1C, Oxford Road, Kowloon. / 東華三院黃笏南中學
Web site: / 2336 9151
2336 3114
(Cir.No. 0405/043E)
18 October 2004
Dear Parents,
Students’ Intellectual Property
In order to make online learning more effective and provide opportunities for students to display their homework and share their learning outcomes, we intend to upload good pieces of work on the school homepage. According to the Intellectual Property Ordinance, students can reserve the rights to keep their work from being uploaded. The following stipulations aim to clarify certain doubts. Details about uploading students’ homework are listed below:
1. / Types of Homework: / Homework assigned by teachers during or after the learning process is completed.2. / Duration: / Assignments being done or completed in the current school year, 2004-2005.
3. / Editing: / To make it more convenient for uploading, assignments may be tailored, deleted, corrected or improved by teachers or staff responsible for uploading work.
4. / Duration for Display: / To be decided by teachers-in-charge
5. / Platform for Display: / On the school intranet and the school homepage
6. / Browsing Rights: / By teachers and students and the public
7. / Students’ Rights: / The Intellectual Property Rights of the assignments are shared by the students concerned and the school.
The above stipulations are endorsed by the school and will be evaluated regularly. With the implementation of the plan, we expect that students can benefit their own studies through referring to and sharing their learning outcomes online.
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Yim Chin Ming
(Cir.No. 0405/043E)
( Please complete the reply slip and return it to the class teacher on or before 21 October 2004. )
Reply Slip
Date: ______
I knowledge your notice informing me about students’ intellectual property rights with regard to uploading assignments on the school homepage. I * agree / do not agree with the arrangements necessary for uploading the assignments.
Parent’s signature :
Student’s name :
Class : ______( )
* Please delete whichever inapplicable.