Keys to Transformation 2015
Seminar Information & Registration Form
Seminar Details:
Atwo-day Prayer Ministry Training Course.
Select one of the preferred dates listed below:
Dates: 30 & 31 October 2015 (FridaySaturday) FULL
4 & 5 December 2015 (FridaySaturday)
Cost: RM 140
Inclusive of workbook, tea & lunch. No refund will be given for cancellation
Time: 8.30 AM – 6.00 PM
Venue: No 2, Jalan PJU 1A/3C, AraDamansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya
Personal Information
Pastor/Mr/Mrs/Ms / Name: / Surname: / Gender: M/F / Age:
State: / Post Code
Tel (Res): / Mobile: / Email:
Church: / Ministry:
Christian for how many years:
Ministry: / Attended church for how many years:
Reasons for attending this course:
Any prescribed medication:
(It would help us to know if you are currently taking, or have a history of taking any medication for depression, anxiety or any mental disorders as under certain circumstances, some may find the small group ministry in this course rather overwhelming)
1. Admission Policy: Applicant has accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as personal Saviour at least one year prior to this application,must be a member of a Christian church, participating in regular worship and preferably in church ministry.
2. It is OBLIGATORY to attend ALL sessions on both days of the Seminar. We do not encourage you to sign up if you are unable to do so.
3. Each training seminar is limited to only 36participants, we do not acceptwalk-in registrations or allow substitution of participants.
4. To register, please download this form, fill in ALL details required, and send completed form (in word document, not picture) to email: .
5. Upon registration, 2 Reference Forms will be sent to youfor completion in support of your application.
6. If accepted, applicants are required to confirm their places by making full paymentto Elijah House Malaysia Bhd. Unconfirmed places may be given to another participant on the wait list.
Should the occasion arise to cancel, reschedule or postpone the seminar due to unforeseen circumstances, every effort will be made to inform registered participants at the earliest possible opportunity.
For more information, please contact:
Siew Ching: Tel: 012 – 2050 290;


Elijah House - Keys To Transformation Seminar

In today’s troubled and confused world, Biblical family values are increasingly undermined, while societal pressures tear down family communication. It is the Elijah House’s mission to help the Church do the “Elijah Task”, Malachi 4:5-6 ‘To restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and smite the land with a curse ’.

KEYS TO TRANSFORMATION is a seminar that is held over two full days and consists of a blend offive 1-hour DVDs and live teaching. The seminar aims to teach Biblical counseling principles and skills to enable:

  • Reconciliation with God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
  • Transformation through the renewing of the mind and breaking down of strongholds.
  • Restoration of marriages and reconciliation of parents to their children and children to their parents
  • Development of healthy relationships with others.


  1. Biblical Basis of Elijah House Ministry

God has written His fundamental laws into the universe from the beginning of time. They are absolute and eternal, and affect our lives as surely as the natural law of gravity affects our daily living. This lesson outlines the role of the Prayer Minister and the four major laws of God that Elijah House Prayer Ministry is based upon. There is a brief explanation how these major laws apply in our lives, and each law is then taught in greater depth duringsubsequent teaching sessions.

  1. Bitter Root Judgments and Expectancies

Bitter root judgments are powerful driving forces behind many recurring patterns of trouble and destruction in our lives. Discover how they work together with God’s unchangeable law of “sowing and reaping”resulting in us reaping in kind what we have sown. Learn also how bitter root expectancies, which operate on the psychological level, rob us of the abundant life Jesus came to give us.

  1. Ministry Tools # 1 – The Simplest Tools

When is it time to ask questions, to listen, and to pray? This lesson offers practical instruction on how to trace fruit to root by integrating the interview process with emphatic listening and prayer.

  1. Inner Vows

Inner vows are promises made to oneself early in life and then these vows or determinations are often forgotten. They act as directives that control our responses to situations and people around us. It is out of our inner vows that a “heart of stone” is formed. This is a powerful lesson, exposing the lie that we can protect ourselves from hurt by withdrawing inside, and hiding behindfalse protective mechanisms.

  1. Foundational Lies

This lesson exposes the kind of messages we havebelievedabout ourselves, others, God, or about life in generalwhich are contrary to God’s Word and truth. This is a type of personal stronghold that have eclipsed our identity in Christ and silenced our ‘song’.