Penfield Special Education PTA Program Schedule


**All programs begin at 7 p.m. in the Bay Trail library. Meeting days are Wednesdays

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September 21, 2016

Meet and Greet new PCSD Principals 6:30 start time

Meet our new PCSD elementary building principal’s: Dr. Stephen Kenny at Cobbles and MarcieWare at Indian Landing. Also, find out what Special Education PTA is all about and meet other parents who share many of the same issues and struggles as you do. Come and meet the special education administrative team that will be working with you and your child(ren).

October 19, 2016

Community Programs for Students with Disabilities

Learn about programs and services offered in our community for students with disabilities. Representatives from AutismUp,Spectrum Creative Arts and The Family AutismCenter will speak about theirprogram offerings for this fall/winter. A student does NOT need to have a disability to access these services and programs. We have great resources in our community – Come learn about some of them!

November 16, 2016

Hidden Disabilities: What Parents and Educators Need to Know

Presenter: Ellen Arnold; Educational Consultant

Learning Disability / Reading Disorder / Dyscalcula / CAPD / Dyslexia / Executive Functioning Disorder

All these terms…… What do they really mean?

In this interactive workshop, you will gain a better understanding of each one, how they feel and what you can do to help students who have these challenges. Bring your questions and your thinking caps!

December 3, 2016


January 25, 2017

Effective Communication Skills


Do you come away from educational or staff meetings not saying what you intended? Or feeling as though your viewpoint is misunderstood? Do you listen to what other team members say? How do you respond? Communication is key to effective partnerships. Participants will strengthen their collaborative skills by learning effective communication strategies. Topics include verbal and non-verbal expressions, styles of communication, and team building.

February 15, 2017

Perspective Sharing between Teachers and Parents

Parents….. what is it you want teachers to know, and teachers…. What is it you want parents to know? Understanding perspectives from both points of view can improve collaboration and communication and result in student success.

March 22, 2017

Strategies for Home and School : Anxiety, ASD and Sensory Integration

Marianna McCormack – OT, Patricia Morley – Special Educator, Bill Carter – Bay Trail School Social Worker

Participants will learn strategies that can be used in the classroom or at home for students who have anxiety, students who have difficulty with sensory integration and students who are on the autism spectrum. Hear from our panel of experts on how best to support students with these concerns and learn how a collaborative strategy may be warranted with students with multiple diagnoses.

April 26, 2017

State of Special Education in Penfield

Scott Dreschler; PCSD Director of Special Education, James Peiffer; PCSD Ass’t. Supt. Instruction,

Hear an update of how special education is going in Penfield and learn about new trends that may be on the horizon. Breakout sessions led by building administrators to discuss transition will be offered: CPSE to CSE transition, grade 5 to grade 6 transition and grade 8 to grade 9 transition.

May 24, 2017


June 14, 2017–Election of new officers

All are Encouraged and Welcome to Attend!

Programs are offered for informational purposes only and do not necessarily represent the viewpoint of the PTA or the PCSD.