General (A) model – Updated Feb 2017
Bachelor of Music with Honours (F4O) – MusicologystreamMajor 1 – Music Practice (Musicology) / Minor – Ensemble and Context (Classical) / Reversed Major –
Classical Music Theory
FCA111 Music Practice 1 / Choose 2 of:
* FCA126 Ensemble and Context 1 (Classical)
* FCA127 Ensemble and Context 2 (Classical)
* FCA128 Ensemble and Context 3 (Classical)
* FCA129 Ensemble and Context 4 (Classical) / FCA113 Writing About Music / FCP101 Music Materials 1
FCA112 Music Practice 2 / FCA114 The Music Business 1 / FCP102 Music Materials 2
Student Electives
FCA211 Music Practice 3 / Choose 2 of:
* FCA226 Ensemble and Context 1 (Classical)
* FCA227 Ensemble and Context 2 (Classical)
* FCA228 Ensemble and Context 3 (Classical)
* FCA229 Ensemble and Context 4 (Classical) / 200/300 / FCP201 Music Materials 3
FCA212 Music Practice 4 / 200/300 / FCP202 Music Materials 4
Breadth units
FCA313 Music
Extension 1 / FCA314 Music Practice Extension 2 / 100/200/300 / Choose 1 of:FCB304Studio Music Teaching;
FCB311Orchestration or FCB312Conducting
FCH303 Musicology Seminar 1 / FCH304 Musicology Seminar 2 / 100/200/300 / Choose 1 of:FCB304Studio Music Teaching;
FCB311Orchestration or FCB312Conducting
Year 4 - Honours
FCZ404 Research Project 1 (25cp) / FCZ405 Research Project 2 (25cp) / Music Research Methodology (12.5cp)
Research Presentation 1 (12.5cp)
Research Presentation 2 (25cp)
Major 1
2 introductory
2 intermediate &
4 advanced units / Minor
2 introductory &
2 intermediate units / Breadth units and Student electives -
4 x 12.5cp in total normally enrolled in Year 2 or 3: choose a maximum of 2 introductory units in breadth units – the remaining breadth units and/or student electives will be intermediate or advanced level / Reversed major
4 Introductory
2 intermediate
2 advanced
My Study Plan
- Consult the UTAS Courses and Units website for the rules of your degree together with a schedule of units for the current year. The schedule of units will also provide a full unit description of each unit:
- Use this planner to view the units you plan to study and help you map out your degree over the duration, including elective and breadth unit choices.
- Enrol online via your study plan in eStudent:
What are the requirements for my degree?
You need to complete 400cp of units, consisting of 2 majors (8 units each), a minor (4 units), 2 student electives and 2 breadth units, and Honours (100cp).
When choosing the student electives and breadth units, you need to ensure that the total number of units in the degree complies with the unit level requirement below:
Introductorylevel:a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 10 units
Intermediate level: a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 units
Advanced level: a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 10 units
What are breadth units and student electives?
Breadth units have been designed to provide you with the skills and deep understanding to make a difference in your own life and that of others. The world we live in faces many unavoidable but fascinating challenges that can perhaps only be seen and understood in their entirety through the lens of numerous disciplines all at once. You'll not only learn vital life and career skills but also learn from a multi-disciplinary team with a variety of experiences and knowledge.
Student electives are your choice of available units from any study area across the University, provided you meet any unit requisites (i.e. prerequisites, co-requisites and anti-requisites) and enrolment quotas.