Please identify areas in which you are an intermediate or advanced topic presenter.

A.ExpertNAME: ______


DATE: ______

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Accreditation Issues/Successes

___ The Joint Commission/Hospitals

___The Joint Commission/Others

___ NCQA

___ HCFA

___ Baldrige/Healthcare

___ CARF

___ COLA

___ ISO 9000

___ Six Sigma

___ Lean

___ Evidence-based standards

___ Client rights/responsibilities


___ Organizational change

___ Provide practice issues

___ Ethics

___ Manager preparation

___ Single level of care

___ Credentialing

___ Efficiency and effectiveness

___ Quality of care

___ Governance, planning, policy

___ Human resources

___ Financing

___ Behavioral Healthcare Quality


___ Fraud and abuse

___ Fraud investigations

___ Linkage with QI

___ HCFA guidelines/monitoring

___ Legislation



___ Privacy

___ Government Affairs/ Policymaking

Continuum (Practice Settings)

___ Urban settings

___ Home health care

___ Rural settings

___ Hospice care

___ Acute care

___ Occupational/school health

___ Rehabilitation

___ Sub acute care

___ Long term care

___ Ambulatory care

___ Physician's office

___ Academic hospital

___ Emergency care

___ Integrated health system

___ Healthier communities

___ Alternative/complementary care

Education/Learning/Knowledge Management

___ Distance learning

___ Effect of the Internet

___ Right to know

___ Best practice management

___ Lessons learned

___ Telemedicine

___Global/International Issues

Healthcare Quality Research

___ Research study design

___ Data collection

___ Quantitative analysis

___ Qualitative analysis

___ Consumer satisfaction

___ Population-based studies

Information Systems/Management

___ Computerization

___ Impact of the Internet

___ Software/hardware configurations

___ Electronic Medical Records

___ Computerized physician order entry

Managed Care

___ HMOs

___ PHOs

___ Reimbursement models

___ Medicare/Medicaid

___ Compensation/Capitation

___ Negotiation/Contracts

___ Legal Issues

___ Quality Improvement


Medical/UM/CM/Demand Management

___ Disease management

___ Evidence-based practice

___ Review process

___ Review criteria

___ Physician advisor

___ Budget process

___ PROs

___ Third party payers

___ Discharge planning

___ Worker's compensation/

Disability management

___ CaseCare management

___ Pathways/Guidelines

___ Variance analysis

___ Implementation

Patient and Staff Safety

___ Error classification

___ Risk management

___ Medication errors

___ Sentinel events

___ Near misses

___ RM/QI interface

___ Claims management

___ Legal/regulatory standards

___ Return on Investment (ROI)

___ Pharmaceuticals

Quality/Performance Improvement

___ General

___ Process/Outcome measures

___ Medical Staff

___ Nursing

___ Prioritization

___ Teams

___ Infection control

___ Accelerated PI/Rapid cycle change

___ Facility redesign

___ Non-healthcare innovations


___ Pay for performance

___ Transparency

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Please list any other areas of expertise and interest:

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Last Updated: 5/19/09 12:15 PM

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