are installing, we may need to ask you for additional information to assess the impact on our network.
Section 9 – Street lighting connections
If you are installing Street Lighting which will beadopted by the relevant street lighting authorityplease provide all relevant details.
Section 10 – Existing connections information
If your site has an existing electricity connection you will need to provide us with the existing MPAN’s (Meter point administration numbers). Your MPAN numbers can be obtained from your existing electricity supplier. Please note your MPAN number will inform you of the company which will deal with your application, see map below.
Section 11 – Construction Design & Management (CDM)
This needs tobe completed by all applicants and for claritya Notifiable Project ‘Is a project where theconstruction phase is planned to be over 30 daysin duration or 500 person days of constructionwork’. If in doubt please ask your architect orbuilding company for advice.
Section 12 – Acceptance & payment details
If you are not the person responsible for acceptingand paying for the quotation please provide thedetails of the person who is responsible.
Section 13 – Declaration
Please mark all relevant sections of the declarationconfirming that you have supplied us with therequired information, please also sign and datethis section. Please note: If you have not filled inall relevant fields and/or have not supplied us withthe correct Site Layout and Site Location plansyour application form cannot be processed until you supply us with therequested information.
Section 14 – Additional information
Please provide any additional information that
may be relevant to your application.
Site location
The location plan identifies where the proposed site for the new connection is (see example below).
• All applications should have a location plan enclosed.The applicant must highlight the site location on the map.
• Suitable location plans can be obtained by using the Interneton sites such as:
Site Layout Plan
1 In the absence of an architect’s drawing, allapplications need to have one Site LayoutPlan enclosed. You must draw all proposedbuildings and accesses onto the site planshowing accurate measurements.
2 The full site address and proposed meterposition should be marked onto the planwith an X (see across for guidelines onmeter positions).
3 The size of the new building should beshown on the plan as well as its position onsitein relation to existing features of the siteplan using measurements.
4 Measurements should be taken and drawnon the plan to show the position and size ofthe new building to the nearest 0.1m.
5 Measurements should be taken frompermanent features on-site eg existingbuildings, boundaries, footpaths and kerblines. Measurements should be legible andeasy to read.
6 Any existing buildings to be demolishedshould also be marked on the plan.
7 Please include the site boundary.
8 Please mark any access roads andtemporary accesses to the site.
9 Any unusual features, i.e. land drains’ indicate all highways and footpaths and any garden walls
Please do not take measurements fromdoorways, gate posts, bay windows,temporary posts and garden gateways orstreet furniture eg lamps, signs and bollards.
Electricity Connection
Application Form
You can use this application form for requesting a Budget Estimate orConnections Offer from any of the Distribution Network Operators shown in the map below. If you are unclear which company you should send it to, please confirm this before sending in your application.