BULLETIN 6th – 12th November 2017

DUTY MANAGER… Monday, Wednesday & Thursday – Michael Jaffrain, Principal

Tuesday & Friday – Madeline Woolfenden, Vice Principal

Thought for the week …
A prayer for seasons of Remembrance
"God of Consolation, every time we mark an anniversary that recalls a time of war or an act of violence, we struggle to make sense of our world. As time moves on, remind us of the call to remain open-hearted. May our memory not harden into fear and anger, but pulse with compassion and generosity. Give us the collective voice to speak fro healing and forgiveness, and bring us the peace we long for. Amen"
Diversity Fortnight
Interfaith Awareness” Week – in RPE lessons
GCSE Maths Exams
A Level Course Meeting (sometime this week)
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
19:30–21:00 External Hire MPH / THURSDAY 9
Diversity Fortnight
Interfaith Awareness” Week – in RPE lessons
08.30-08.40 Prayer in the Chapel… You are welcome to join us!
09:30-13:00 SLT
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
13:00-14:00 Weekly Middle Managers Meeting (B207)
15:30-16:30 Middle Managers Meeting (B103)
15:30-17:10 New Student Interviews (LHH)
18:00-22:30 Future Quest – The Tobacco Factory Theatres REACT
Event (The Tobacco Factory Theatre)
20:00-21:00 External Hire (MPH)
Diversity Fortnight
Interfaith Awareness” Week – in RPE lessons
10:00 13:00 Future Quest – Bristol Old Vic Theatre Workshop (BOV)
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
15:30-17:10 New Student Interviews (LHH)
19:00-20:30 External Hire MPH / FRIDAY 10
Diversity Fortnight
Interfaith Awareness” Week – in RPE lessons
12:00 Whole College Reflection for Remembrance
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
19:30-22:00 External Hire MPH
Diversity Fortnight
Interfaith Awareness” Week – in RPE lessons
GCSE Maths Exams
08.00-08.45 Mass in the Chapel with Fr. Richard. You are very
welcome to join us!
08:45-09:00 Staff Briefing (Theatre)
10:00-12:00 Thangham Debbonaire MP visiting College
12:10-12:55 Board Games – all welcome (can bring lunch) (C1)
14:30-15:30 Cross College Co-Ordinators Meeting
14:30–16:00 Masterclass: Applying to University - UCAS, Personal
Statements, why you should consider studying at a
Russell Group Uni - Speaker from Bristol Uni (D2/D3)
18:00-20:00 External Hire MPH
15 Nov St Brendan’s Open Evening: 5-8pm
w/c 20 Nov Launch of Charity Christmas Hamper Appeal
Security Messages:
·  All students and staff to display their ID badges on the officially provided lanyard at all times.
·  A valid parking permit must be displayed on ALL staff/sudent vehicles parked on college premises. Parking registration forms are available from reception.
Please see below for a calendar of events for the Future Quest programme. Recruitment for the programme is underway and student names will be sent out in due course, with regular updates on those attending each visit. The final cohort will include up to 50 3Y1 students. Please email Emily Bailey () with any questions or concerns.
Activity / Location / Dates confirmed / Times confirmed
Bristol Old Vic Theatre Workshop - POSTPONED / Bristol Old Vic / Tuesday 7th November 2017 / 10:00-13:00
The Tobacco Factory Theatres REACT Event / The Tobacco Factory Theatre / Thursday 9th November 2017 / 18:00-22:30
Parents Options Evening/Launch / UWE (joint venture with University of Bristol) (joint venture) / Thursday 16th November 2017 / 18:30-19:30
HE Experience Day Pt. 1 / UWE (joint venture with University of Bristol) / Monday 4th December 2017 / 10:00-14:30
Bristol Old Vic Industry Day (rescheduled) / Bristol Old Vic / Friday 12th January 2018 / 10:00-14:30
HE Experience Day Pt. 2 / UWE (joint venture with University of Bristol) / Friday 2nd February 2018 – or Thursday 22nd March 2018 / 10:00-14:30
Birmingham City Uni/HE & Careers Day / Olympia Central/Birmingham City University / Friday 2nd March 2018 / All day
Profiling / St Brendan’s / TBC / 10:00-14:30
Study Skills Day / University of Bristol (joint venture with UWE) / Monday 23rd April 2018 / 10:00-14:30
Underfall Yard + All Aboard / Underfall Yard + All Aboard / Early June – Dates TBC
Career News – Your guide to apprenticeship, employment, volunteering and University opportunities. Brought to you every Wednesday via email and the jump page, so make sure to check regularly for brilliant options.
Our main office is in Café Max – do pop in and say hello! Career Zone Drop In times are: 10:25-10:40 and 12:30-1:30.
If you want a longer appointment, you can book via Moodle: http://moodle.stbrn.ac.uk/course/view.php?id=126&section=1 Booked Careers appointments will take place up in the LRC- usually B211e, but check at the library desk if unsure!
Also look out for new opportunities on the noticeboards outside our office.
Follow us on Twitter at @CareerZoneStbrn
Clare and Shakira, Careerzone Team
“Welcome to Our Chaplaincy!”
Mass in the Chapel Wednesday 8.00-8.45… You are very welcome to join us!
Prayer each morning in the Chapel 8.30-8.40 except Wednesday.
Music Worship Tue p9/10 2.30, & Fri 12.10-2.30 p6/7/8 in the Chapel
Human Rights Groups Mon P9 2.30 C105 (Group 1) and Weds p6 12.10 C103 (Group 2)
CAFOD Group Weds p6, 7, & 8 12.10-2.30 C101
Please contact John our Chaplain, or Ann our Chaplaincy Assistant for Details … or on ext: 2404