Lake-Sumter State College Course Syllabus
Course Information:
Course Prefix/Number:ETP 2020
Course Title:American Power Systems
Credit Hours:3
Semester:Fall 2016
Class Days, Location, Time: Online
Course Description:Students in this course will learn the history of the electricutility and the Cooperative, Municipal Public, and InvestorOwned utility business structures, including the evolution ofregulatory agencies and current status of power companyde-regulation. Students will study the importance oforganization and aspect of vertical integration. Studentswill be introduced to the functions of Human Resources andPublic Relations organizations. Students will be introducedto State and Federal power provider regulations including theareas of environmental and wildlife protections; conservationand Green Power trends and will be introduced to otherDepartment of Labor Safety standards. Students willdemonstrate a basic understanding of “inter and intrastate”power sales and agreements, mutual aid agreements,power pooling, purchased power, and leased systems.Students will study and demonstrate an understandingof the importance of pole line management, GPS/GISDistribution facilities management applications, budgeting,and construction cost estimating.
Instructor Information:
Name:Harlow “Abe” Hunt
Office Location:Sumter Campus, Building 5
Phone:Cell 770-845-8667
Office Hours:By Appointment
Vital Communication Information:
For e-mail, please note that all students are required to use Lakehawk Mail for official college e-mail communications. See the college webpage for instructions on activating Lakehawk Mail (
Sending a private message using the MESSAGES tool in Blackboard is always the most secure method of contacting your Instructor.
Please remember that any phone contact with your Instructor should be of a professional nature. Please always leave a clear, concise, but detailed message with your contact and class information.Always follow up a phone call with a written account via BB Message or e-mail.
Prerequisites:Consent of Instructor
Textbook & Other Course Materials:
Understanding Electric Power Systems, Jack Casazza and Frank Delea
Technology Requirements:
Blackboard is a required component of this course. Students unfamiliar with Blackboard are expected to complete the Blackboard Orientation from LSSC’s website ( within the first week of classes.
Major writing assignments need to be created and saved in a file format that is compatible with Microsoft Word. If using a word processing program other than Word, it is the student’s responsibility to adhere to all formatting and submission requirements.Please ask for help if you are unsure how to save a file in a Word-compatible format.
Please see the LSSC Lakehawk Page for information on how to obtain Microsoft Office 365 as an LSSC Student (
Student Learning Outcomes:
The following outcomes will be assessed in this course. An “outcome” is defined as something students take with them beyond this course.
- Discuss basic utility management elements
- Differentiate between co-operative, municipal and private power company models
- Discuss the role of associations such as the Electric Cooperative Associations and the American Public Power Association
- Discuss and navigate state and federal power industry regulatory publications
- Discuss the history of power company development, regulation and legislation
- Discuss deregulation of the electric power provider industry
- Discuss the fundamentals of membership cooperative and municipal budgets
- Discuss the cost of delivered goods and common pricing structures for residential, commercial and industrial service
- Discuss inter and intrastate mutual aid agreements
- Discuss “wheeling”, purchase power and leased system agreements
- Discuss and demonstrate an understanding of pole line management technologies
Course Objectives:
Objectives are defined as what the course will do &/or what the students will do as part of the course.
- To familiarize the participant with the basic business structure of power utilities
- To provide participants with an understanding of the public’s perception of power companies and the nature of the natural monopoly and regulatory constraint.
3. To familiarize the utility worker with the nature and type of codes, standards and regulations under which utilities operate and the responsibility of the worker under those constraints.
Institutional Policies & Procedures:
Academic Integrity:
The successful functioning of the academic community demands honesty, which is the basis of respect for both ideas and persons. In the academic community, there is an ongoing assumption of academic integrity at all levels. There is the expectation that work will be independently thoughtful and responsible as to its sources of information and inspiration. Honesty is an appropriate consideration in other ways as well, including but not limited to the responsible use of library resources, responsible conduct in examinations, and the responsible use of the Internet. (See college catalog for complete statement.
Important Information for Students with Disabilities:
Any student with a documented disability who requires assistance or academic accommodations should contact the Office for Students with Disabilities immediately to discuss eligibility. The Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) is located on the Leesburg Campus, but arrangements can be made to meet with a student on any campus. An appointment can be made by calling 352-365-3589 and specific information about the OSD and potential services can be found at then go to “Quick Links” and click on Disability Services. (
Privacy Policy (FERPA):
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part99) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of a student’s education records. In order for your information to be released, a form must be signed and in your records located in the Admissions/Registrar’s Office.
Zero-Tolerance for Violence Statement:
Lake-Sumter State College has a policy of zero tolerance for violence as stated in College Board Rule 2.17. Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with Board Rule 2.17.
Attendance/Withdrawal Policies:
Institutional Information:
Once the Add/Drop period passes, students deciding to discontinue class attendance and/or online participation have the responsibility for formal withdrawal by the withdrawal deadline.
Withdrawal Deadline:
Instructor Policies:
All tests and quizzes in this course will be taken from the text and in class discussions. Tests, homework, and discussions are required to be completed as assigned. Students needing and extension must contact the instructor in advance.
Grading Information:
Grading Scale: 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, 60-69% D, 59% and below F
Methods of Evaluation:
Each project will be graded electronically using a rubric provided when the assignment is given. Your work will be judged against accepted academic standards for writing and documentation.
Assignment Overview & Grade Breakdown:
Category / Description / Points or %Tests / 4 Examinations / 40%
Homework / 10 Written Assignments / 40%
Discussions / 6 Class Discussions / 20%
Total Points / 100%
Course Calendar:
Week / Begins / Ends / Objectives & Reading Assignments / Items Due1 / 08/22/16 / 08/26/16 / Chapters 1 and 2 / Homework #1
2 / 08/29/16 / 09/02/16 / Chapter 3, Northeast Blackout of 1965 / Homework #2, Discussion #1
3 / 09/05/16 / 09/09/16 / Chapter 4 / Homework #3
4 / 09/12/16 / 09/16/16 / Test #1, Overview Power Plant to Transmission to Distribution / Test #1, Discussion #2
5 / 09/19/16 / 09/23/16 / Chapter 5 / Homework #4
6 / 09/26/16 / 09/29/16 / Chapter 6, View Discussion Videos / Homework #5, Discussion #3
7 / 10/03/16 / 10/07/16 / Chapter 7 / Homework #6
8 / 10/10/16 / 10/14/16 / Chapter 9, Videos HVDC and Underground Transmission / Homework #7, Discussion #4
9 / 10/17/16 / 10/21/16 / Test #2 / Test #2
10 / 10/24/16 / 10/27/16 / Chapter 11, Distribution Slides PPT / Homework #8, Discussion #5
11 / 10/31/16 / 11/04/16 / Chapter 13 / Homework #9
12 / 11/07/16 / 11/11/16 / Test #3, CA Sub Attack / Test #3, Discussion #6
13 / 11/14/16 / 11/18/16 / Chapter 16 / Read Chapter 16
14 / 11/21/16 / 11/25/16 / Chapter 17 / Homework #10
15 / 11/28/16 / 12/02/16 / Chapter 19 / Homework #11
16 / 12/05/16 / 12/09/16 / Final Test #4 / Test #4
Finals / 12/05/16 / 12/09/16 / Final Test #4 / Final Test #4
Syllabus Disclaimer:
Information contained in this syllabus is, to the best knowledge of this instructor, considered correct and complete when distributed to the student. The instructor reserves the right, acting within policies and procedures of Lake-Sumter State College, to make necessary changes in course content or instructional techniques without prior notice or obligation to the student.