|| Shree Swaminarayano Vijaytetram ||


Shreeji Maharaj has written in Shikshapatri Shlok 79, “My devotees shall observe fast on Ekadashi (eleventh of day of each fortnight of every month), Janmashtami and other birth anniversaries like Shivratri, and shall celebrate them with great reverence.” He continues into Shikshapatri Shlok 80, “Efforts shall be made to abstain from sleep on Ekadashi as sleeping nullifies the fast as does sexual indulgence.”

Satanand Swami describes in the Satsangi Jeevan, Prakaran 3 Adhyay 32; the creation of Ekadashi. In Satyug, demon Mur-Danav, the son of Nadi-Jangh, underwent severe penance and received a boon from Brahma that he could not be killed by any Dev. Knowing this, he soon defeated all the Devs including Indra and took control of Indralok. Indra went to seek guidance from Brahma. Unable to help, Indra & Brahma along with the other Devs went to seek guidance from Lord Narayan. Upon hearing the cries of Indra and the other Devs, Lord Narayan went to Chandravati-Puri where Mur-Danav was residing. Upon seeing Lord Narayan, Mur-Danav declared war. Unable to withstand Mur-Danav’s powerful weapons, the Devs started running. Lord Narayan defeated the demons and fought Mur-Danav for a thousand years but was unable to defeat him. Thereafter, Lord Narayan ran from Chandravati to a cave called Sinhavati, in Badrikashram, and took rest.

Lord Narayan fell asleep with His ten indriyas (senses) and the mind drawn inwards. At that time Mur-Danav came to battle Lord Narayan. Lord Narayan became angry at him, and a young beautiful damsel was created from the divine light of Lord Narayan’s indriyas. Seeing this damsel, Mur-Danav proposed to her, “Please marry me.” The young woman replied, “I have taken a vow that that I will only marry the person who defeats me in a battle.” This resulted in a battle between Mur-Danav and the damsel, in which the damsel cut off Mur-Danav’s head with a sword.

Lord Narayan asked her, “Who are you?” The damsel replied, “I evolved from the divine light of your eleven indriyas; thus my name is Ekadashi. I am a tyagi, your strength and the well-wisher of human kind.” Pleased with her, Lord Narayan said, “Ask me for a boon.” Ekadashi requested, “On the day of my vrat, no one should indulge in any of the vishays related to the eleven indriyas, which includes the mind. Those who observe this vrat should become free of their sins and attain happiness. Moreover, this vrat should be forever present in the 4 yugs, present in every month and occur 24 times in the year.” Hearing Ekadashi’s wish, Lord Narayan granted her that boon. Ekadashi disappeared and now dwells in Lord Narayan’s eye.

These 24 Ekadashi’s occur on the 11th day of every Hindu month (1 in Sud and 1 in Vad period). These are:
Prabodhini, Utpatti, Mokshada, Saffala, Putrada, Shattila, Jaya, Vijya, Amalaki, Papmochini, Kamda, Varuthini, Mohini, Apra, Nirjala, Yogini, Devshayni, Kamika Pavitra, Ajja, Parivaratani, Indira, Pashankusha, Rama Ekadashi.
There are 5 more auspicious vrats that are to be observed on jayanti’s (birthdays) of avatars: Krishna Janamashtami, Ramnavmi (Swaminarayan Jayanti), Shivratri, Narsinh Jayanti & Vaman Jayanti.
Females observe the additional vrat of Rushi Panchmi.

Shreeji Maharaj explains in Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 8th Vachanamrut, “All should observe the Ekadashi vrat. On that day one should not allow impure thoughts and inner enemies such as lust, anger and greed to arise in the mind; nor should he physically engage in immoral activities. One should not merely fast but also abandon the respective desires of each eleven indriyas, and have them only attached to God. The ten indriyas consist of: five gnan-indriyas (sense organs) i.e. eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue and five karma-indriyas (motor organs) i.e. hands, feet, mouth, reproductive organs and excretory organs; with the mind often taken to be the eleventh indriya. Only then, it is considered as having kept a true Ekadashi vrat. However, allowing the eleven indriyas to roam freely and indulge in materialistic desires is not truly observing Ekadashi. In return, God is very pleased with you.”

Satanand Swami explains Shlok 79 in the Shikshapatri Bhasya. Those who are above eight and below eight years of age are required to perform fast on Ekadashi days. Repeated consumption of water, mouth freshner, day sleep and the company of women destroys the Ekadashi Vrat. A single look, a slightest touch or a single utterance with a woman destroys the vrat. Those who are physically weak for performing a fast, may take fruits in small amounts. They may consume roots, fruits, milk and water during the fast. Only one meal should be consumed the day before the day of the fast and the day after the day of the fast.

Levels of Merit in Ekadashi

There are 5 stages of merit in Ekadashi, starting with the most at the top:

1.  No Food or Water (Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat) (including one meal (ektanu) on the previous (dasam) and following day (baras) of Ekadashi)

2.  One glass of water in a day

3.  One glass of milk in a day

4.  One portion of fruit

5.  Farrari Foods - Items which can be eaten Ekadashi under farrari foods include: Potatoes, Sweet Potato, Cassava (mogo), Turnip and Yams, Milk Yogurt, Fruits, Nuts, some vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes) and special grain such as semolina and rajagri. All other foods, such as beans, grains, pulses, corn cannot be consumed on Ekadashi.


Shikshapatri Shlok 79
Shikshapatri Shlok 80
Satsangi Jeevan - Prakaran 3 – Adhyay 32
Ekadashi Mahatmya Katha – Ekadashi Utpati Katha
Vachanamrut – Gadhada Madhya Prakaran 8
Vachanamrut – Gadhada Pratham Prakaran 38
Shikshapatri Bhasya Shlok 79

|| Shree Swaminarayano Vijaytetram ||