Crew workout – Monday, Feb 17, Wednesday, Feb 19, Friday, Feb 21

6:00 to 6:05all teams do stretches – Achilles, floor touch, butt stretch, quads

Teams 1, 2 & 3 / Teams 4, 5 & 6
6:05 to 6:25 / erg piece / M: weights, W: weight circuit, F: body circuit
6:25 to 6:45 / M: weights, W: weight circuit, F: body circuit / erg piece
6:45 to 7:00 / all teams together do 7.5 mins of abs – 60 sec on, 15 sec off: crunches, 6” off floor, “twisters”, scissors,
follow with your favorite stretches

Body circuit – 2 cycles – no rest betweenWeight Circuit Mon – Use dumbbells

60 sec on, 15 sec off / Ladies: 20-25# total & guys: 40-50#
pushups / 12 reps each, no rest in between
right leg step-up / Upright row
left leg step-up
crunches / Dead lift (squat to knuckles on ground,
lift hands to shoulder level)
jumpies / Bent over Row
scullers / Beldens
jumping jacks / Military press

Weight Machine/Free Weights – Wed Stairs - For 5 minutes, run up stadium stairs

Use a weight that permits3 sets2 stairs at a time

of 8 to 12 repetitions
Increase or decrease the weight, asneeded to accomplish this
Move directly from one exercise to the next / hands clasped behind back
run down slowly
Sprint to next set of stairs
Record the number of flights of stairs you run during the 5 minute workout
Bench Pull or Bent Over Row
Squats or Leg Press
Lat Pull or Tricep Curl
Bench Press
Record the weight you used for each exercise

Mon Erg piece- Scramble Relay

1. divide into teams of 43 teams on the ergs 3 teams on weight machines

2. teams at the ergs: person #1 on front erg, person #2 on back erg, persons #3 & 4 off erg

relay leg #1: #1 & #2: 2 min full power at any stroke rate – at 2 min #3 replace #1 & #4 replace # 2

relay leg #2: #3 & #4: 2 min full power at any stroke rate – at 4 min #1 replace #4 & #2 replace # 3

relay leg #2: #3 & #4: 2 min full power at any stroke rate – at 4 min #1 replace #4 & #2 replace # 3

relay leg #2: #3 & #4: 2 min full power at any stroke rate – at 4 min #1 replace #4 & #2 replace # 3

Wed Erg piece - 2 minute warm up,

7 min full pressure pyramid:

1 min @ 22, 2 min @ 24, 1 min @ 26, 2 min @ 24, 1 min @ 22

1 min paddle

repeat 7 min pyramid

Fri Erg piece - 1 minute warm up

3 times “4 on, 1 off”: 4 min @ 24, 1 minute paddle – repeat 3 times

2 minutes cool down

Dr T