Sample Wellness Plan
DATE / Draft: August 2014
OUR GOALS / 1.90% participation in Health Risk Assessments with biometric screenings.
2.We hope at least 20% of our employees who smoke, will be able to quit with assistance from our health coaching program.
3.We want our employees to improve their health risk category, but at a minimum “Don’t Get Worse”.
4.Encourage our employees to become more physically active.
5.Educate our employees about the value of nutrition to create an awareness of good nutrition habits.
6.Encourage our employees to make use of all our wellness resources to help them tackle any health concern. This includes using online resources, EAP resources, etc.
7.Encourage our employees to learn stress reduction techniques that relate to their personal life – personal responsibility, financial planning, family dynamics, work-life balance.
SEPTEMBER 2014 / Focus for this Month
  1. Appoint committee members and have first meeting.
  2. Work with managers to schedule Health Risk Assessments and Biometric Screenings.
  3. Add new section of employer Intranet site devoted to wellness and health-it should include all wellness program information as well as various resources for health topics. Include a recipe of month, exercise tip of the month, and personal stories from employees that have positive experience with wellness.
  4. Kick off– announce the key components of the new wellness plan. Include program goals!

Hang wellness posters in various locations
  • Announcement of Wellness program – include program goals!
  • Post HRA and Biometric Screening schedule with instructions how to sign up.

Literature in lunchrooms and/or mailing/handouts
  • Information available on the new wellness section of intranet site.
  • Provide information on the new EAP.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Wellness kick-off or Motivational speaker on the process of making life changes.
OCTOBER 2014 / Focus for this Month
  1. Conduct HRA, biometricsand Flu Shot clinic. Be sure to include an activity satisfaction survey.
  2. Remind individuals again about resources available in Intranet site.
  3. Begin the Physical Activity Challenge.

Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Update the wellness program posters to list the corporate goals – “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Stop Smoking posters.
  • Physical Activity Challenge posters.
  • Kickoff meeting for the Physical Activity Challenge.

Communicate to employees the actual number of people who participated in the HRA/biometric screening event, and if your organization achieved its goal.
NOVEMBER 2014 / Focus for this Month
  1. Review aggregate HRA results. Begindeveloping activitiestargeting the predominant risks.
  2. Personal coaching will begin. Send emails or communication reminding employees about their upcoming coaching sessions.
  3. Review the employee satisfaction survey from the screening day. Record suggestions and discuss future modifications.
  4. Update content on the Intranet, and remind individuals again about resources available in Intranet site.
  5. November is American Diabetes Month. Provide handouts and brochures regarding diabetes, and include a list of classes available at local hospitals and your insurance carrier sponsored programs.
  6. Offer employees a smoking cessation program in conjunction with the Great American Smoke Out.

Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Diabetes awareness information.
  • Stop Smoking posters.
  • Post current team standings for Physical Activity Challenge.
  • Wellness program posters - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.

Activity: American Red Cross CPR and First Aid training class.
Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Invite a nutritionist to offer recipes, nutritional information and practical advice to encourage employees and their families to eat fresh fruits and vegetables.
Provide employees feedback on the aggregate statistics related to the HRAs-focus on the positives (especially if your HRA vendor can compare with national benchmarks)-where did your employees beat national benchmarks. Also let them know the areas where your organization was not as good.
DECEMBER 2014 / Focus for this Month
1.The holidays are stressful. Host a lunch and learn (Finding Balance).
2.Have a “Healthy Holiday” potluck luncheon. Share the recipes.
3.Remind employees of their EAP benefits.
4.Remind individuals about the resources available through Intranet site.
5.Finalize additional activities for next year, based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Post current team standings for Physical Activity Challenge.
  • Post recipes from the Healthy Holiday potluck.
  • Post reminder of EAP benefits.
  • Wellness program posters - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: MFIT: Finding Balance in Our Lives by Managing Stress
JANUARY 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Remind smokers that smoking cessation programs are available if they are attempting to quit for the new year.
2.Announce the winners of the Physical Activity Challenge.
3.Remind employees that they have wellness benefits available through their health insurance, and encourage them to schedule an annual physical.
4.Remind individuals about the resources available through Intranet site.
5.Check with wellness vendor regarding personal coaching progress. Remind employees about their coaching benefits.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Chart or flyer describing the nutritional information for common fast foods.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: MFIT: “Healthier Dining Out” lunch and learn
FEBRUARY 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Heart health – look for promotional ideas from the American Heart Association.
2.Invite a personal trainer or yoga instructor to conduct 30-minute stretching sessions.
3.Valentine’s day – give each employee a miniature chocolate bar with information on the benefits of moderate amounts of dark chocolate.
4.Send an email reminding participants to review their HRA results and contact their personal coach.
5.Additional activity based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • American Heart Association flyers or brochures.
  • Local recreation centers or programs to keep people active during the winter months.
  • Keep up posters reminding employees of smoking cessation programs.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Personal trainer or yoga instructor for 30 minute stretching sessions.
MARCH 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Remind employees about their personal coaching through the wellness vendor.
2.National Poison Prevention Week – Distribute information and checklists regarding poison prevention; include local emergency telephone numbers and health plan nurse lines.
3.Additional activities based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Poison prevention week posters.
  • Benefits of walking.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Invite New Balance Shoe Company to speak to employees about proper fit of athletic shoes.
APRIL 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Provide a guide to local area biking trails-the Metroparks in SE Michigan have beautiful biking and walking trails-provide information and encourage employees to get out and ride now that spring is here.
2.Get ready to launch another physical activity challenge. Make preparations and send out “coming soon…” announcements.
3.Plan for the lunch & learn regarding exercise.
4.Additional activity based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters and emails - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Upcoming Physical Activity Challenge.
  • EAP reminders.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: MFIT: “What Exercise Can Do for Me”
MAY 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Announce the second fitness challenge. Create a baseline data point and show every month how much activity is increasing overall. Make sure team and individual standings are available so people will know where they stand and team members can support and encourage activity.
2.Provide information on local summer programs. School will be out soon, and finding summer day care providers can be stressful for working parents.
3.EAP and health coaching reminders.
4.Additional activity based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Keep up posters reminding employees of smoking cessation programs.
  • Flyers regarding local programs for summer day care.
  • Posters announcing the fitness challenge.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Kickoff event for the second fitness challenge.
JUNE 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.June is the launch of the vacation season. Provide information on common summer first aid needs (sunburn, insect bites, dehydration, etc) Include information for group health plan participants on how to seek medical care when they are traveling.
2.Continue to update employees on the fitness challenge.
3.Remind individuals about following their coaching plan.
4.Additional activity based on highest risk categories from HRA.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Physical Activity Challenge update.
  • Local summer activity information through parks and recreation, etc.
  • Send e-mail reminders or include in a payroll stuffer 5 ways to increase your physical activity – treat exercise like an appoint with yourself, buddy up with a teammate and work out at lunch, take a walk after lunch and dinner, join an exercise class with friends, and so on.
  • Wellness program posters and emails - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Offer Summer Safety Tips at a healthy picnic lunch.
JULY 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.July is one of the hottest months of the year, so focus on the importance of hydration. Provide an information newsletter on the importance of drinking enough water. Also include the symptoms and the risks associated with dehydration.
2.Provide information on fireworks safety, and also local public fireworks displays (instead of dangerous “home displays”).
3.July 17-28 is Therapeutic Massage Awareness Week. Provide information on the therapeutic advantages of massage therapy and other alternative medicines. Bring a massage therapist into the office for 10 minute chair massages.
4.Continue to update employees on the fitness challenge.
5.Sponsor a contest to create a new theme for the 2009 Wellness Program.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters and emails - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Physical Activity Challenge team status charts.
  • List of local fireworks.
  • EAP information.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: massage therapist
AUGUST 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Provide recipes for nutritious school lunches. Include information on the nutritional content of snack foods that are most commonly included in children’s school lunches.
2.School starts soon – use email or payroll stuffers to remind your employees of their health plan’s preventive care benefits. Also, distribute a list of immunization fairs and school sports physicals sponsored by the local health department.
3.Continue to update employees on the fitness challenge.
4.Incorporate message throughout the organization to remind employees to eat their fruits and vegetables.
5.Assess the program – review the activity satisfaction surveys and program components. Consider a needs and interests survey. Appoint any new wellness team members.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Physical Activity Challenge update.
  • Immunization information – include a reminder that even adults need immunizations (tetanus, etc.).
  • Wellness program posters and emails - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: Bring in a chef that can demonstrate several easy, healthy and tasty meals your employees can create using fresh fruits and vegetables from the market.
SEPTEMBER 2015 / Focus for this Month
1.Fitness Challenge ends-announce winning teams and top individual scorers.
2.Announce any new members to the wellness committee.
3.Promote the HRA/biometric screenings that you will conduct in October.
4.Announce the goals for the upcoming year.
Literature in lunchrooms or mailings or handouts, posters, meetings
  • Wellness program posters and emails - “Know Your Numbers” and “Everyone on Board”.
  • Announce the 2009 Wellness theme.

Lunch & Learn / Guest Speaker: If one employee in particular has made life-changing improvements as a result of the program, ask that person if they would be willing to speak to the group at a lunch & learn.
