Voting to capture Use Cases that will exercise the BPEL specification.

Use cases will be collected from multiple sources. Use cases can be submitted by any TC member and by any other individual through OASIS public comments list for BPEL4WS. The proposed template will be the mechanism for describing the use case and for tracking its progress by the BPEL4WS TC.

The Use Case Workgroup will develop use cases submitted by Contributors, and present all use cases submitted to the full TC for disposition. Upon receipt a use case will be assigned an identifier by the Use Case Workgroup, and a Sponsor (probably a member of the Use Case Workgroup but may be another member of the TC) who will shepherd the use case through the documentation and retention process.

The function of the workgroup with respect to received use cases is to sufficiently define and document the submitted use case so that the full TC can vote on the utility of the use case as a mechanism to exercise the specification.

The completeness and clarity of a submitted use case will determine the action to be taken. Submitted use cases that are incomplete or unclear to the workgroup will be assigned to a workgroup member who will follow up with the Contributor to obtain completeness and clarity. A consensus of the workgroup will determine completeness, clarity and readiness for forwarding to the full TC.

All received use cases will be submitted to the TC for disposition. The TC will vote to

  1. accept use case
  2. Reject the use case
  3. Hold -- for future consideration

All use cases submitted will be retained. A TC member can reintroduce any unaccepted use case by redefining, documenting and clarifying the use case. The revised use case should be resubmitted; the identifier will indicate revision, and the processing will follow the prescribed procedures.

All use cases will be retained and available to all on the BPEL4WS TC's web page.

Sally St. AmandPage 110/02/2018