Objet: Possible contact with a case of mumps
Madam, Sir,
According to our information, you could have been in contact with a case of mumps during XXXXX.
What are mumps?
It is a viral illness that causes painful swelling of the salivary glands located in front of and under the ears. The incubation period for the virus is 12 to 25 days (usually 16 to 18 days). The disease can be accompanied by symptoms similar to an upper respiratory viral illness: fever, headache, malaise. Sometimes complications may be observed such as an inflammation of the testis or the ovaries, or a meningitis.
How is the disease transmitted?
Through respiratory droplets from the nose or throat of an infected person, by coughing, sneezing or talking. The most contagious period is 2 days before and until 5 days after the start of the swelling.
How to prevent the disease?
Vaccination is the best prevention. The vaccine used is a combined vaccine that protects against measles, rubella and mumps (MMR). In Québec, one dose of this vaccine is considered sufficient to protect people born since 1970 against mumps.
If you were born in Québec before 1970:
People born before 1970 are generally considered protected against mumps. No vaccine is recommended.
If you were born in Québec since 1970:
Check in your vaccination booklet to make sure that you have received one dose of the MMR vaccine. It is usually given at 12 months of age. If the vaccination booklet is not available, you can access the information through the Québec Vaccination Registry. You have to fill out the form at If the information is in the Registry, it will be given to you.
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If you have not received the MMR vaccine, you should get vaccinated. You can make an appointment at your Centre Local des Services Communautaires (CLSC). Be aware that a vaccine given now will not protect you against this exposure, but will protect you in the future.
What should I do?
Watch your symptoms during the month of February 2017. If you develop symptoms mentioned above, see a doctor and say that you might have been in contact with a case of mumps. It is important to see a doctor in case of symptoms compatible with mumps even if you have been vaccinated since the vaccine does not give 100% protection.
As much as possible, people with symptoms should stay home at least 5 days after the start of the swelling. It would also be prudent to abstain from social events during the same period.
If you are pregnant:
For concerns about your pregnancy, we advise you to discuss them with your doctor or midwife, responsible for your follow-up. However, please note that vaccination against mumps with MMR vaccine is contra-indicated during pregnancy.
For more information, please contact Info-Santé (811).
Thank you for your collaboration.