Questions for candidates applying for MSF laboratory technicians’ positions
Name: ______
Please be as specific/detailed as possible when answering the questionsbelow. Thank you in advance for this additional information.
Here is a list with essential skills that are often needed in MSF context, to a higher or less extent depending on the focus of the mission. Please describe your experiences in these techniques in detail.
1. Management
Including (non-exhaustive list):
-HR management (evaluations,managing difficult relationships, coaching, recruitment)
-Supply management (ordering, consumption calculation, stock management)
-Equipment maintenance and troubleshooting
2. Quality assurance / quality control
QA/QM systems used
QC methodologies, including Levey-Jennings/Westgard rules, external QC/proficiency testing, any other systems
3. Haematology
Hb determination (colorimetric), WBC count (manual dilution and counting – counting chamber), manual blood differential, automated methods (please list instruments and tests)
4. Transfusion
Donor recruitment, donor screening including infectious disease testing, Blood grouping, cross-match, blood-bank management
5. Tuberculosis – pleasealsocomplete ‘Laboratoryskillsrelated to Tuberculosisdiagnosis’ at the end of thisform
AFB examinations (smearing, ZiehlNeelsen and fluorescent staining and microscopy, culture and drug sensitivity testing (please list method incl LJ, MGIT or any other), GeneXpert, Hain test, any other PCR)
6. Malaria
Microscopic smear examinations (thin film and thick film – Giemsa and or Field staining), species differentiation
RDT;Other methods, incl e.g. PCR
7. Stool Parasitology
List any experience, from rapid tests to microscopy and culture
8. Urine analysis
List any experience, from rapid tests to microscopy and culture
9. Bacteriology : CSF, Pleural... fluid examinations
Wet preparation: cell count
Differential count
Gram stain
Culture and antibiograms/ drug sensitivity testing
10. HIV-1 / AIDS
Diagnosis (rapid tests, ELISA, confirmation tests?)
CD4 determinations
Viral load
Other methologies?
11. Outbreak investigation
Sample packaging and transport, any other experiences
Laboratoryskillsrelated to Tuberculosis diagnosis
Please answer the following questions by selecting Yes or No. Feel free to comment / give additional information,
- Specific questions related to TB microscopy and culture
Ziehl-Nielsen MicroscopyOther techniques for Mycobacteria microscopy:
-Bleach Concentration
-Auramine fluorescence
Quality Control / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Mycobacterium culture
-Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ)
-Other (TLA, MODS...)
-The “associated” techniques: Mcfarland densitometry, Blood Agar plates, etc / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Species confirmation:
-Niacin, Utrease, Nitrate Reductace, etc
-Chord formation (microscope)
-Dipsticks (Capillia)
-Other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Drug Sensitivity Test:
-LJ proportion method
-LJ concentration method
-Other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Basic Rules
Lab setting
other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Management of STI’s using a syndromic approach / Yes / No
PMTCT if going to an HIV project / Yes / No
- Other lab tests
PCR based tests
Other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
ELISA / Yes / No
Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) / Yes / No
Other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
other / Yes / No
Yes / No
Yes / No
Any addition or comments welcome: