CME 450 | Fall 2009
Analog Communication Systems
STR 10-11am, Share3a 303
General Information
InstructorDr. Haythem Bany Salameh, Assistant Prof.
Office HoursTBA (If office hours conflict with all of your classes, email me to set up an appointment).
Class MaterialThere is no required textbook for this class. The material will be based on lecture notes and handouts, which will either be provided in class or made available for download through class website.
Reference S. Haykin & M. Moher, Communication Systems, 5th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
Grading 15% Quizzes, HWs, and Class Participation
15% Midterm-I
20% Midterm-II
50% Final Project and Exam
Homeworks will be assigned regularly. It will be due at the beginning of class on the specified due date. Only a subset of the problems will be graded. Some assignments will involve computer simulations. I strongly recommend that you use C or Matlab for your programming needs.
The projects will be carried out in small groups (2 to 3 students). We will work on one or more design projects during the semester in order to gain a better understanding of communication systems. Projects may include reading current literature and designing/simulating systems in MATLAB and Simulink. More details about the projects will be provided as the semester progresses. Project progress has to be reported continuously over the course of the semester; final presentations have to be given.
Tentative Course Outline
Introduction to Generic Communication Systems
Review of Signals & Linear Systems
Linear (or Amplitude) Modulation/Demodulation:
- DSB, AM, SSB, receivers, bandwidth
Angle Modulation
FM, PM, receivers, bandwidth
Superheterodyne receiver
Pulse Modulation
PCM, DM, DM, Differential PCM, Adaptive, Differential PCM
General Course Policies
Academic Integrity: The University's Code of Academic Integrity states that students shall not \represent the work of others as their own." This policy will be applied to all work submitted for a grade: exams, quizzes, homework, computer work, and writing assignments. Any student submitting homework solutions or computer project reports with part(s) copied from solutions provided by any instructor(s) in previous semesters, or from the text solutions manual, or from students who took the course in previous semesters, will automatically receive zero credit for ALL homework/computer work for the entire semester. In other words, all work must be original. The minimum penalty for cheating on exams, HWs, and quizzes is a 35 grade. You are free to use reference books to help you with assignments, but make sure that you cite any used reference.
Attendance Policy: The College Policy on attendance will apply to this course. Daily attendance records will be maintained by the instructor.
Assignments/final project must be neat, stapled and turned in on time - late assignments will not be accepted (except for extenuating circumstances or prior permission)
No make-up exams. If you miss an exam (due to legitimate, unavoidable circumstances, which must be supported by written documentation), the comprehensive final exam will be considered, as a substitute of your missed exam and your final exam.
All work must be completed during the semester (i.e., no incompletes will be given).
Good luck!!!