Districtwide Distance Education Steering Committee (DDESC)
Meeting Notes for May 4, 2015
12:00-1:30 p.m.
City College R-212
Elizabeth Barrington, Gwyn Enright, Michele Fischthal, Dave Giberson, Kats Gustafson, Mary Kingsley, Jeff Mills, Jane Newcomb, Katie Palacios, Sandra Pesce, Claudia Tornsaufer
Meeting Notes
The Committee reviewed the meeting notes from the April 6 meeting. Notes were approved. All meeting notes are posted to http://www.sdccdonline.net/handbook/
Establish DDESC 2015-2016 Goals
The Committee worked on the 2015-2016 Goals as listed below:
Goal 1: Increase the number of online courses (fully, partially, and web-enhanced)
Key Activities / Indicators and Measures / Outcomes / Actions: 2016-20171. Promote and encourage all faculty to use CMS for the distribution of course materials / Increase in number of course shells / By the end of Spring 2017, the number of course shells will have increased by ten percent.
2. Train faculty and create materials for using the CMS / Schedule at least 5 workshops for web-enhanced users / By the end of Spring 2017, faculty participation in workshops will have increased by at least ten percent.
3. Identify high-demand courses and focus on faculty to develop online courses in these areas. / The high-demand courses will be identified and those faculty will be encouraged / By the end of Spring 2017, at least fifty percent of those faculty who teach high-demand courses will be trained.
4. Work with administration to increase the number of sections in high demand online courses / Schedule meetings with deans that oversee these high demand courses and promote an increase in online offerings of courses. / By end of Spring, 2017, high demand online course offerings will increase by 10 percent.
Goal 2: Improve the quality of online and blended courses
Key Activities / Indicators and Measures / Outcomes / Actions: 2016-20171. Increase the number of faculty certifications / Recruit faculty to participate in the certification program. / By Spring, 2017, there will be a ten percent increase in certified faculty members.
2. Increase the number of faculty attending workshops / Prepare and distribute a survey to determine the types of workshops faculty need or are interested in. / By the end of Spring 2017, at least 50 faculty members will have been trained in educational technologies.
3. Evaluate the certification program / Survey and compile statistics on the satisfaction of the certification program / By the end of Spring 2017, the certification program will be revised accordingly
4. Revise student satisfaction survey / Meet with DDESC to determine new questions. / By the end of Spring 2017, a new survey will be developed.
5. Develop online student assistance modules / Revise the student orientation; solicit feedback from faculty on the completeness of the orientation / By the end of Spring 2017, a revised student orientation will be presented.
6. Train faculty on universal design and accessibility / Develop workshops on universal design and a tool to determine if online materials meet the standards. / By the end of Spring 2017, all faculty will have access to resources that evaluate their online materials for universal design.
7. Increase online students’ retention and success rates / Inform online students about Help & Resources e.g., library, writing center, tutoring, and other resources. / By spring 2017, there will be an increased number of student graduation and transfers
8. Evaluate and Critique interaction practices of online students with instructors and peers / Update Best Practice recommendations for online course interactions (synchronous and asynchronous) / By spring 2017, there will be a higher student satisfaction in online courses
Next Meeting: Mesa College, LRC Rm 435, Monday, September 14, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted: Mary Kingsley